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So this is the other thing I've been trying to make to work for hours today!
The image above shows the original lights that appear when night falls in.

The stupid thing is though, I've changed multiple different things for hours and there wasn't anything changing! Very frustrating I can tell you. Before I started I already thought that I've found the right place to change this light the other day. So I started changing a lot of different lines in the file to find out in the end that it wasn't the right line 😅

Then I thought I did found the right image that needed to be changed, but changing the image itself in the right way was already quite challenging. In the end I did get it the way it should look to find out AGAIN, that it wasn't the right image in this case.

The third time though I finally found the image that needed to be changed, and the struggling I had when trying to change the former image, helped me to get it right in a much shorter time now.

So I DO know now how to change the lights, but I still need to figure out what colors I will use for them exactly. Probably the mossy ones will get a greenish light, the bloody ones a red light and the fresh ones a blue light, but the exact shades are still unknown.
It could also be that a green color on the first mossy swatch, looks kind of ugly on the last mossy swatch, so I might make separate shades for each swatch too.

Whenever I have new examples, I will be sharing them, but I can't finish it this week already as I don't have much time the rest of the week. 😓 

Animated Frogs Fix
About the Animated frogs that I talked about in one of my former posts, I probably also fixed the View-Interaction. So an updated version of the frogs which can now be placed on small slots too and with a fixed view interaction will probably be shared and promoted this friday for everyone. Tomorrow I will upload the fixed version here on Patreon, so you can all download it already.





Ahh, you're so neat! Thank you for this. The colors are such beautiful hues.


I'm looking forward to these, as well! <3


These on the image are already in game if you have the Get Famous Pack, or do you mean the new night colors? :P