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Hello everybody,

Despite the fact that I haven't been uploading any new mods or videos lately due to the moving, my social networks still keep becoming bigger and bigger.

I just saw that I've reached the 4000 subscribers on YouTube. Back in november last year I reached 3500, so that's a lot of new people with not even that much new mods and videos.

I hope the new pond mod can be released soon though, but I've made a new discovery possibly, to make it a bit better.. 🤔 More about that later this week.

P.S. Dutch Language lesson 1: Abonnees = Subscribers  😜 




Time for a new milestone! Congratulations.


Thanks K! A new one is already on it's way for one of my other Sims Social Networks :p


Bravo, Bakie! I'm so happy for you :D :D :D