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Hello everyone, 

As you can see, I tried to make my own Custom Denizen Pond in today's sneak peek.
Mine even has a waterfall too, made by using my Animated Wall Light Waterfall in combination with some rock furniture and some of my own rock packs.

Of course it also contains this week's mod, the Sprites!

I really feel that I'm in an urgent need of a break though as I spend a couple of hours in game today trying to make some scenes using the sprites.  But nothing seems to work out the way I want it to. I just can't build anything acceptable. I'm not even certain if this custom pond is good enough to use in my video. And besides that, the voice over I'm trying to write sounds like garbage too.  (Even this post took me like half an hour which is totally crazy)

Tomorrow a very busy day again with non-Sims related things, so that's why I tried to do as much as possible today, but it seems I'm on low-battery in my brains.
Hope to be back with better news later this week!




Don't beat yourself up for having other important things in life to give attention to. We all wish you a great holidays and look forward to your modding aftr your real life stuff is complete. :)


Thanks K! I had a good talk about this with my girlfriend last night as I was totally stressed out. the thing is, I have an urge each week to deliver good mods and videos, but the only one really expecting me to do so, is me. I'm going to handle things a bit different next year I guess, so there's more time for both the mods and videos, but also for myself to do other things. ;) I REALLY appreciate all nice words you and my other Patreons say to me as that also lets me know that you all don't mind that I need a break sometimes. I'm just to hard for myself most of the time I guess. ;)


I absolutely agree with the above comments - Creativity sometimes needs rejuvenation, Bakie - and, while I know it will be difficult for you to do, quit pressuring yourself! We will all be here when you are refreshed. I know I am taking some much needed downtime for several days. It really is okay <3