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Hello everyone!

New week, so a new mod!
For this week something I already talked about some weeks ago when Get Famous wasn't out yet. It's about the sharks that come with the new pond object in game. :)

For this week I will be making a new Animated-Placeable Fish - Shark mod!
There are a few different effects that I will be using for different color swatches.
More info of what each swatch will do, will be shared later as I'm not sure yet what exactly are going to be the options.

Another thing, right now it seems that the code for enlarging effects in the game has changed, which also makes my enlarged spiderweb + large Spider, which I made 1 year ago for halloween, to not work anymore. I hope Andrew from S4S can get it to work again, as that would make it possible to make some sort of great whites as the sharks right now from the pond are quite small. it's more some sort of baby great white now  😅 Maybe a mod for later. :)

Anyway, more info/sneak peeks later this week!



Yay - more fish! Did you send Andrew a message about the code for enlarging effects? (just curious) :D


I did, but he's very busy. I also mentioned it in the bug/error thread on the forum yesterday. It's not a bug in Studio, but it's definitely something they need to take a look at, so I can fix my Spider mod and use it to make new mods. :)