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In this screenshot you can not only see how it will look with the hospital helipad on the roof of the hospital, but also another version of the helicopter that can spawn on all helipads.

In this case I think it's also a more suitable one to land on a hospital, but as I already mentioned, you can't decide which one is going to land.

Something that isn't the way it should be is the size of the helipad, which is larger then it normally is. What happened here is that I enlarged the mesh in Studio as the original one was too small. (Always enlarged it in game 1x)
Now after enlarging the mesh itself and re-opening this lot where I already enlarged the mod in game, it gets enlarged another time! Sounds confusing maybe...

Anyway, the default size of the the helipads will be as on my former screenshot.
You can always use the in-game enlarge feature to get it like the above screenshot.




I am really liking how this is going - and, thank you for capturing a second helicopter type. I wonder if it is possible to id the 3 helicopter types and somehow tie them in with a building type or somehow connect the options for them to the helipads... (I have zero idea if this is possible, but if each helicopter has a separate id, then maybe?) :D


The helicopters are all inside of one effect, one line of code. As we can't edit effects made by EA at the moment, I'm also unable to split the 3 helicopters unfortunately. Otherwise it would indeed be better if I could attach the red-white hospital helicopter to the hospital helipads. ;)