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Hi all,

No new posts yesterday as I had some starting-up problems after my vacation.. 😁 

But I'm modding now and will post at least one first sneak peek today of my first tests of using it to build a cave above the waterfall which I showed last week. I think there are some great possibilities of using these new rocks to create some cool looking caves not only above terrain but also above your swimming pool or fountain for example.

If you've ever visited the hidden lot Forgotten Grotto, you know that a pool within a cave can look really cool. Especially as I also already made my Animated Water Shimmering a long time ago which can be placed onto the water surface to give it a more special feeling just as in there.

To make the ceilings, I'm re-using my Cliff Walls and simply rotate and lower them. Using these same rocks, they will perfectly match the walls when making a cave.

I'm very curious what you think about my first sneak peek later today. :) 


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