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Hi all,

As I felt a bit sick yesterday, I didn't do anything to this week's mods and there fore also couldn't make any updates.

But today I'm modding again, despite the fact that I still don't feel that good..

In the sneak peeks I'm going to share today, you will see all new rocks, all recolors (which are quite the same as the former ones) and an example scene in which I tried to use another recolor then the Jungle recolor I use most of the time. :)

So in this first one, 4 new rocks which are all made out of 1 rock.
First of all I made the default rock 25% smaller as it was HUGE in game, it's the right one of the large rocks.
The left one is the same one, but 180 degrees rotated.
The smaller ones in front of them are the "Raisable" versions.

Unfortunately because I already changed the mesh by shrinking it in the first place, all rocks won't have any shadows. But just as with the former rocks which hadn't shadows either, it isn't that big of a problem as it won't make your scenes darker either.



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