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In this second sneak peek, you can see the same rock as you saw on the first, but now 180 degrees vertically rotated. So now you're actually looking at the bottom of the rock.

As I changed the mesh also with just rotating it, the shadow is missing again for both rocks now.

The recolor is also new, although normally it will have a special bump map of it's own too. The bump map on objects takes care of making objects to have some sort of depth when their actually isn't any differents in height.
As one object can only have one bump map, the roots on the rock for this recolor look a bit more flat then they used to look.
If I would swap the bump map from the roots recolor with the one it has now, the other recolors will have transparent looking roots on them too, so that isn't really an option.

The third recolor which I haven't showed now, but is also part of the standard recolors of this rock, is that of the mossy look.
In my next sneak peek image I will show you all 10 recolors with the matching base game rock recolors right next it.



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