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As you can see, after releasing the next mod pack, you will also be able to use the mossy textures that came from the Selvadorada world onto the base game rocks too! (and of course also the other 2 extra recolors)

As for the release date/time I'm not really sure if I can finish it at the same time I normally release my mods. I still need to make the thumbnail, edit the video, make texts and upload the mod itself and tomorrow I don't have time at all to work on this week's mods. 

So I will just see how far I will get the upcoming 2 hours or so and then friday at noon is the next time I can work on everything again..

I still hope I will be ready in time, but can't promise anything. I just don't have the amount of spare time this week that I normally have.
But I'm sure you will wait patiently on the release if needed. ;) 




*waits impatiently ( :D )


It's cool i work with no cc for a share build but i will a version cc with your rocks because it's will be more beautiful!