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Already mentioned in a post from last week, this week I will be focusing on fixing multiple invisible objects that will become visible during snow storms if you have the Seasons expansion pack.

In the image above you can see an example of that. Like almost all objects, my invisible objects and in this case the fences, will also get a snow layer after there have been some snow falling.
Although the object itself is invisible, the snow layer will still be visible.

This counts unfortunately for every invisible object I've ever made.
There're also some objects, like the water reeds that can also be seen in the example, that don't get a snow layer. My Amanita Muscarias also have that same problem. I would like to fix those too, by I have no idea yet how..

Although for the water reeds, you can also change their color to yellow for example and that my mushrooms don't recieve any snow isn't that big of a problem either.

Only counting the invisible objects, I will have to fix 20 mods.
Maybe 2 more as the breadcrumbs floor decals become less visible due to the added snow layer and I don't like that..

So much work has to be done! Of course I will keep you updated about the process. :)




Hugs for all your time, effort, and willingness to update everything <3