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Ok, there's a new plan and I'm quite sure that no-one has made something like this before. or at least not exact my idea..  ๐Ÿ˜‹ 

The mushroom you see on the screenshot above is one of the objects that can be found in Sixam. For the people not knowing: Sixam is a secret Alien World which came with the Get to Work expansion pack.
To enter it, you need to build a wormhole which can be done by reaching level 10 of Rocket Science.

Now unlocking these objects is already be done by multiple people, so what I'm going to do is make a recolor of it, so it will look like an Amanita Muscaria. Also known as the Fly Agaric.
Instead of using the animated dynamic light, I will make it so it will begin to emit light at 9PM and will stop at 5AM in the morning. I will probably also make more un-natural recolors of it too, so you won't get just 1 new mushroom.

If I have my first recolor(s), I will share them with you all!



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