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A start of a new week, a start of a new mod! Or actually an old one, as I started this mod a couple of months ago. It's even already finished sort of. But that was BEFORE the Cats & Dogs expansion pack.

For this week I will be working on a new kind of fish aquarium.
And with a new kind, I don't mean a new mesh as I still can't mesh. :P

No, this will be a Koi Fish aquarium! So more of a deco thingy where you can't get fish out or in by interacting with it. It will already have a certain number of koi fishes swimming inside of it.

The interactions you still can do though, are the light interactions, so choosing if you want it to be on or off and if on, in which colors you want it to shine. I also keep the view interaction, which is also the reason I have to re-work it as it can't be viewed by cats and dogs right now.

Another thing I will add is more recolors. More Asian looking too as a koi fish aquarium is something you could see in a asian restaurant...I think.. ;)

A WIP screenshot will be added later this week and a video maybe too for the highest tier supporters.


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