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I've been hard at work on Chapter 3 and I'd say I'm done with about 50%, maybe a bit more, of the script. I'm exploring some more character interactions, some that began in previous chapters and a few that had to wait for their moment. 

I'm finding that writing for ORS is much harder than for GGGB. While GGGB was pretty straightforward and the focus was always on Ashley and her desires, this time every character has a defined backstory and personality and they interact between themselves too, not just with the playable characters. I'm really happy with the nuance, depth and attention to detail I'm putting into this, and I'm already very engaged with these characters, but writing them requires a level of thought and work that was not present in GGGB.

GGGB had it's moments like that, and those were one of the moments I enjoyed writing the most: a few that immediately come to mind are the scene where Jess tells Ash about her feelings for Dave, or when we discover Jack's past, or when Eric tells about his adventure in Somalia. I feel every character interaction in ORS is like that so far, and it's great, but taxing to write! I don't want to rush things, since quality takes time, and you've seen I'm not too willing to cut corners (the extra effort I'm putting in the mechanics and visuals of the narrative mini-games like drawing, writing songs and Ian's book, the fights, pool, etc).

My plan is to release Chapter 3 at the end of the month as I always do, but maybe I will be just a bit late. In any case, I feel there will be some scenes you'll love in this one, as well as some more teasing for plot-lines that are slowly developing and will get their pay-off in due time. 

Stay tuned!



Kurt Wagner

Ofc we want it as soon as possible 😂 but we can wait! ORS is quality and quality is worth waiting for


the thing is I've read chapter one of ORS but I kinda got spoiled and only discovered GGGB at the final version so I don't know if I can hold off long enough to wait for the final version of this game as well xD