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James and I are recording another episode of Waffle tomorrow (Wednesday), the podcast in which we discuss anything except Arsenal.

We need your waffle splats, which is what we call the questions or topics you'd like us to discuss. It can be about literally anything, once it's not about Arsenal.

We'll pick three or four topics each, and see where the conversation takes us. We'll also each prepare one question of our own to ask the other.

Leave your splats in the comments below, and we'll have that podcast for you late tomorrow afternoon.




To both yourself and James...where is top of the list of potential holidays once everything settles down and why?


What is, in your opinion, the perfect pizza? As far as toppings and style of crust (hand tossed, deep dish, etc)?


What is the one bad habit you have that you can't/won't get rid off, no matter what?


Pineapple on pizza or not? It's a big no from me


To both of you gents, would you spend 3 weeks touring Europe or 3 hours on the moon?


Have you or anyone you know gotten the jab yet?


How do you have your waffles?


Are there any songs or artists from your youth that you've rediscovered over the last year?


Books! I've gotten a couple decent novel reccos from you (The French Exit jumps out as one in particular). I'd love to hear what you and James are reading during lockdown.


If you had to pick two premier league footballers to go on weekend away with who would it be?


Talk a bit about your dogs! How are they? What mischief is happening? How are the dogs going to transition out of the pandemic. 🐕🐾


How do you come up with comedy bits in the end of episodes? This is gataway to the pod for my wife. playing the long game.


Hi gents. You've both, maybe particularly Andrew, built careers in a professional space that's appeared and grown along with you - assuming you never set out at the start to do what you do, what sacrifices did you find you had to make to do (and keep doing) what you do?


How about the old “dinner with 3 people from history” question (alive or departed). I’d love to hear your answers. Cheers gents!


If you could live in any imaginary world be it film, TV or videogame, what would it be and why?


You are armed with a club: would you rather fight 5 50-year-olds or 50 5-year-olds


What was the last video game (that is not FIFA) you completely lost yourself in?


Where is the first place you would like to go on holiday when the world is finally “back to normal”?


Which one of the two of you, would last the longest on Love Island?


What mundane super power would you want? For example, no flying, super strength, etc. Mine would be the ability to snap my fingers and immediately feel clean like I just got out of the shower.


Kit Kat chunky, regular Kit Kat or, Kit Kat orange?

Christopher Leggett

When did you first realise you were getting "old"? Was it that police driver that looked like a kid, having no idea who anyone on a celebrity show was etc., realising kids don't realise how easy they have it now (although I am not sure this one still stands!), when you realised you don't know who the Christmas No.1 was last year or if you did who the hell the band were?


It’s 2019. You’re eating Ham flavoured Ruffles on a sofa watching Arteta’s first pre-match press conference as Arsenal Manager. What I want to know is. a) How do you feel about Ham flavoured Ruffles after a year in lockdown? b) how you feel now about Arteta compared to when you first heard he would become manager?


If you could both work remotely for the rest of your lives in only two places, one for 6mths each year over the autumn/winter & the other 6mths each year over spring/summer, but they are the only places you may ever reside or visit again (confined to the town/city limits) which two places are you putting down roots?


What is your best non-work/academic achievement?


What is your favorite smell? Be as specific as possible.


What made you decide to get the breeds of dogs you have, and have had over the years? Any regrets? Are there other breeds you’d like to get, but can’t for whatever reason?


Had any weird dreams lately? Last week, I dreamt that I was Arseblog. Not that I created it but like a Being John Malkovich situation. I... uh... he... you? WE left some type of Arsenal supporters party very drunk and started driving down a dark, narrow road. We immediately knew we shouldn't be doing that, but it was impossible to pull over without going off a cliff. There was eventually a clearing to pull over. We placed some bright red Arsenal gear atop the car with a flashlight underneath to light it like some kind of emergency beacon. Two gooners from the party soon passed by and happily agreed to drive us back home. All was well! Until they suggested moving the car just a tiiiiiiiny bit further out of the road. We inched the car forward as slowly as possible and somehow fell into a deep pit, leaving the car vertical and ruined. We felt sad and angry and embarrassed. The guys drove us home.


Hopefully not too Arsenal related a question but do you feel that as you age, you (or the media in general) are watching sport and judging the result of games based on your perception of where teams should be rather than where they actually are? I ask because friends often hold lots of perceptions about who teams should beat based on where they were when we were younger rather than where they are now.


What’s a good habit you’ve picked up because of, or despite, lockdown?


James, how are you getting on with your French Bulldog puppy? I have a 5 month old English Bulldog and he is such a character!


What other sports do you find the most and least interesting?


What is your favourite possession that cost you less than £20? (Something more interesting than a microphone)


Blogs, how do you do your cacio e pepe so the cheese doesn't coagulate around the pepper?


I'd like to move across the pond. Will you adopt me?


There are a fair number of waffle types out there. My top 3 ranking goes (1) Belgian, (2) Krumkake, and (3) Liège. What do you think is the best type of waffle?


Best food/drink in your country and the most overrated food/drink?


If you could click your fingers and see a random 30 minute glimpse of your life (and the state of the world) 5 years in the future, would you do it?


What are your thoughts on imitation meat products, generally?


During the pandemic, I have taken to watching British crime shows on Netflix and Amazon: why do Brits call cops the old Bill?


If all animals were the same size. What one would one would win in a fight?


Would you two do a body swap for a year (think Freaky Friday) for £500,000 at the end of it? But in order to win the money, you have to make sure no one is suspicious about it and figures out swap


What are English-Irish relations like on the whole these days? You two clearly enjoy working with each other, but as an American I always assumed there was some general chilliness.


Were either of you scarred from a film as a child? I was absolutely terrified of the Grinch


Not Arsenal related but Football related: Do you think Gareth Southgate is sharp enough and is good enough to take advantage of the talent coming into the national squad such as, Foden, Mount, Saka etc?


Do you have vocal 'ticks' or habits you notice in yourself or each other? Things you say all the time, that you wish you could stop? Do you have podcasting bugbears that would force you to turn off an otherwise enjoyable listen. "Vocal Fry", for example...


On a previous Arsecast Extra, James told a fantastic tale of traveling back from Scotland with a stomach bug that had him expelling his insides out both ends. The story featured an Uber cab driver who proudly stated he had only been driving a week and proceeded to drive very slowly on the interstate. Where is this man now, and is he a better driver today?


Is it really possible for professional footballers to be able in any way to reduce the amount of heading of the ball? Or do you think players will one day soon all be wearing Petr Cech hats?


Growing up, my favourite flavour of ice cream was basic vanilla chocolate chip. Nowadays, despite creameries and grocery stores selling dozens if not hundreds of flavours none of them sell chocolate chip. What formerly common place food, that you used to enjoy, can you no longer find?


What would you be willing to give up to have amazing hair?


Andrew, James, good morning to the both of you from Missouri. Do you think much of the criticism aimed towards Mikel is a bit harsh, considering what he inherited and the green shoots that are plain for anyone to see, although our overall record does not reflect it? Is it because of the current state of the world and the supporters having nothing better to do than hyper focus on the negative? I would be gutted to see Arteta lambasted and possibly sacked before given the genuine chance to build the squad in his vision before an accurate judgement can be had. Keep up the good world, lads!


Are you interested in conspiracy theories, and if so, which conspiracy theory is your favorite?


What are your cleat (boot) preferences? Adidas, Nike? Puma? Something more exotic? Do you have a favorite pair you with you could have again? What are you wearing these days?


Given that Goalkeepers are Goalkeepers because they were never good enough to play outfield, why do you think professional football teams give them the responsibility for playing passes in the most dangerous part of the pitch?


Winter or Summer Olympics?


What’s your favorite record or book from this past year? Doesn’t have to be something specifically released this year, maybe just something you’ve really enjoyed during lockdown.


Have you tried any of those vegetarian burgers that actually taste like meat? Would you eat meat that was grown in a lab rather than on a farm?


Playstation 5! Yes or no?


Looney Tunes or Hanna Barbera?


What is the strangest story you have about being recognized by a fan/listener in public?


Goodly interlul evening. What is the best PS5 game out there and what is the best game of all time?


Who is your most famous friend ?


How many Spurs fans does James have as friends and how concerned should we be?


What is your preferred thermostat temperature? Summer and winter. I need to know. (All the best, lads)


Andrew - your tribute to your dad was touching and brought a tear to my eye. Being that you are a dad yourself, any solid pieces of parenting advice you can give? (Feel free to chime in as well James) And for both of you - what’s the most memorable/funniest story you remember from when you were in school as a kid? (I’m a teacher so I love this stuff!)


What’s the first thing you’re going to do after herd immunity kicks in?


What's the best thing you've cooked recently?


Goodly interlul, If you could travel back in time and view any historical event or epoch, where and when would you go?


When this batshit craziness ends what will be your perfect post lockdown weekend. Anywhere, with anyone doing anything or drinking anything you want. Choice is yours gents


What is your plan when the zombie apocalypse hits? Where would you go, and who would you bring with you?


Good Afternoon Andrew & James! Who would you less rather have a drink with: Jose Mourinho, Donald Trump, or Teddy Sheringham...and why?


I second this. Now I have some sp*rs fans who are friends and I think it does provide some balance and plentiful opportunities for ridicule too. Kind of not about Arsenal too. Great question though.


Do you guys own guns or are you allowed to own guns where you live! I’m from California and that seems to be the hot button topic right now. Are there laws put into place that allow or disallow you to own a firearm. Thanks! Love from California


Hello there, I'm living in Vienna and have visited London on several occasions by now and I couldn't help but notice there sheer amount of Pret A Mangers there. Now knowing how English commentators pronounce some of the french players names, I can't really imagine how British people would refer to pret a mangers on the daily but seeing how many there are in London, it seems to me like its something you'd have to deal with constantly. Would be grateful for some explanations and nice pronunciations , cheers from Vienna!


From listening about your enjoyment of m&ms and orange kit-kats....what’s your all time favorite chocolate and why? And have you ever tried Cadbury’s Top Deck?


What do you put on your waffles?! Are you a syrup or Jam kind of guy? Also, Andrew did you say you didn’t like Cherry Coke one episode?!?!


Hi gents! Who are on your personal Mount Rushmore? As in 4 people who have influenced you and made you the person you are today. Or just the ones that have meant the most to you in your life. It could be athletes, musicians, actors, French football managers etc, not family/friends. And no obvious ones like Phil Collins or William Gallas.


Any interest in other sports aside from soccer/football you care to dive into? If not, if you could invent a sport, what would it look like?


Warzone or fifa ?


Hey Brian - you're not allowed to own guns in the UK or Ireland (except shotguns/rifles for sport, and there's pretty strict licensing rules around that). It's not really a political issue over here, there's no pro-gun lobby. Hope that helps!


Would you want Mikel Arteta’s hair if it meant you also had to have Charlie Adam’s mouth?


Odegaard would be a dream signing in the summer. When discussing the chance of signing him are we expecting Real Madrid to rate him like we rate him? Last season he was at loan at Sociedad and was a star player for them, a team that is a Europa League quality team. This earned him a chance to show his skills at Real Madrid where he failed to break into the team. So they ship him out to similar quality team (sorry but we kinda are) and again he starts to tear it up. Do you think we are over rating how Real rates him?


It’s Arsenal but not football related - what do you think of the amount of new Adidas shirts that are being released this season? It seems like every week there is a new shirt; how do you feel about Arsenal the fashion label with a football team?


Tagging onto this one - from your trips to the US what are the strangest American ‘candies’ you’ve tried? (I’m a Brit abroad)


Hello guy’s why do ex footballers always make shit pundits ( with exception of Ian wright as this is a non arsenal question and Wrighty is great)


Do ye believe in UFOS and have ye ever seen anything strange that might make you question the "norm"


A while ago Andrew recommended a book by Willy Vlautin, a musician with a great band name of Richmond Fontaine, with a title I have forgotten, even though I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. So -you (Andrew) might enjoy the Plainsong trilogy by Kent Haruf which has a very similar quotidian feeling to it. Stories well told. Not really a question, more a suggestion really. Thanks for all the top notch blogging and podcasting.


If you had to add one more sin to the seven deadly sins, what would it be?


If you could have one of The Pointer Sisters make you waffles, which one would it be?


Andrew, you seem to love cooking (James - I imagine you exist on a diet of Nando’s and microwave lasagne)... but what are both your favourite meals to cook/eat? (Outside of your obligation to say Kit-Kats of course)


What's the first thing (outside of going to the Emirates or to see family ) that you will go to when we are restriction free again? (concerts, cinema, theatre etc 🎉)


Whats your album of the year 2020?


Picking from players or managers in European football today, you must cast a new James Bond and Bond villain. Who do you pick and why?


What was your journey into becoming a podcaster / journalist


Is Jose morinho just a skinny cartman? I imagine his post match team talk would be "Fuck you guys. I'm going home."


When you both met in person for the first time, what did you make of each other?


Hi guys - when every thing is going back to "normal" (after we all had the Vaccines) What is the first location you will travel to? Australia? South africa? Or maybe just the pub, just to sit there, and enjoy a pint?


What is the best crime show based in the UK? Spurs cheating for free kicks and penalties don’t count!


You folks watched the Social Dilemma? How does it feel being on the outside, while also needing to have your toes on the inside of the big bad Evil Corp?


Morning gents, a simple question, what is your perfect sandwich?


Morning gents. If you were not covering Arsenal or football in general, but were still a sports blogger/journalist, what sport would it be and which team?


Let’s reminisce!! Tell us about your best night or nights out. Why was it, what happened, who was there and how did it end?


Hi gents. Have you ever tasted Hákarl, the Icelandic rotten shark? Fermented in piss and consumed with Brennivín, which is a drink almost as bad as drinking piss.


Need. Waffle.


Hello fella's. Would you rather spend a day with a real life Wallace, or a real life Gromit?