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I'm so sorry for the radio silence, but I'm excited to let you all know that I have secured a new place to rent/live! 

I am also really pleased to tell you that it's apparently in a safe, quiet location, and I will have my own office that I can purpose into a recording studio/workspace, which will mean I can return to my audio work! 

I want to thank everyone so much for their continued support and patience. We are currently in the process of packing up our old unit, hiring removalists and making the 700km+ trip to our new home, where we will (ideally) be living for a very, very long time. At our estimate, we'll be safe and moved in toward the end of April (early May pending on any difficulties).

While I know it has been a quite while since my last audio (especially when I would usually upload monthly), I am so incredibly grateful to have been given this time to focus on preparing for the future/moving without the added stress of churning out work I'm not confident with, and I feel I will be able to work on audios more productively/confidently in the future because of this hiatus. 

Thank you so much for reading this quick update, and I'm looking forward to returning to work and having fun once we're all moved in again.


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