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Hello everyone!

January proved a little difficult creation wise due to the extreme weather conditions in Australia. I was unable to have my computer or laptop running too long without risking it overheating! (Even with the cooling pad I purchased. Australia, can you calm down?)

Despite that, the first Livestream was a success, and Dawn's sequel video did quite well! Thank you all for the support. I plan on having another Livestream this month once I've finished up the preparation for my Valentine's video!

Sadly, my Australia Day video didn't pan out due to both my own skill level (my inability to do a convincing/strong Australian accent), and being unable to use my computer for too long without the overheating risk.
I'm hoping to give the concept another shot next year after I can get some more practice in fixing my frankenstein of an accent!

I'd like to thank everyone for the amazing response received from opening commissions. I've already completed 1/4, and I am looking forward to getting to work on the remaining three. (These are some really fun concepts that I think could work really well on the channel!)

I will be working on commissions alongside my regularly scheduled videos/Request a Roleplay video winners. I am trying my best to get 2+ videos a month done, but until the weather cools down I won't risk my equipment overheating. Fingers crossed for the Australian summer to wrap up soon so I can buckle down and work hard!

I'd also like to announce as well that there is now a Discord channel for Patreon supporters, as well as KoFi/Nitro Boosters. I'm very active on the Discord, so if you'd like to chat or hang out, it's a good place to start. (It can get a little rowdy though, consider this your head's up!)

To all $15+ patrons, I'll come knocking for your Request a Roleplay ideas around the 15th/16th! Feel free to send your idea in early if you think of one though!

Puyo Puyo Tetris Livestream w/ Guests ⚠️ delayed due to guest health
Valentine's Day video (February 14th)  ✅
High School Bully Reveals Her Feelings for You [Request a Roleplay Winner]  ✅ 
Chuunibyou Senpai [Nemuru High School] (TBA)

Thank you as always for your support! I hope February treats you well!



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