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Looking for his 7 year younger self? Click here! 

7 years later, Robyn becomes the heartsnatching world-class magician: Heart Jack!  

The way he confidently struts on stage makes you wonder if he's even got his clumsy edge anymore...his is a mysterious and mesmerizing change♥

  • Update 1: Jester outfit!
    Different shows call for a different wardrobe, and Jack is only too happy to play a mischievous harlequin...Some might even see it as more emblematic of his namesake than the top hat!

    Regardless, it's still one of his personal favorites, especially with the special props it comes with...
  • Update 2: Maid Dress!
    "Would he wear the maid dress?" My friend, he would ROCK it. He's got no shame about using it for some of his shows, either.




This is very unique never knew he had a third eye


It's not a stretch to say he's stolen this heart. :p Amazing work!


The maid dress is just. ❤️


You could say that last outfit was certainly "maid" for him!