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Hello, Hexxet here,

I hope you were looking forward to today, cause hell I was. It's finally time to bring to you the finished version of OF:BF - Omnipotent Female best Friend - my first IPAI (INTERACTIVE PAI). Aside from its crazy length (370 pages!) this is a Choose your own Adventure style PAI where on certain pages you make decisions (by pressing a button Oo! ^^), and the story progresses according to your decisions.

Overall there are 7 girls to conquer (4 of them appear in groups of 2x2, so it's 5 different girl encounters), with 15 paths and Endings where some paths have some slight additional deviations over minor sexy decisions.

Plot: You are a high-school nerd and all the hot girls either look down on you or try to take advantage of you. You best friend Amy is a nerd too... but today you can't believe what she's about to tell you. She came to with omnipotent powers that make all her wishes come true? Now who would believe that? Well you would after Amy displays her power to you! ... Having verified her powers truely exist... what will you do next? Will you help Amy get the guy she crushes on? Will you talk her into using her power for your benefit? Or will you try for a romantic route? It's up to you! 

There is a heavy focus on big breasts and bimbofication as one of the main paths leads through big booby land ^^, but there is also MC in form of "Change of Common Sense" (like Nerds becoming the top of the food chain at school or busty girls going topless is seen as normal) and one path where wishes are used to directly enslave the girls! So whether you are into MC or TF, this story should be of interest to you :).

The story is available on my homepage in the PAI corner. The full version is available to PAI supporters but there is also a preview version which contains one full path of the story. That one is available to everybody.

Please note that due to the interactive nature of this PAI you should only use the PDF to navigate the story. (Since the PDF has buttons and by clicking those you jump to the correct page of your decisions). A zip with all the single pages as pictures is provided, but you can't follow the story paths like that.

Please let me know with likes and/or comments whether you enjoyed this type of story or if you don't really care about the interactivity of it. Creating this was A LOT of work and I'd like to get some feedback so I can decide how I go about this in the future.




Oh, I definitely enjoyed it! Thanks a lot for your work and I found it super cool to be a betatester 😁


Amazing work! Loved the bimbo endings especially.


this was awesome, really loved the stolen omnipotence ending and how it lead to it


Hehe. Gotta admit: the stolen omnipotence ending was kinda the main ending idea. Everything else was built around it :)


That one was definitely my favorite. Getting to see Amy’s progressive bimbofication was quite satisfying.