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Hello, Hexxet here,

The question arose whether there should be guys in this upcoming story. I believe there should be, but you can prove me wrong with this poll ;).


Some Guy

I'm indifferent guys would add a more sexualized aspect in my mind, but I also don't care about things happening to them so...


Wow. I have to admit I'm very surprised by the closeness of both options so far. If this actually turns into a girls only party I think we could be hardly further off from a GoC Sequel XD. Which is nor problem if it's what you guys want to see, I'm just surprised :)

Lord of Fate

Guys yes but! There can be only one!))) Harem rule!!!!


But we need two for NTR, such that the evil protagonist guy can add even a girl to his harem who already had a boyfriend. right? Also we want one guy who's in control but need one to show that a man could be fuckled up by the game as well if he's not careful.. ^^

Lord of Fate

Ohh you great devil so mach tempation, evil tempation!))) Then maybe one of the guy to the girl in the process!! Or evil queen futa!))


I don't do futa. But one of the guys being changed into a girl would be fitting for the story I think...


You could technically have it both ways of having only girls playing the game and a guy controlling it. Go down the horror trope route of having the girls lured into a scenario where they are forced to play the game by an unknown individual who is out for revenge, this would remove the Insta enslave because the game become more about the torment rather than enslaving. This game could take the form of a board game like the original but instead of just transforming the player it gives the option of the transform or control or they could be set challenges by the mystery guy, being made to play off against each other either being paired up with 3 winner 3 losers each time or just 1st and last or a combination of both. This would fuel the players turning on one another in order to win.


The game type has already been decided to be something Truth or Dare alike. Of course there could still be a supervisor controlling the game from the outside but I feel this would change the story in another huge way from the original. And yeah, it would go into the torment direction I guess. I'm not feeling it for this ToC, but the idea of such a story from a supervisor point of view I'll keep that in the back of my head for maybe a future comic or PAI. :)