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Hello, Hexxet here,

The previous vote for how evil ToC shall be is still ongoing but it seems to be going in a certain direction ^^. In either outcome I will need characters to star in this comic. I'm currently not sure how many characters I'm willing to take on, but it will most likely be something between 4-6. And with this vote you can decide which character you'd like to see staring in this comic.

From the top voted characters I will pick the number of characters I need for the comic. Though I will need male and female characters, so don't forget to vote about the males. I'm not yet sure how many male players there will be but it will be between 1-3, and once I have decided I will take the top female votes and top male votes separately to fill those spots.

This is a multi option vote. Vote for as many of your favorite character's as you like. Don't forget about the males ^^.

Note that all characters available for this vote are on the younger side, as I intend a group of students playing this game. No teacher, or parent in that group of players.

You can find an overview of all my characters on my homepage.

PPS: I forgot to add Lana to this list and can't add an option for her as the poll is already running. You can like the first comment of this post to vote for her instead.



You can vote for Lana in a newer poll. (I forgot to add her to this one)

Some Guy

Is there a cast list I only know a handful of your characters by name?


Puh..... do you have a picture with the peoples and their names? I struggle a little bit with that 😅


There's a list on Hexxet's website: Meet the cast -> Character Sheets


Thanks for pointing it out. I've added the link to the post now.


No Lucine?


No. "Some students play "Transform or Control" on Campus." was voted for as the base of the story. Lucine is a fully grown woman and while there might be students with the age of 32 it does not fit into this setting imo.

Jakken Haggar

So many interesting characters to choose from… But 3 girls 2 guys, or 4 girls 2 gurys sounds like the best mix for me.


Yeah I agree. I'll most likely go with one of those two. We don't want a sausage party after all :)


No, Lana? She's a student, isn't she?


Also, do we really need to put guys into this?


I believe we do, as most of my audience wants to see MF action. But I'll turn this into one more poll.


So... no chance of seeing Lana in this story, then?


Sadly no. I fucked that up. If there was a way to add an option to her to the poll I would do it. But that's not possible and I'm not redoing the vote as a lot of people have already voted. I will add a comment For Lana, and people can like it to vote for her... but I doubt people will see that. sorry. [The comment for Lana is the top most = first Comment]

Hexxet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-25 00:15:56 Hey, sorry it just hit me that I could do this to try ammend the problem --> There now is a new poll dedicated to Lana. Results of both polls will be put together once completed: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vote-for-lana-83820463
2023-05-31 07:20:19 Hey, sorry it just hit me that I could do this to try ammend the problem --> There now is a new poll dedicated to Lana. Results of both polls will be put together once completed: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vote-for-lana-83820463

Hey, sorry it just hit me that I could do this to try ammend the problem --> There now is a new poll dedicated to Lana. Results of both polls will be put together once completed: https://www.patreon.com/posts/vote-for-lana-83820463