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Hello, Hexxet here,

So, the follow up story to Game of Change will be "Transform or Command" a magical version of "Truth or Dare", where obviously the asked person either transforms according to the description of the one asking or has to follow a given command. I still have to think of some rules that spice this up so you can't just walk up to them and insta-enslave them ^^.

But what I want you to decide for now is the severity of the situation this story should depict. Are you rooting for a super evil story here or are you expecting something funny.

You can see the options below as a scale of evilness. There will be transformation and MC in either scenario. But depending on what is chosen we can either have a funny story were even the victims of a crazy transformation might find it funny and make jokes or we can have an evil story were people experience fear and are very unhappy with what is going on.

Now please note that even if you'd like a super evil story, there is an upper limit of evilness I can do for my stories. Partly because I don't like too fucked up stuff myself and partly cause there are rules against certain content on the platforms I sell on. So, for example sexual interaction will always be depicted consensual and there won't be any gore.

Alright, that being said, I fear the result of this poll. So, please vote for your level of evilness and prove me wrong :P.



Oh, I´m getting more and more excited. This will be a great story 😁


"I still have to think of some rules that spice this up so you can't just walk up to them and insta-enslave them" If I may suggest a system where each transformation/command gets a "challenge" attached to it by an unseen "audience or third party" for the recipient. If the challenge is met the receiver can pass the change/command to another player. The giver is rated on how entertaining/fitting the change/command is and granted some kind of bonus/punishment. That way if someone tries too hard (or too obviously) to game the system to their own benefit they'll be punished for being a "spoil sport".


Seeing as people are voting for people to fuck up that game, that system might be counterproductive :). But I will take the idea of special challenges in the back of my mind. If you or anybody else has any more possible ideas for rules that might be applied to the game of ToC let me know. I'm still in the brainstorming phase :)

Jakken Haggar

Oi, your readers are some evil schemers ;) I’m all out for some good teasing or even mean transformations and commands (like taking a character down some inches to their displeasure or having to embarrass themselves e.g. with my hidden favourite of losing some IQ points). So I hope we get some normal/sincere transformations and commands like this for some fear/shock but also some welcomed ones for fun/joy reactions (like some bigger assets or growing some inches) before it turns too messy between the characters. In short I would be sad, if we miss out on stuff, that good friends or light rivals would do to each other. As for countering the insta-enslave problem (which would make for a quick downfall in story-suspense) I propose the good old “strength parameter”. Some feature, that defines the strength of the effect e.g. by thrown dice or drawn card. So before or after the choosing of the transformation/command, the players get to know how much they transform (just a bit e.g. shrinking 5 centimetres or quite a lot e.g. 50) and how “big” or concrete the command can be or alternatively how strictly or just slightly nudged the player is bound to the command. Really looking forward to this story! HF creating it.


Yes... yes they are ^^. I'm already relieved that we are settling for evilness level 4 and not 5 ^^. About the strength parameter. Yeah we definitely need something like that. Though knowing it advance feels a bit strange. I was thinking more of starting out low and then either increasing transform and command power either by time or by karma... but still not sure yet. I will think about in more detail once the polls are over and hopefully I'm done with some other stories I'm currently writing :)

Lord of Fate

I like the idea of someone accidentally becoming an evil overlord. For example, one of the girls turned into an evil queen bee. Or even the evil futa queen bee! Now she has to collect bees for her hive Muha-ha-ha!))))) Or a villain who wants to take over the world! Or a Gothic countess whose new mission is to gotify everyone! Well, or the classic succubus always works too! I'm sorry that all the villains in my imagination are girls, but in the end you can make a twist that she's like this, she's almost got everything and everyone, but then the guy accidentally dominate her!