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<Act 1>

Dressed in their typical Batman and Robin costumes, they run from the bat-poles Batman gets into the drivers' side of the batmobile and Robin into the passenger side. They put on their seat belts before starting the car. “Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed,” Robin announces.

“Roger, ready to move out,” Batman confirmed.

Fire flew out of the rear exhaust as the car screeched into motion. They passed a sign that said 14 miles to Gotham City. Batman knew they would traverse that distance in less than ten minutes.

Batman parked the batmobile right in front of Gotham City Police Headquarters. Batman and Robin ran up the stairs that led to the door. Less than a minute later they were in the commissioner's office.

“...it's the Mad Hatter alright. The eye beams popping out of a top hat. The sudden change in personality of the victim.”

“She thinks she is a cat!”

“It should last about twelve hours until the mesmerism wears off,” Batman explained.

“Until what wears off?” came a feminine voice from the door. Everyone turned to see Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's daughter enter the room.

“One of our foes is performing tricks with people's heads again,” Batman told her.

“It's the Mad Hatter,” Robin confirmed.

“I see,” Barbara replied.

No one felt any compunction about speaking in any other way than candidly even though a civilian was in the room.

“What did the Mad Hatter take this time?”

“A hat, of course, a very expensive one. It was a one-of-a-kind Hut Sombrero.” No one had to be told about the Hut Sombrero headwear. There were only about a hundred in existence in the world. Hut Sombrero thought of his creations as pieces of art and never mass-produced any of his creations. Since Hut Sombrero is no more, the price of his wares has gone up.

The phone rang on Commissioner Gordon's desk. This was his regular black phone.

“Yes, Bonnie?” Commissioner Gordon asked. “Where was that?” “How long ago?” “What did he take?” “I see.”

The assembled group could only hear Commissioner Gordon's part of the conversation. They waited for Commissioner Gordon to let them in on what he heard.

Another hat was stolen. It was another Hut Sombrero. This time from the office of Patrick Pending, the eccentric inventor. “The Mad Hatter broke into Pat Pending's offices and stole his Hut Sombrero hat.”

“Was he wearing it?”

“No, Pat Pending wasn't even there at the time. He doesn't usually wear the hat, but keeps it on display on his desk in his office.”

“The Mat Hatter broke into an empty office?”

“That isn't quite right. Pat Pending's male administrative assistant was there. But he doesn't think he is that anymore?”

“He doesn't?”

“No, he now thinks that he is a ditzy bimbo secretary. His mind is gone.”

“We had better get down there and see if there are any clues,” Batman said.

“I can see you are busy Daddy. I ought to go as well.” Barbara also stated.

Batman, Robin, and Barbara all left the office of the Police Commissioner in short order.

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