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Cardonali the magical imp was doing what he always did, he caused   trouble to others for his own amusement.  Cardonali had the ability to   put any thought into a person's mind and manipulate them as he wanted   to.  He stood unobserved or at least unacknowledged in the back of an   elevator waiting to see who would get in.

Brad Harris and Nick Miller had never liked each other since the day Nick moved into the building.  They were actually next-door neighbors.  They mostly ignored each other, but when Brad saw that Nick was wearing the same dress as he was, Brad had to say something.

"Pretty dress," Brad remarked with a friendly smile.

"I like your dress too.  I never know you had such wonderful fashion sense."

"This thing, it's nothing special, I got it at Kohls."

"I love shopping there.  They have such wonderful stuff and they are reasonably priced.  I got this yesterday for $14.99.  It was reduced 50%"

"It was?  Darn, I paid full price a month ago."

"I'm sorry, sometimes you have to wait for sales."

"I know, but I needed it for a night out with my wife.  I couldn't wait."

"Well if you needed it, you needed it.  It is lovely."

"I've been meaning to tell you.  I'm sorry for all the bad blood between us.  It's my fault."

"Don't be silly, I'm to blame too.  I don't know what started it."

"It was so long ago, I'm not sure either.  How about coming to my apartment, I have this delish coffee cake.  I'll make some coffee and we can bury the hatchet."

"That's a great idea, my girlfriend won't be home for hours yet."

They reached their floor and walked to Brad's apartment.  

"I can't tell you what a great job you did with your place.  I wish I had a decorative eye like this."

"It's no big deal.  I can help you if you like."

"That's so nice.  You know, I really like your earrings, they are so pretty and they go with the dress so well."

"Thank you."

One thing led to another and the old antagonists were naked in the bedroom making love.  That is until Brad's wife came home early.

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