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Laura Lalure is an eighteen-year-old senior at Richmond High School.  She is a very cute five-foot-five girl with wavy light brown hair and hazel eyes.  She lives with her family, Doug her father, Ellen her mother, and her two older siblings Margaret (usually called Maggy) her sister, and William (Willy) her brother.

Laura is not an evil or immoral person, but she does think that her siblings have a tendency to pick on her.

On a plain old ordinary day, certainly not a day where Laura would expect to find something that would change her life. But while walking she tripped face first and landed on the floor. She didn't like tripping but at least she didn't hurt herself. On the ground, Laura saw a shiny round object.  Curious she picked it up.  The moment she did, much to her amazement, she instantaneously knew all about the object.  She knew that it was called The Golden Mind Control Orb and that it gave her the power to manipulate the minds of everyone around her.  She could read people's thoughts or put thoughts into their heads or change their minds in any way she wanted. Laura knew it wasn't hypnosis, it was much more powerful than that. There wasn't any doubt in her head that this would work the orb made sure of that.

What Laura didn't know was that the orb has an effect on her to make her do things you wouldn't normally do.  She either doesn't worry about the harm she is causing or justify that the person deserved it.  Whether the people Laura changed actually treated her as she thought they had or its just a delusion put into her mind by the orb she couldn't ever tell, but she believed that everyone is acting normally towards her before she made any changes to their minds.

Feeling a little mischievous Laura decided to test it out on the first person she saw. This worked out well since someone saw her on the grown, a man of about thirty-five and he came to help Laura up.

"Are you alright?" the man asked.

"Sure, I am fine, it was just a little trip."

"Good," then the man offered his hand to help her up. She took it.

"Thank you..." Laura said. ""um what if your name?" Then as her first test, she put into the man's head "Your name is Gertrude."  She knew his name could not be Gertrude, no one has named their child that in probably sixty years and certainly no one would name their son that.

"Oh, I'm Gertrude."

"Thank you, Gertrude, My name is Laura."

"You're welcomed, Laura." Then when the man was sure you were OK, he walked away.

"It worked," Laura thought to herself. "This magic orb thingie is cool." She decided to go home to test it out some more.

Laura went home eager to test it out. She loved her family but they hadn't been treating her right. She would use the orb to take them down a bit.  Besides she could change them back.

Laura entered her home and she went to find her brother, Willy.  He is in his room playing a video game on his Wii. He is playing one of his violent shooting games.  Laura knew the name but she couldn't think of which one it was.

"Hey Bro," Laura said cheerfully.

"Hey Squirt, what do you want?" Willy said annoyed.  He was into his game and didn't want to talk.

"Have you thought of playing my Just Dance 2021 game? I just got it, it's very cool."  Willy wasn't into dancing in real life and he certainly didn't want to play a dancing game.

"Hell No!" Willy replied angrily.

"I think you should try it," Laura told her brother putting the idea into his head.

"Well, it couldn't hurt to try. It could help to get some moves for my girlfriend,"  Willy justified the new thought to himself.

Laura ran from the room and got her game.  She put it into the Wii to start it up.  Willy obviously chose a male character for himself.  Soon he was dancing as best he could to the game.  He wasn't very good and the score indicated that. "Well, I tried it. I don't like it," he told her.

"Well, maybe if you tried it with a female avatar. The girl characters play is easier."   Laura put this ridiculous fact into Willy's head.

"OK, I'll try."  Willy played the game again and did just as poorly.  But Laura put into his head that he liked the game as long as he played with a female avatar so he didn't quit.  She had been playing the game for quite some time, so she showed Willy some moves.

"Hey, you are getting the hang of it," Laura lied.  But she made Willy believe all he needed to do was practice some more and he would become great.

"I am really having fun," Willy admitted.  Then Laura put into his mind that he would like any game she suggested as long as he could play using a female avatar.

"I'm glad. I have been playing some other games, you want to try?"

"Maybe, what do you have?"

"Well, I have Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze and Barbie Dreamhouse Party.  I think you will like them."

Willy would have never liked Monster High which featured girls in high school and certainly not any sort of 'Barbie' game.  But he said, those sound cool, let me try them out.

When Laura left the room, Willy had no interest in any game he played before.  The three games, Laura just mentioned and several others she brought with her, were going to be his favorites.

Laura has been watching Willy play the games she gave him.  Most of them were for little girls so he beat them pretty quickly.   But, he really liked them even though they were just too easy for him.  He had been playing a lot of Just Dance 2021 though and he was starting to get good at it, of course, he only danced to the songs with girls showing a player how to move.

Every once in a while Laura would go and check on Willy playing the game.  He would be shaking his hips and moving just like the game's female avatar.  Laura would stifle a giggle while showing him how to play it better.  This made Willy mad he was very competitive and he could never beat Laura's scores.

An idea came to her.  Laura instructed Willy that the girls in the game are very fashionable.  Most of the avatars wore high heels, if Willy wanted to get better he is going to have to dress like them.  Laura made Willy think that it made perfect sense that he needed to dress like the girls. But how would he do that?

"I have the perfect outfit for you," Laura told Willy.  "If you wear this then it'll raise your score by 25 percent.

Laura and Willy headed to her room.  Laura opened her closet and pulled out a pretty blue sparkly dress.  Laura likes to wear this dress often when she goes out to dance parties.  She didn't care if he wears it because she can just go to the mall and make them give her any dress for free.  But her high heels are way too small for Willy.

Laura thinks her Mom might have something more in his size.  She hands him the dress and tells him to put it on while she goes to find some of Moms heels.  She digs through her mom's closet.  Laura soon spots a pair of old, tan heels that in no way match his dress, but it will have to do for now.  When Laura returned to her room, Willy had the dress on.  He looked very awkward in it.  The dress didn't fit him very well, some parts were very tight and the top looked funny since Willy didn't have any breasts.

"I'll get you some better-fitting clothes at the mall," Laura told him.

"You'll pay for them?"

"I sort of have a credit.  Don't worry about it."


"Anyway, for now, you should practice at the game with what you've got on."

Willy awkwardly walked back to his room.  He had never worn heels before.  Plus the size of the heels were for his mother, not himself.  He turned on the game.  Laura heard a car pulling in the driveway.  It was her mom, Ellen.  Laura wondered what mom would think when she sees Willy attired in a dress.

When Ellen entered the house, she went to look for her children.  She found Willy and Laura in Willy's room.  Willy was staring at some sort of game on his Wii and dancing around.  But that wasn't what shocked Ellen.  She was shocked at how he was dressed, he was wearing a sparkly party dress that Ellen knew belonged to Laura and her own high-heeled shoes.

"What are you doing?" Ellen demanded of Willy.

"I'm playing this dance game on my Wii.  To dance right you have to dance like the avatar."

"You have to wear a dress?"

"That is what the avatar is doing."

"Something is very stranger here," Ellen looked at Laura who was snickering.

Laura tried to defuse the situation by putting some thoughts into her Mother's head.

Ellen's demeanor changed immediately.  "Are you wearing panties too?" Ellen inquired losing her shock and anger.


"Don't you think you should? And by the looks of it, that avatar is probably wearing a thong to go with that type of dress?"

"You might be right," Willy said.

"Do you dress like all your avatars?"

"No, only for the dance game."

"What other games do you have?"

"Let's see, I have Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze, Barbie Dreamhouse Party, and this Disney Princess game."

"You know, for the Monster High, you could dress like a high school student like a cheerleader.  Barbie is always wearing cute outfits and you know how the princesses dress in Disney movies.  Don't you think you should dress like them too?"

Laura agreed, "I think that would be fun. All those games are fantasy it would make it more real."

"I think you might be right," Willy considered what they were saying.  It seemed reasonable to him.

Willy didn't put on a thong that day.  Instead, he got dressed in his normal clothing and went with Ellen to buy some outfits to match his avatars. They started at a costume shop to get a cheerleading outfit and a gown worthy of a Disney princess.  Then they went to a toy store to see what outfits Barbie wears.  With that in mind, they looked through the department stores trying to duplicate them as best they could.  They also stopped in the lingerie department to find suitable panties for each outfit: nice and lacy for the princess; pretty and fashionable for Barbie; and of course, thongs for dance.  Mom also suggested they buy some bras too to complete the illusion.

They were about to leave when Ellen realized they needed shoes also.  They found a shoe store and bought two pairs for each style needed.

By the time they had returned home, Laura had decided that if Willy was going to play childish games then his parents should treat him childishly too.  So new rules went into effect for Willy.  He had to come home directly after college.  He had to have some sort of supervision at all times while he wasn't at school.

Laura didn't know why she did it.  Maybe she thought it would just be funny but she decided if Willy was going to need supervision he shouldn't be playing a game designed for older teens like "Just Dance 2021," but he should play a younger version like "Just Dance: Disney Party" instead.   This got her onto a Disney kick and she saw such games as "Disney Princess: My FairyTale Adventure" and "Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey," on the Internet and ordered them for him.

"Oh, how much fun would Willy have playing these games," Laura thought. Then she saw "Imagine Fashion Party."  Looking at the description she saw that the player could "Express your individual creativity in workshops including hair, makeup, clothing, and accessories."  Laura wondered how much creativity Willy had. "Who cares he'll think he's having fun playing it."

Then Laura thought, "Wouldn't it be fun if Willy played it with real girls?  But he couldn't do that."

It took only a second for  Laura to realize there are online games he could play with other girls.  Laura did a search only to discover that there weren't many.  It wasn't safe for little girls to be playing with people they didn't know.

Laura found a couple that had controls to keep the girls safe. She put into Willy's head that he wanted to play online with others and so he signed up with one of these games. Due to Laura's influence, although not much was needed, Willy chose an alias of a little girl to play the games.  He obviously called himself Willie when online and said he was a ten-year-old girl.  The site told him he needed his parent's permission.  Willy supplied it.  Actually, he had to raise the restrictions to his machine in NetNanny to convince the security that he was a little girl.  Soon his web surfing was restricted to that of a ten-year-old.  He didn't have access to change it back, but Willy didn't care anymore as long as he could play the games with others who enjoyed them as much as he did.

Willy was very happy to play with 'other' little girls.

Laura considered giving Willy more 'interests' typical of little girls.

With his NetNanny restrictions set so high, not only couldn't he view any adult content; he couldn't even see many things that were designed for teens.  This frustrated him but it was all worth it since he could now play the games he loved with others who liked them just as much.

Laura was in Willy's room playing a game with him.  Even she thought it was too young and girly, but she played it anyway just enjoying the sight of seeing Willy really get into the game.  In a lot of ways, Laura and Willy hadn't been closer than they were right now.

Willy and Laura started to talking.

"I really hate the NetNanny."

"Why it's keeping you safe."

"I know, but it makes my computer so slow.  Can you set it to a higher setting?"  Willy's lie was obvious.

Laura had put into Willy's mind that only she could reset the NetNanny (which was true since she had put that fact into mom and dad's minds too).  She told him, "I'll see what I can do."  But in reality, what Laura did is to remove Willy's interest in more adult and masculine things.

Laura decided that not only should Willy like the video games that little girls play, but he should also develop other interests of little girls.  She planted into his head that he likes dolls and barbies.  All little girls like that, but also he would like all things cute like kittens and puppies.  Then she planted into his head a love for coloring books and crayons.  The television shows he prefers being on the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon.

Laura expected that Willy would go out and buy some dolls and other stuff to play with.  But she didn't expect him to buy Disney princess posters to hang on his walls or even buy new bedsheets.  He bought two bedding sets.  One was a pink hearts bedding set.  The other was a cute cartoons bedding set in light yellow.  These sets included a comforter, sheets, and pillowcases.

Laura had to put into mom and dad's minds that this was perfectly normal for Willy.  It wasn't long before Willy asked his parents if he could repaint his room in pink or yellow.  Maggy, Laura and Willy's sister, thought it was strange, but she like Laura thought that it was also too funny. There wasn't any reason at this point to mess with Maggy's perceptions.

Some days later Willy caught up with Laura. "Hey do you want to play with me?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure." and he led Laura into his room to play a video game.  The video game he chose was Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey.  He enjoyed the game, it was one of his favorites.  It starts out that he is a girl with amnesia.  The girl on the video actually talks to the player and he thought it was a lot of fun. You helped him play.

Laura saw a hint of sadness on Willy's face, so she asked him "What's wrong?"

"My friends don't want to play with me anymore," he explained.  Now that he has the tastes and interests of a young girl, his college-aged friends think he is somewhat weird.  They have all distanced themselves from him.  This is especially true since Willy won't drink or flirt with girls at all anymore.

"They won't?"

"Nope, they think the things I like are silly,"  Silly isn't the words they had actually used.  They actually called them "f***in' queer" but Willy didn't want to tell his sister that.  "Not only that, but I broke up with my girlfriend."

"You did?"

"Yeah, we had a fight and we broke up." Willy wasn't interested in the normal things that men and women in a relationship did anymore.  He would only kiss her chastely on the cheek as a girl would.  That was as physical as he got.  His girlfriend also noticed his changing interests and saw no future with him.  They broke up quickly after that.

While talking they were playing the game, Willy thought it was so much fun.  He didn't know why his friends didn't like it too. The player in the game travels to several worlds and meets Disney princesses like Ariel and Jasmine. The player has to solve problems that were caused by the Bogs and in the end, the player has to battle an evil ex-Princess named Zara.  Willy thought that his friends should have at least liked that part since you have to battle like in the shoot-em-up games that they liked.

Laura realized that Willy hasn't any friends at all.  She determined to find him a friend.

"Hey, you know Jennifer (a ten-year-old who lived a few houses down) likes what you like?  Have you asked her here to play with you?" Laura asked.

"Well, she is only ten."

"I'm sure you can be the best of friends."   Laura put that hope into Willy's mind.  She also removed any reservations Willy might have of being friends with young girls.

"Do you think so?" Willy asked.

"Yes, I do.  Let me go and talk to her and see if she can come over and play."

Laura left to visit Jennifer's home.   When she got there, Jennifer's mom answered the door.   Laura knew she had to fix Jennifer's Mom's mind first.  She made her believe that 'Willy is a very nice boy.  It  would be perfectly normal for Jennifer to become friends with him."

With all objections of Jennifer's mother out of the way, Laura fetched Jennifer.

"Jennifer, this is my brother Willy.  He likes to play Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey.  Do you want to play with him?"

Jennifer felt at home in Willy's room with all the Disney stuff on the walls and on his bed.  She had played the Disney Princess game before and joined right in with him. She even taught him some secret moves to make. Soon Jennifer and Willy were the best of friends.

After an hour or so, they quit playing video games and started to play with the dolls and barbies that Willy owned.  Willy had just bought them so they were the newest Barbies out there with the latest wardrobe.  By the time Jennifer left, Jennifer and Willy were BFFs.  Jennifer introduced Willy to her other friends and with your help they all became good friends.

As the days and weeks passed, Laura made sure that Willy would become more and more girly in his preferences. She even started to eliminate anything that was unisex in nature. She didn't even want him to play with any type of ball even if the other girls did it too. Willy would play to be sociable but he wouldn't like it too much.

Willy's apparel also became more and more girly and juvenile.  He still attended university, but they wouldn't (and legally couldn't) expel him as long as he kept his grades up.

Laura lowered his maturity so that he had to stop driving to school>  He had to take the bus or be driven.   He also had to go to and come right back from school as soon as it was over.  But that didn't bother him since there wasn't anything he liked to do after classes there anyway.  All of his real friends were ten-year-old girls.  He fit in with them extremely well, although even his young friends thought he was the least mature of the group.  They also thought he was also the girliest of the group, preferring to wear skirts and dresses to any type of pants.

One day Laura passed by Willy's room and she saw him in the most stereotypical girl's outfit she had ever seen.   Willy's hair had grown long enough that wore an adorable ribbon.  He wore a pretty blue and white button-down blouse with puffed sleeves.  He also wore a matching knee-length cotton skirt that had an elastic waist.  His legs were clad in white tights.  He wore black mary-janes on his feet (the perfect little girl shoes) to complete his look.  He had dressed himself.  He was quite happy with his choices.  He was playing with one of his dolls.

Laura thought it would be fun to bring him out of his 'daze.'  So she lifted some of what she had done to him so he could see what had become.

After the change, Laura returned to outside Willy's room.  She found him there sitting on his bed with his head in his hands sobbing.  He was still clutching his doll.  Laura entered his room.

"What is wrong, sweetheart?" Laura asked him with concern in her voice like she was addressing a young girl.

"I have no friends."  It was a little hard to understand him as his voice was heavy because he was crying.

"You have lots of friends," Laura reminded him. "What have Jennie, and Jillie and Susie?"

"Yes, I know, but they are little girls.  I mean men.  I'm a man and I don't have any guy friends.  Kevin used to be my best friend...now he won't talk to me.."

"Aren't you friends with his little sister?"

"Yes, but even when I go to his house he won't talk to me."

"I think he is just embarrassed since you are friends with his little sister."

"I don't know.  We had been friends for years."

"I can talk to him.  I'll convince him that you can be his and his sister's friend too.  I am sure he'll be your friend again."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes, I do." Then to herself, Laura said so no one could hear. "When I am finished with him, he'll not only be your friend, but he'll look up to you.  He'll have the personality of an eight-year-old girl.  Soon you'll have sleepovers at his house in which his ten-year-old sister will be the most mature least girly one there.

Laura traveled to Kevin's house.  His parents were there and his mom opened the door for Laura, but immediately after doing so, his mom returned to the couch where she had been sitting and forgot that Laura had arrived.

Laura went upstairs to find Kevin and give him the personality of a young girl so he could be friends again with Willy.  She thought that since Kevin had a ten-year-old sister, that he probably should be sharing a room with her.  But, when you got to Kevin's room and he saw you, He knew who you were. "Get out of here!" he shouted. "You're the sister of that twink, Willy."

This got Laura mad. "Who is he to call your brother names?" Laura thought.

Laura decided there and then that having the personality of a happy little girl was too good for him. She wanted to punish him, so instead, she gave him the lifestyle of a toddler.  He still knew he was an adult.  He could think clearly as an adult, but he could only act like a two-year-old.  The most complex sentences he could make had only four or five words in them.  He could only say simple words although he had the vocabulary in his head of an adult in college.  He was potty trained but he had to wear diapers and use them.  His life had become a living nightmare as he forced himself against his own will to act like a toddler.  Laura then adjusted the minds of everyone in the family to treat him like the toddler he acted like.

Laura returned home, she made another stop to talk to Willy. "Willy honey, Kevin is too immature for you.  But I talked to Barry!  He said he would be your friend again."

Laura had done to Barry what she was going to do to Kevin.  Barry now had the personality of a young girl.  But, like Willy, he still attended college.  With your help, Willy accepted that Barry would be Willy's grown-up friend.

At college, Willy's other friends became scared.  They saw three of their friends regressed; two to little girls who still attended college and one to a baby who was crapping his pants. Technically he was now a toddler girl but at that age, it didn't make much difference between boys and girls.  This circle of friends couldn't leave college.  It was their senior year so they just had to tough it out.  But they stayed in college only when they had classes and stopped seeing each other after classes.  They hoped they could make it to graduation without wearing pretty skirts or worse yet diapers.

When Melody, Kevin's girlfriend saw him she freaked out.  She knew something had to been done to him and blamed his parents of course.  She complained to the police who after an investigation cleared Kevin's parents of all charges.  Laura heard about this and knew that Melody had to be punished.

Laura decided that since Kevin and Melody had been dating they should start to date again, except this time they would have a play date.  Laura visited Melody's house and did to her what you had done to Kevin.  Melody now was still an adult woman in her head, but she had to act like a toddler.  Laura also had her parents treat her and take care of her like a toddler.  Then she arranged for Kevin and Melody to have lots and lots of playdates.  Since they were the same mental and physical age this worked out very well.

Laura arranged to see them while they were having one of these dates in the park.  Their mothers' were sitting on a park bench chatting away.  The mothers had become good friends.  Kevin and Melody were playing close by with toys that had been brought.  As with toddlers, they weren't playing together, more like they were playing side by side doing their own thing but enjoying the company.  Both were dressed like little girls, but there was little difference in how little girls and little boys played.

As Kevin and Melody were playing in the park, most of the people gave them a wide birth to play in. The adults assumed that the two seemingly adult toddlers were special and kept their own children away.

A couple of weeks passed.  Laura decided to phone Vienna her best friend.  Laura had a falling out with Vienna, and frankly, Laura was too busy discovering all of the orb's powers so they had lost touch. But after a couple of weeks, tempers cooled and Laura decided to phone Vienna and invite her over. Vienna came right away and when they saw each other they fell into each other's arms professing their regrets at what had happened. They were friends again.

"Well, I invited you here to show you something. I just have to tell someone and you are my best friend," Laura told her.

"What???" she asked.

"I'll have to show you, you won't believe it unless I do."  Laura led Vienna upstairs and showed her Willy's room.  Willy himself was sitting on his bed with Disney Princesses sheets wearing a cute blue and red jumper over a blue top and white tights.  He wasn't wearing any shoes.  He was playing with some stuffed animals.  Sitting in the corner reading a book, was Stacy (the most popular girl at Laura's high school.)

The room itself was totally different than how it was weeks ago.  The colors of the room were blue, but they were a light pastel blue, instead of the deep blue they had been before.  Stuffed animals were everywhere.  The plushies were on the bed, on the desk, on the floor, and still more in the closets. In the closet, Vienna could see tops and pants mostly, but they were in every color of the rainbow especially pastels. There were also clearly some dresses.   Vienna was sure she could see a skirt or two also.  On top of the drawers were some games, monopoly, sorry, girl talk, the barbie board game, some others.  On the walls were posters Vienna could recognize having characters from shows on Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel.  It was now clearly a young girl's room.

Laura motioned Vienna to join her in her room.

"What happened? Did your brother become a gaywad all of a sudden"

Laura explained about finding the orb and all that it could do and then you told her, "I used it on Willy. He now thinks and acts like a ten-year-old girl."

Laughing Vienna said," You made him think he is a little girl?"

"No, not exactly.  He still thinks he is a man.  He just acts and has the maturity of a young girl.  If you ask him about himself, he'll say the usual things but if you ask him about what he likes, you'll get the answers of a young girl.  He did have to drop out of college though?"

"He did?"

"Yes, he is still as smart as he ever was, but you can't have a ten-year-old doing the responsible thing and going from class to class like an adult would. Besides he doesn't like it anymore.  But he is much happier now playing with his toys and games. He has named all his dolls and he loves to play 'Sorry'. That's his favorite board game."

"But I saw Stacy in the room with him. Is she also ten?"

"Heaven's no.  She is his babysitter.  He isn't mature enough to be home alone without someone watching him.  At first, I would watch him all the time.  I used to love watching him play with his Barbies for hours.  Or we would play 'Sorry' together.  But I had other things to do (like using my powers) and so we had to find a babysitter.  I went over to Stacy's house and now she loves to babysit for him.  She treats him like the little girl he acts like." Laura explained.

"But she was such a bitch to us at school.  Did you change her?"

"Well at school I guess.  But while working she is totally professional.  I didn't have to change her besides making her accept the job.  But if I hear she isn't a good babysitter for Willy then I'll fix her.  I thought about it a lot.  Willy acts like a ten-year-old. Stacy will act like a toddler.  Not only that, she'll act like one of those toddlers who doesn't like wearing clothing.  She'll be running around naked without a care in the world.  But as long as she is professional I'm not worried about this."

"OK, I guess."

"Oh, that reminds me,  Willy's girlfriend came over a few days after he dropped out of school.  I decided to let her see him the way he is.  When she saw him, she started calling him names, like queer and faggot.  Willy said he still loved her, although I don't think he knows what love means anymore.  Not like he did anyway.  But she wouldn't let up.  Willy started crying. I had to tell her to leave.  But I really felt sorry for Willy so when she left,  I changed her sexual orientation,  She is now an avowed lesbian.  But she doesn't like just any woman, she is now only attracted to women who are at least five or ten years older than her parents.  I don't know if she found an old lady yet, but I'm sure she will."

Vienna never met Willy's girlfriend so she didn't have any sympathy for her.

Laura found out from Willy that Stacy wasn't as nice to Willy as she thought she was when Laura isn't around.  Laura decided to do as she said she would.  Back at school, there was a rumor that Stacy had some sort of breakdown and had to drop out.

What happened was Laura didn't make Stacy younger she simply wouldn't allow Stacy to use any of the knowledge she accumulated since she was two and a half years old.  Stacy remembers knowing stuff and doing things but she couldn't do them anymore.  She understands thousands of words but can only speak about 500.  She isn't capable of reading and can only recite a few letters.  On a good day, she can count up until six.  She is not potty trained at all.  She isn't steady on her feet any more either.  Laura made it that not only can't she access any of her old knowledge, but she can't relearn it either.  She apparently knows as much as toddlers so people treat her like one.

Since she remembers how she should be, she isn't happy.  She is mostly frustrated and angry.  She doesn't like the clothing her family dresses her in.  They dress her like a baby so she won't get into trouble.  But if you turn your back on her, she'll take off her clothing including her diaper.  Modesty is also something that is learned and so Stacy doesn't have access to that either.

Three days after Laura made the changes to Stacy's mind she went to visit Stacy to see how it was going.  Laura found her dressed as a toddler in the living room.  In front of her were some toys but she refused to play with them.  Laura could sense the anger and frustration in Stacy's mind.   She knew that she should be an 'adult' but she was stuck the way she was.  She couldn't make her mind think right.  She couldn't make her hands move right it was torture for her.

Stacy's mother greeted you, "Hi, you are the only one of Stacy's friends to visit her since the incident." The incident as they called it was when you removed access to her adult abilities from her mind and all of a sudden she started acting like a baby.  She was ambulanced to a hospital and when it was discovered there was nothing to do, Stacy was taken home.  She is being treated like the toddler she acts like.

"Well, she used to babysit for my brother. We became friendly," Laura told her.

"It's just nice.  We are going to have to redecorate her room for her new needs.  We need a crib and a playpen for her.  We also need a changing table and we plan on getting her a new carpet and painting the walls in something that would suit a toddler."

"But now that she is a baby, she doesn't need the bigger room anymore," Stacy's brother Tommy grumbled.

"It's still her room," Stacy's mother told Tommy.

"It should be mine and she can have my room," Tommy reiterated.

"You want Stacy's room?" you asked Tammy.

"Yes, I do!!!" he said forcefully.

Laura was feeling guilty about Stacy. She didn't want her to suffer so much.  It would be better if all her adult thoughts and memories were removed, then she could enjoy her childhood like any other toddler. So Laura decided if Tommy wanted Stacy's room he should have everything else of her, including all her knowledge.  Therefore, Laura transferred everything that Stacy learned or experienced since she was a toddler into Tommy's mind.  All of her hopes and dreams too.  This included all her sexual experiences, wants and needs, knowledge, and desires. This replaced all of Tommy's hopes and dreams, etc.

Now Tommy can have her room since everything in there was his stuff anyway now.  Stacy on the other hand was made completely innocent and started to smile with all cares and worries gone from her mind along with everything else.

Laura started to think, how many toddlers has she made of adults since this all started?  three?  four?  Laura wasn't sure.  A pang of regret stirred at Laura.  She decided that she had done enough to Willy.  He was her older brother.  She should return him to normal or at least find out if he wants to be normal.  Laura knew he was very happy with how he was.

But when she got home and saw Willy, Laura realized the orb was gone.  She thought she had just had it but it was gone now.  She retraced her steps, but couldn't find it.

Laura would have to live with the guilt she felt because of the lives she ruined.

"Willy," Laura pleaded, "can you ever forgive me?"

"Forgive you?  For what?"

'For all I have done to you."

"Done to me?  You've been a great sister.  You play with me all the time.  I know you don't like the games we play all the time, but you play anyway.  When mom or dad is mad at me, you talk to them for me.  Your a great sister.  Forgive you?  I love you."

Willy gave Laura a big hug.

Laura was glad that Willy didn't know what happened to him.  He felt like a happy young girl.  Laura would have to bear the responsibility all by herself.

Golden Mind Control Orb 


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