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The girls from the Twenty-Third floor are back in the elevator.  https://www.patreon.com/posts/53500448

"That didn't work," Jack complained.

"I didn't think it would," Oakleigh admitted.  "Jaclyn, it's time to accept the facts.  We are girls now."  Oakleigh who thought she had been Owen accepted her fate.  She believes she was a girl now.

It had been weeks since Jaclyn and Oakleigh had entered the elevator and been influenced by Cardonali.  Jaclyn had the idea that if they did the same thing they did last time to the letter they would swap back to their old lives.  Well, to the lives they believed they had had.

"I'm not a girl and don't call me Jaclyn.  I'm still Jack."

"Yes, you are.  Being a girl is not that bad.  In fact, it's pretty nice."

"You only say that because you are a hot woman, I'm still a little kid."

"That isn't the reason.  Besides, you could be cute too.  All you have to do is care about your appearance. Stop wearing oversized jeans and t-shirts.  Why do you wear baseball caps so often?"

"Because mom won't let me cut my hair short."

"But you have such pretty hair.  Let people see it."

"I don't want to.  It's not fair, I don't want to be a girl.  I don't want to go to dance class. I don't want to go to girl scouts, I don't want to do all the things that girls do.  I want to be a boy again."

"I am sorry, but you'll never be a boy.  You have to face up to the fact.  Going to dance class and wearing pretty clothes and all the things that girls do are really nice.  You just have to give it a chance."

"I'll never give it a chance."

"There is no way around it," Oakleigh tried to convince Jack.  "We snuck into the women's locker room to see naked women and we were punished for it.  There is no way around that."

"So if we break into a boy's locker and see a bunch of dicks that'll get us swapped back?"

"I doubt it."

"Come on, let's try."


"What could it hurt?"

"It could get worse.  I'm not doing it."


"I don't know.  But it could."

"You don't want to try because of that boy, Joshua.  Did you two have sex?"

"I'm not telling."

"Then you did!  Yew, you're a boy!"

"Do I look like a boy?" Oakleigh asked rhetorically.  "Still not saying.  But I don't care, I'm a girl now.  I'm staying this way.  You can do what you want."

Jack thought that if he could cut his hair and with the right clothes he could sneak into the boy's locker.  But did he really want to look at a bunch of boys' junk?  Especially if it didn't work.  He didn't know."

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Mindy Murdoch

I love that you circled back so we could check In With these two lovelies. 🥰