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Chapter 11

The hospital that Adelaide checked herself into was out of town.  Steven and Joanne went with her staying in a hotel.  The family didn't tell anyone where they were going.  The only said that the experiment was over and that when they got back, everything would be back to normal.

Staying at a hotel, gave them lots of time to be alone.  After all the time of being 'apart' Steven and Joanne were looking forward to getting together.  They threw themselves at each other like lovers who had been separated for months.  In a way that was actually true even though they had seen each other everyday.  Joanne seemed to remember that Dr. Zaaijer said that they were "young and in love" and should act that way.

They had a whirl wind romance like in one of Adelaide's trashy novels, but Steven refused to have intercourse.  He said, "a gentleman waited until after they are married.  I'm going to make an honest woman out of you."  Not that anything and everything up to that was fine and the two spent a lot of time experimenting in all sorts of interesting ways.

"But we had already done it," Joanne whined.

"That was before.  I feel like I'm an entirely different person now.  Your mother has taught me a lot.  If she is going to be a 'Lady', then I am going to be a 'Gentleman'."

"You are going to be my big strong gentleman?"  Joanne said and she meant every word of it.  "Steven had grown since the sessions with the doctor," she thought  She loved his hairy muscled chest and strong arms, especially when he goes around without his shirt.  She even loved his close cut haircut.

"Yes I'm already a strong man, but I want to be all yours.  I've been thinking.  I am going to grow a beard.  I haven't shaved in a few days,  I'm going to let it grow.  I don't know why, but my beard is growing in faster than it ever had been before.  It's like trying to be a woman for a month has forced my masculinity to reassert itself...in spades."

"You'll look so sexy with a beard."

Adelaide recovered relatively quickly after the surgery.  Joanne and Steven visited her often in the hospital.  The day had come to remove all the bandages.

"You'll have a new mother when I have these removed," Adelaide said referring to her bandages.

"No you will be the same old wonderful mother I have always had."

"Well that is true, but I will look different.  I never realized how boyish I looked before.  I never want to look like a man in any way again."

"You always looked beautiful to me."

"You are so sweet."

"Well if this doesn't work, I guess I can always go back to being the matriarch of the family," Steven joked.

"Not on your life!!!" Adelaide countered.

"No way," Joanne confirmed.  "I like you just the way you are.  Besides we have a wedding to plan."

The bandages came off and Adelaide looked great.  There wasn't any trace of masculinity in her face at all.  She also upgraded to D-cup breasts.  She was quite a looker now for a 42 year old woman.  Everyone kept silent until Adelaide had a chance to look at herself in the mirror.  She loved what she saw posing for the mirror in front of her.  "I couldn't have hoped for anything better," she said.

"You look very pretty," Joanne said and Steven agreed.  The doctor told her she could head home tomorrow.

Joanne and Steven had a romantic dinner that night.  He got down on a knee and popped the question.  Joanne didn't take a second to say 'Yes'.  She actually had to wait the few seconds for Steven to actually ask her which was tortuous.

"Joanne, now that we are officially engaged, I think I should meet your dad.  Can he come and meet us somewhere.  I want to ask him for permission to marry you.  You know like in those old time stories."

"I think it would be best if you just come with me when I see him on Wednesday."

"Wednesday it is."

When Wednesday arrived, Steven accompanied Joanne to Jeremy's house.  Brie asked Joanne to arrive early that day.  She had to get her hair permed and then she was going to a seniors mixed media art workshop with the ladies she knew.

They arrived a little before two o'clock.  Jeremy was still taking his nap at that time.  Brie had to go.  She had heard a lot about Steven so she didn't have any problem with him being with Joanne.  Joanne led Steven to take a peek at Jeremy.  When they entered the nursery, the lights were off and the shades were drawn darkening the room.

"Awe isn't he cute!!!" Steven said upon seeing him.  Jeremy was sleeping like a baby with his thumb firmly in his mouth and stuffed animals strewn all across his over-sized crib.  "Your dad is so adorable!"

"Yes, he's a real sweetie."

"I can see why you like spending so much time with him."

Joanne smiled at that comment.  "But he will be asleep for another hour.  Let's let him be, you can ask him when he wakes up at three."  "Then after a moment, I have an idea, let's go to the park and you can ask him there."

"That's a wonderful idea."

At three o'clock on the dot, Joanne woke Jeremy as was her instructions.  She put a finger down his diaper to make sure he was dry.  He still was.  Then she helped him into the stroller and rolled him to the park.  Jeremy was facing front in his stroller and watched the world as Joanne and Steven talked behind him.

"Steven, you have better tell him now, before I let him go to play," Joanne said once they got to the park.

Steven got in front of the stroller and started talking to Jeremy.  "Sir," he said tentatively to Jeremy, "I have been seeing your daughter for quite a while now.  There is no one who I love more in this entire world.  Also in the last month, I don't know if Joanne told you what had happened.  Well regardless I've changed a lot.  Mostly I have matured.  Sir, I want your blessing to  marry your daughter."

Jeremy was quiet all through Steven's speech.  Steven was looking at Jeremy straight in the eyes the entire speech.  He thought it was important not to lose eye contact.  When Jeremy didn't say anything for several seconds, Steven started to get very nervous.

"Honey, here this might help," Joanne said with a slight laugh and she removed the pacifier from Jeremy's mouth.

"gaaa booo, da goo ga ba," Jeremy said at last with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, thank you!  You have made me the happiest man."

"taa boo, haa choo feh mee"

"OH, OK," Steven said as he unbuckled Jeremy from his stroller and helped him up.  "You go out to play."  Jeremy scampered off to play in the grass.  "Did you hear that Joanne, he said YES!"

"I sure did.  WE CAN GET MARRIED!"

Joanne and Steven sat watching Jeremy play with a ball.  He would throw the ball and run after it.  The ball didn't go very far since he was very uncoordinated.

"Look at him, he is having so much fun."

"He wasn't always like that.  He has changed a lot.  You have to give Dr. Zaaijer credit for it," Joanne told Steven.

"Yes, Dr. Zaaijer is the smartest, kindest, most ethical, greatest therapist there is.  I would recommend Dr. Zaaijer to anybody I know,"  Joanne and Steven said in unison in a somewhat robotic tone.

"You also have to give credit to Brie too.  She stood by him and is taking wonderful care of him."

"I can see that."

"But this is getting to be very hard on her." Joanne said seriously.  "I didn't think it would ever happen, but we became good friends.  Dad can be a handful and she doesn't know how long she can keep up with him."


"Yes, she is almost thirty.  She says that she might have to move into an assisted care facility for seniors soon.  Or worse yet a nursing home."

"She looked so full of pep."

"She is putting up a brave face, but it's a matter of time."

"I see."

"...and then what will happen to dad."

"Well when we get our own place, he can stay with us."

"Do you mean it?'

"Of course I do!  He is your dad, we have to take care of him.  It's not like he can take care of himself."

"I love you so much!" Joanne said and then planted a kiss right on his lips.

"I love you too!"

"Joanne," Steven started, "I have been thinking.  We should invite Dr.
Zaaijer to our wedding."

"That is a great idea, he has help us in so many ways."

"Yeah, maybe he can help us with my parents.  They have been acting so strange since we told them about our wedding."

"I know, I know.  They had always been so supportive, but now they are saying that you are not their son.  They want to know what I have done with him.  I say nothing.  He's just matured.

Then they said no you am not their son.  That their son is actually missing and we had better tell them where he is.

When the police came to the house that proved they are nuts.  I don't know if Dr. Zaaijer can help them.  He is only a therapist not a psychiatrist."

"But he is the smartest, kindest, most ethical, greatest therapist there is," they said in unison.

Continuing Joanne said, "If anyone can help them, he can."

"Well when we invite him to the wedding, we'll ask him about that too."

It was getting close to Jeremy's dinner time and so Joanne suggested they head back.  But before going Joanne checked Jeremy's diaper.  "He's soaked," she stated.  "We should change him before heading back.

Joanne got the supplies from the diaper bag and placed a changing mat on the bench.  "Steven why don't you change him."

"I don't know.  Oh OK."  Steven helped Jeremy onto the changing mat and ripped off the tabs from his diaper.  When he removed the diaper, he found that Jeremy was fully erect.  "Hey big fella," he said.  "Is he always like that?'

"Yeah sometimes he can't help it."

"I guess not."  Steven changed Jeremy's diaper as if he had changed diapers thousands of times before.

"Hey I didn't know you could do that?  Have you done it before?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Well you are a natural."

"I'm good at a lot of things.  I'll show you when we are alone."

"OOOOO Baby."


With no home to go to, Steven moved in with Adelaide and Joanne permanently.  At least until they got married and found a place of their own.

Adelaide and Steven were closer than ever.  She shares a special bond with Steven.  They had been through something few people ever attempted and it brought them an understanding of each other that few people could match. In a lot of ways they were even closer than Joanne and Steven.

Adelaide's friends accepted and loved the new Addie.  She was vivacious, cheerful and full of life.  Her friends hadn't seen her like this since her divorce.  They had just assumed that she had finally moved passed it.  Adelaide  had grown from this experience and even forgave her former husband Jeremy who she babysits on occasion.  All her friends remarked to Joanne that "They were happy for her."  She still loves shoe shopping that is something she could never give up.  She even has more shoes now than she had before.

Adelaide did take up ballroom dancing and she just loved it.  "There is nothing better than wearing fancy dresses and pretty shoes in a man's arms as he guides you across the dance floor," Adelaide told her daughter on many occasions.  "Nothing makes you feel more like a lady than that."

"So you have told me."

"But the best part, is that if the man you are with isn't treating you right, you can just pick another one.  There are so many men there."

"But I have a man."

"I know and he is a great man.  But there is nothing wrong with making him jealous every once in a while.  It'll add spice to your marriage."

"My relationship is already very 'spicy.'  We can't keep our hands off each other."  Joanne told her mother everything.  There weren't any secrets between the three of them.  All had grown through the experience.  Steven might have grown the most, he wasn't a boy anymore he was a man.  He had become very serious about himself and his future.  He still loved sports and could drink with the best of them.  But he gave up his job at Walmart to have a career in construction.  He (like Adelaide who enrolled in a cosmetology college) returned to school.  He took up welding.  "Strong backs at the construction site were a dime a dozen, he would need a skill to make himself indispensable," he had told Joanne on more than one occasion.

Everyone attended the wedding.  The bride never looked so lovely and the groom never looked so handsome.  Jeremy had accompanied his daughter down the aisle, but she held his hand to keep him steady on his feet.  Brie, who was now in a care facility also attended with her own nursing assistant.  All of Steven's friends, Joanne's friends and even Adelaide's friends attended the wedding.  After talking to Dr. Zaaijer even Steven's parents, Beth and Chris were persuaded to come.  Of course, Dr. Zaaijer's treatment of them wasn't complete as they had another appointment with him tomorrow.

Dr. Zaaijer was also in attendance.  Steven and Joanne made sure to introduced the man who meant so much to them to everyone.  Dr. Zaaijer was very glad to meet all of the couple's friends and family.  He was sure that several of them would be attending his family therapy sessions in the near future.  He was sure he could help them in his own special way.

Steven introduced the doctor to the guests.  Dr. Zaaijer all the while kept humming the same tune.
"...moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a mule?
A mule is an animal with long funny ears
Kicks up at anything he hears
His back is brawny but his brain is weak
He's just plain stupid with a stubborn... "

In the end, Joanne and Steven moved into the house next to Adelaide.  It was a bit bigger than Adelaide's but they needed the space, they lived with Joanne's dad and Steven's parents.  Joanne kept Jeremy on the schedule that Brie had worked out with Dr. Zaaijer.  He lives like  a happy babbling toddler but he doesn't care, all his needs are met and he is in a loving home.  He doesn't even know he is still isn't an adult man.

About a year later, Brie was moved into the house too.  Brie had deteriorated in the year she spent in the assisted care facility.  She couldn't walk or feed herself anymore.  Her aide, Ninalia also moved in to take care of her.  Brie's mental and physical condition stabilized since moving in with the family.  Her greatest joy was when Ninalia would roll er into Jeremy's room in her wheelchair and she could watch Jeremy play happily with his toys.  The extra set of eyes on Jeremy allowed Joanne to pursue her own interests.

Jeremy sat happy as a clam while stuffing a toy into his mouth.  He thought about his life.  "The people, mostly women around me take care of all my needs.  Even when I'm alone like now, if I make peepee they are right there to help him.  My diaper is wet, but it can wait.  I say a 'word' and someone will be here to fix me right up.  The doctors always said that I should eat well and get plenty of sleep.  It's all taken care of for me now.  The meals are all nutritious, great tasting and always served right on time, with snacks in the middle if I get hungry.  I don't know how they do it, but every time they serve my favorite thing.  If I get tired I can fall right to sleep and no one says a word.  They even put me to bed, or roll me around in my stroller.  But that doesn't happen often since I have a scheduled nap in the middle of the day.  I can do anything I want and I don't have to be responsible for the consequences.  What more could a man want?" Jeremy thought.  "And it was all because of Dr. Zaaijer.  He is such a great doctor."

Ninalia is a sweet, pleasant African American obese woman with a Jamaican accent.  She always has a smile and says she loves her work.  She is a bit tall for a woman with black hair that is braided into cornrows.  She also has a massive tummy, massive thighs and an especially massive butt and boobs.  Joanne thought she wore too much makeup especially foundation and her nails were too long, but as long as she did her job, Joanne really didn't care too much.

She takes care of all of Brie's needs (feeding her, getting her in and out of bed from her wheelchair, bathing her, changing her depends, putting in her hearing aides and all the rest)  which was a great relief to Joanne who had her hands full already.  What Joanne didn't know was that in reality,  Ninalia is really Steven's old friend Carlos.  The good doctor saw the young man after he complained to Joanne and after a year of hormones and overeating the pleasant highly dependable Ninalia was born.

Steven's parents believe they are small dogs, possibly Pomeranian mixes.  They are very protective of their family barking at all strangers, but being small dogs when push comes to shove they always back down.  They are of course, as all dogs are, always naked except for the collar they wear with their 'new' names Tinker and Belle on the dog tags.  They are well taken car of, and well trained then never walk or lie on the furniture, they always eat from their own bowls and perform the usual doggy tricks for treats.  Tinker does mount Belle any time he feels like it.  It doesn't matter where they are or who is around.  But dogs do what dogs do.

Adelaide met a man who is a true romantic gentleman and they are very happy.  This man was a former patient of Dr. Zaaijer.


Post Epilogue read at your own risk.

Some weeks before, Joanne and Steven came to Dr. Zaaijer.  They wanted him to recommend a doctor.  They had been trying for over a year to have a baby, but no matter what they did it didn't work  Dr. Zaaijer arranged for all the tests and asked Joanne to come down alone to discuss the matter.

When Joanne was lead into Dr. Zaaijer's office she noticed that the doctor was singing to himself the same song he was singing at their wedding.

"What's that?"

"It's one of my favorites.  It's an old song, called 'Swinging on a star.' I find it inspirational."

She entered his office and was about to take a seat when  Dr. Zaaijer said casually, "Joanne, please take off your clothes and sit down on the table with your legs spread apart."

"But why do I have to take off my clothes?"

"You want a baby don't you?"


"Well I'll give it to you."

"What are you talking about."

"Don't worry you won't remember a thing.  Here let me take my pants off."


"I'll be all over in a few minutes."

"I'M GETTING THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"  Dr. Zaaijer blocked Joanne's escape from the office. "STOP,STOP, HELP!!!"

"Do you want a baby or not?  This is the only way.  You will think it's your husband's baby. Anyway."

"You're going to rape me and I'll think it's my husband's baby?"  Joanne shouted.

<authors note: I am going to stop typing in caps>

"Sure," Dr. Zaaijer said in a reasonable voice.

"I'll never do that.  I'll know who it is!"  Joanne knew she would tel
the police too, but didn't want to tell the doctor that.

"You don't realize the things you can forget." Dr. Zaaijer said and removed all of the hypnotic blocks from Joanne's memory.  It all came back to her.  She knew everything that happened since meeting with Dr. Zaaijer.

Joanne scream, "Oh my god!  I married my mother."

"She doesn't act like your mother does she?" Dr. Zaaijer countered.

Joanne's mind was full of ever detail of what she did with her mother.  It disgusted her.  They acted like a young married couple who couldn't get enough of each other.  They did it at least once a day, if there was any time at all.  She came here to actually ask for help in getting pregnant by her mother.

Then she thought of what had become of her and the people around her.  She was living in a large house.  She needed it because of all the people who were living with her.  Her in-laws were now her dogs.  They ran around the house naked, fucking anytime the mood hit one or the other.  They had no shame.  Joanne remembered walking them on leashes, feeding them dog food out of bowls.  She even made them do tricks like 'sit' and 'beg' all for dog treats.  How could she do that?

Her dad was a little baby who isn't even old enough to talk.  He spends fourteen hours a day asleep and the rest of it playing with baby toys and pooping his diaper.

Steven, the man she should have married acts like her mother instead.  He is married to an older gentleman. Even though they are supposed to be mother and daughter, they talk about sex too.  Steven is continually telling Joanne how to please a man, even though Joanne says she doesn't have a problem in that area.  But the things that he said he is doing with his husband, would make the old Steven sick.   He is living some sort of fifties housewife nightmare.  He is only concerned with pleasing his man,
keeping a clean house and wearing pretty clothes.

Steven's friend Carlos became a fat black woman healthcare worker.  He works twenty four hours a day seven days a week wiping the spit off a thirty year old woman who acts like she is in her eighties and has Alzheimer's.

None of them deserved their fates, not even Brie or her dad.

Joanne screamed.  The man was a monster, she had to get out of here and tell someone.

"I'll tell you what.  I'll give you a choice.  I can have my way with you now and you will carry my baby and as far as you know everything is as it should be."

"or???" Joanne asked.

"Or I won't do a thing.  You can leave here perfectly fine, except you will remember everything that has happened including right now and you won't be able to tell anybody.  You'll go home to your husband and carry on as before, except you will know exactly who it is you are being intimate with.  When you change your dad's diaper you will know how he is supposed to be.  When you have lunch with your mother, you'll know who that really is underneath those clothes and makeup.

Joanne thought for a second.  She didn't know what to do?

"Choose!" Dr. Zaaijer demanded.


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