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AN: Hello. Seeing as [The Fox and the Hare] and [The Renegade] are 1-2 chapters away from ending, I am finally able to start working on the fic that won the poll, the promised Naruto/Justice League crossover.

Plot: Upon discovering Naruto's planet and seeing its primitive technology, Darkseid invaded together with his Parademons, thinking that he'd conquer the planet in days. But things didn't turn out the way he hoped. As he was forced to retreat, Darkseid kidnapped one of the shinobi who had given him the most trouble. Willingly or not, the boy would become his knight, his weapon.

Pairing: Naruto/Starfire/Supergirl. Writing something other than an OTP pairing is new territory for me, but I hope I will do it justice. Things won't be pretty from the start between the three of them. I will try to show a somewhat realistic way in which the three of them could come to accept each other.

Things to take note of:

  • OOC Naruto. The summary should've been a clear indicator that Naruto's personality won't remain like in the canon. I won't spoil what comes in the future chapters, but I will say that some of his old character traits will return at some point, gradually. Just remember that, in real life, a person's character and behaviour are shaped/changed/influenced by the things they experience and by their relationships and interactions with other people.

  • DC characters' power level is mostly that from the animated series and animated movies.

  • Graphic content. There will be violence, battles, character deaths, etc. This first chapter is quite dark in particular. That being said, the tone of the story will not always be like this. There will also be quite a few romantic and wholesome moments in the future. But you probably know what to expect from my stories by now; there will be a bit of everything.


Chapter 1 - Invasion

The steep, rocky mountains that pierced the sky like the blade of a sword, the waterfall of oil, and the tens of gigantic toad statues surrounding it made for a fantastical view. It was one of the most mysterious places in the Ninja World, one of the big three unexplored Sage regions, a place that extremely few humans had ever set foot in: Mount Myoboku.

Currently, a 16-year-old boy with tanned skin and blonde hair was precariously balancing himself while sitting cross-legged on a square stone slate, at the very peak of one of those blade-like mountains. For a few seconds, he seemed to be doing an okay job, but when a small gust of wind blew, it made him start flailing his arms in panic. 

“Gyaaah!” he screamed as he fell into the forest of spear-like rock formations below. 

Fortunately, a long toad tongue suddenly wrapped around his waist and saved him from the potentially deadly fall. 

“Maybe we should take a break, Naruto-chan? As your concentration drops, the period of time you’re able to sit still seems to decrease as well,” Fukasaku, the Elder Toad, said as he pulled back his tongue, bringing the boy back to the top of the mountain. 

“I can keep going!” Naruto said undaunted. 

The old toad blew out a sigh. “That may be the case for you, but I’m getting weary myself. Let’s go have one of Ma’s snacks while we catch our breaths. What do you say?”

“Nooo! Anything but that!” Naruto refused vehemently. “I’ll just go have some cold water! Right, I will make my shadow clones train while you’re resting. You won’t have to save them from falling when they lose their balance!”

The thought of being forced to eat worms and bugs again filled him with revulsion. 

While the Elder Toad went to rest in the shade, Naruto made four clones and ordered them to start training. In the meantime, he started thinking about what the elder toad had told him before:

“Practically speaking, in terms of your training, you need to sit still.”

“Huh?!” Naruto was bewildered. 

“When you cease your flow of animal instincts and harmonize with the flow of nature, you will be able to sense Nature Energy,” the Elder Toad explained, but that sounded like a foreign language to his ears. 

“So I just have to sit still? That seems easy enough.”

…Is what he had said before he started training and got to experience just how difficult a task that was. 

As a powerful shinobi, Naruto had a very good mastery of his body’s movements. Even his chakra control was elite nowadays, after the gruelling training that he had gone through during the creation of Rasenshuriken. However, sitting still without moving at all was proving to be more difficult than he had expected. But, in hindsight, he should have seen it coming. Sitting still was almost like a form of torture for someone who was as hyperactive and easily distracted as him. 

Hours passed as nearly one hundred of Naruto’s shadow clones fell to their deaths into the rocky ‘forest’ below. Naruto himself also had to be rescued by the elder toad more than two dozen times after losing his balance and falling off his slate. 

“It’s time to wrap it up for today,” the elder toad said. 

“I’m not done yet!” Naruto said stubbornly, but he let out a yelp of pain when the elder toad whacked him on the back with his black stick. 

“Look at the sky, It’s dusk already! No, it’s night! I told you that this training wouldn’t be finished in a day or two. Do you think becoming a Sage is that easy? There aren’t even five humans who have managed to become Sages in the last 1000 years! So let’s head back. Eat something, wash yourself, and get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll start again.”

Naruto was about to say something in retort, but when the elder toad slightly raised his stick and narrowed his eyes at him, he wisely decided to keep his mouth shut. He followed the elder obediently.

The two of them almost arrived home when a large orange toad, Gamakichi, leapt towards them in a rush and shouted:

“Fukasaku-sama! Bad news! Konoha is under attack!”

“What?! What happened?! Don’t tell me, did the Akatsuki attack the village? Did they finally come after me?” Naruto shouted. 

“No, it’s someone else. Something else. Kosuke said he had never seen anything like it!”

Kosuke was the toad summon delegated to Konoha; his role was to reverse-summon Naruto back to the village in case of an emergency while he was training. 

Naruto and the elder toad had spent the entire day training, but the moment they heard that Konoha was under attack, all thoughts of rest disappeared from their minds. 

“Send him a message to summon us to Konoha immediately! No, tell him to summon you first so that you can summon all of us,” Fukasaku said.

Kosuke was a small toad; he didn’t have enough chakra to summon all the warriors of the Toad clan. 

“Katon: Great Fireball!”

A large fireball came from the mouth of a Konoha chunin, blowing up a gigantic vehicle of steel. 

“Mom! Dad! Someone, please help me—aaarghh!” a young, civilian child cried out before his body was torn apart by a winged, demonic creature.

“Gatsuga!” a shout was heard, and that demonic creature, along with six others of its kind that were nearby, were turned into red mist as a member of the Inuzuka clan and his ninken partner attacked, transforming themselves into giant drills. 

“Doton: Doryuheki!” a genin cried out, and a mud wall rose in front of him. Alas, it had been in vain. The earth-wall technique was vaporised when a flying warship fired its double-barreled laser cannon at him. There wasn’t even a speck of dust left from that unfortunate shinobi. 

It was chaos. It was pandemonium.

The sky was filled with hundreds of alien warships and countless flying, armoured demons. 

The ground was ravaged, with the remains of demolished buildings and the corpses of villagers and shinobi strewn all over the place. The entire village was burning. 

Momentarily, Naruto was in a stupor. Gamakichi had told them that the village was under attack, but he had never expected such an amount of death and destruction. It was several times worse than three years ago when Orochimaru, Sunagakure, and Otogakure invaded Konoha.

Outside of his own volition, his eyes became blood red and slit, just like those of a fox. A cloak of red chakra covered his body, its corrosive nature slowly starting to melt his skin away. But he couldn’t bring himself to care about the pain.

His voice was much darker and rougher when he weaved the signs for one of his most-used techniques and shouted:

“Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Justu!”

“Oh, great Darkseid. The barbarians are putting up a much fiercer resistance than we thought,” a grey-skinned, humanoid being, male by the looks of it, said in a servile voice. His skinny physique and hunchback posture made one think of a weasel. 

The one in question, Darkseid, was an extremely tall and muscular man, easily around 10 feet tall. His cracked-looking grey skin and completely red eyes betrayed the fact that he was not human. 

Darkseid narrowed his eyes as he watched the large screens streaming the battle happening below. 

Steppenwolf, the general of his army, had been the one to discover this previously thought uninhabited solar system. It was a solar system outside the 36 sectors of the known universe, outside the Guardians of Oa’s jurisdiction. In it, there was a green planet, full of life. Steppenwolf named it Balorat. (1)

Upon scouting the largest nations of the planet, their infrastructure, and their level of technology, Darkseid was led to believe that his army of Parademons would pillage and conquer this world within three days. 

He never expected the current scenario. 

“What is the meaning of this, Desaad?” Darkseid asked, his voice almost like a growl. “You told me that the planet has no defences. You told me that they were primitive and that they would be conquered in a matter of days.”

He could see on the screens showing the battle that even their children were stronger and faster than his own carefully bred Parademons. Boys and girls no older than 15 were tearing through the Parademons. As for the grown-up warriors and metahumans? Moving at speeds bordering or even surpassing the speed of sound, the grown-up ninja were like wolves in a flock of sheep.

The only reason why his army was still holding its ground was due to its large numbers and superior technology: warships, tanks, and other high-tech war machines that were capable of large-scale destruction. 

Desaad was quick to throw himself on his knees when Darkseid’s eyes started burning. 

“My lord, the data of our scouts wasn’t wrong! We just never knew that their metahumans would be so powerful or in such great numbers!” he cried out. 

Even the Earth, the planet holding the Anti-Life Equation, did not have such a great number of metahumans despite its 7 billion population.

Yet in this world, Balorat, merely one nation had over 7000 metahumans, some of them strong enough to go toe to toe with the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman.

The servile man trembled in terror when Darkseid abruptly stood up from his throne. However, to his great relief, it seemed like his master didn’t stand up in order to kill him. No, he was staring at the screens in front of him, his eyes wide with surprise. 

Raising his head, Desaad adopted a similar expression when he saw a large spot of red and orange suddenly appearing below and their radars showing the appearance of 5000 new metahuman enemies. 

It was a blonde-haired teenager, a boy with fox-like eyes and covered by a cloak of crimson-red energy. All those 5000 new metahumans on their radars were his shadow clones. They weren’t mere illusions. They were real. The swirling orbs of energy in their hands were obliterating Apokolips’ tanks and heavy artillery, and all the Parademons that got in their way were turned into nothing smears of blood and gore on the ground. 

“Desaad, order the armada to open fire and carpet-bomb the ground indiscriminately.”

“But, Master, we’ve deployed over 100,000 Parademons, and Steppenwolf, Mantis, and Kalibak are also there! If we open fire, all our troops will be lost too!” Desaad spoke up quickly. 

“Send orders for the new gods to retreat through a boom tube. As for the Parademons, they don’t matter. We’ll make a newer, stronger breed of Parademons from the metahumans native to his planet.”

As nightfall came, the battle on the ground only increased in intensity and viciousness. Many of the civilians in the village who had been unable to evacuate in time had been killed by the Apokolips army’s artillery, but the shinobi and the kunoichi were more than a match for the Parademons. Furthermore, with the addition of Naruto and his 5000 shadow clones and that of the gigantic Toad Ninjas from Mount Myoboku, Konoha was starting to push back the alien invaders. 

But that’s when it happened: the night sky was lit up by hundreds of bright beams of light as Darkseid’s armada opened fire. 

Due to the numerous clones protecting him, Naruto managed to survive the vicious airstrike. But that could not be said about the rest. Shinobi and kunoichi died by the hundreds. Not even Tsunade’s Slug summons had been capable of saving them for they were also annihilated. 

Konohagakure no Sato was unrecognizable. Although most of the army of Parademons had been decimated in the airstrike as well, the civilian population that had not been able to evacuate in time had been massacred in its entirety. Not even one building was still standing, and the Hokage Monument had been gouged and melted down by the laser cannons too. 

Naruto stared at the desolate scenery vacantly, momentarily unable to come to terms with reality. He was in shock.

Less than an hour ago, he had been training with the Elder Toad in the lush and peaceful lands of Mount Myoboku, but now he was in the middle of a war of extinction.  

“Father! Father!” Naruto vaguely heard Gamakichi’s bitter cries. His hearing was muffled as if he were underwater. 

Turning towards the sound, Naruto saw Gamakichi, his best friend among the Toads, bawling over the gigantic corpse of Gamabunta, who no longer had a head. The Toad Boss had shielded his son with his own body, sacrificing his life to protect him.

Not far, a few dozen metres to the right, he recognised the furry white silhouette of Akamaru. The poor dog was whining and crying while he was shaking an unresponsive Kiba with his paws as if he were trying to wake him up. But the boy was not going to wake up; he was dead, half of his torso missing. There wasn’t even any blood; the intense heat of the laser beam that nailed him had cauterized the wound, leaving a grotesque corpse behind. 

Thousands of bodies, some buried by rubble, others left smoking and burning, littered the ground. 

Blood rushed to his head as he took in the atrocities of war, the massacre that had just happened under his very eyes. 

At that moment, a white portal was opened in the middle of the ruined village, and four alien beings stepped out of it. They were Darkseid, Steppenwolf, Kalibak, and Mantis, the New Gods from Apokolips.

Darkseid flew up slowly with his hands behind his back, smiling as he looked at the carnage below his feet. But his smile froze when a pillar of vile, crimson energy split the skies and a bestial roar shook up the world, drowning out all the other sounds coming from the hundreds of warships flying above the village. 

“Father, watch out!” Kalibak shouted. 

Not having expected to suddenly be attacked, Darkseid was caught off guard. However, at the very last moment, Steppenwolf threw himself in front of Darkseid, shielding him with his body. 

The new god howled in agony as a crimson-red claw tore through his arm, ripping it savagely from the shoulder. And he would have lost his head next too if not for Kalibak, who raised his club and swung it wildly at the creature that had attacked them, smashing it back like a cannonball. 

It was then that they finally got to see their assailant in full. It was a demonic-looking creature, a crimson-red human-fox hybrid with five tails. It looked like nothing they had ever seen.

“Fascinating,” Darlseid spoke. “Is this an ability from your meta gene? Or is it some sort of magic?” It was as if Steppenwolf losing his arm for the sake of protecting him had not even registered on his radar. 

Naruto was too far gone to reply. He wasn’t even conscious anymore, Kyuubi’s rage having taken over him. He let out another bestial roar as he charged at Darkseid, his demeanour no different than that of a beast, growling and running on all fours as he attacked wildly. 

But just as the kyuubified Naruto lunged at Darkseid to claw his head off, Darkseid’s eyes burned and his Omega beams burst forth, blasting him at full force.

The berserk Naruto roared in anguish as the Omega Beams even started melting off his version 2 bijuu cloak. He brought his five tails in front of himself, using them as a shield to mitigate the damage the Omega Beams were dealing to him and suddenly buried his hands into the ground. 

Darkseid was caught off guard once again as Naruto’s impossibly long arms broke out of the ground, punching him violently into the chin and sending him flying and rolling over the ground like a skipping stone. 

“YOU DARE STRIKE ME?” Darkseid shouted in anger when he finally stopped his momentum and got up to his feet. 

The ground underneath his feet caved in as he jumped towards the five-tailed fox and punched with his entire strength. 

The kyuubified Naruto met his attack with a punch of his own, their fists clashing against each other. 

A shockwave burst from the impact of their fists, but Naruto was blasted off violently, flying over 300 metres before smashing into the ruined Hokage Monument, leaving a deep, five-tailed fox imprint in it. 

For a moment, it was quiet, and Steppenwolf and Kalibak were tempted to think that the demonic metahuman was finally down for the count. But Darkseid narrowed his eyes. 

“Mantis. Go ahead and make sure that he’s out. But don’t kill him. Only incapacitate him,” Darkseid ordered. 

“Yes, master,” the green-armoured new god said obediently. Yellow bolts of lightning appeared in his hands as he began walking towards the ruined cliffside. 

However, just as he arrived in front of the remains of the Hokage Monument, deep cracks started appearing all across the mountainside. The entire mountain on which the Hokage Monument had been carved collapsed, raising a huge cloud of dirt and dust in the air. 

Mantis was a New God from Apokolips. He was a conqueror. He had subjugated numerous planets under Darkseid’s orders, and countless kings had kneeled in front of him. However, at that moment, a feeling of deep terror washed over Mantis, a fear like he had never felt in his entire life. 

A roar like that of a primordial beast rang, blowing away the dust and dirt that had been raised for over one kilometre in the air. 

Mantis was frozen in terror, unable to move as the creature swiped its enormous claws, tearing through his body like a hot knife through butter. 

Not for the first time that day, Darkseid was startled. Kalibal and Steppenwolf looked in shock at the mutilated corpse of their former comrade. 

In front of them stood a gargantuan creature, over 40 metres tall, its enormous 9 tails even bigger than its already massive body. It was the strongest of all tailed beasts, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. 

“At last! I am free!”

When Kyuubi said those words and turned his bloodthirsty eyes towards them, Darkseid screamed:

“Desaad! Order the Armada to fire!” 

It was as if all the pilots had been waiting with their thumbs on the fire buttons because, not even a second after Darkseid’s words ended, the hundreds of warships above the village aimed their double-barrelled cannons at Kyuubi and fired. 

The armada that had easily obliterated the entirety of Konoha was now focusing its entire firepower on one single spot, on Kyuubi. With his enormous size, it was impossible for them to miss him. 

Kyuubi roared in rage and pain as the laser beams bore into his flesh, leaving deep, burning wounds all over his body. The fox tried to break into a run towards Darkseid but another massive hail of laser beams bombed him from above, forcing him to turtle up behind his large tails, and making him unable to even take a step forward. 

While the hundreds of Apokolips warships were raining death upon Kyuubi from above, nobody took note of the green-clad human male who dug his way up out of the rubble. 

They did not notice the way he formed an X with his arms in front of him, and the deafening sounds coming from the laser beams exploding against Kyuubi drowned out the sound of his voice when he yelled:

“Hachimon: The Gate of Joy!”

A dense aura of green light burst from his body, and his skin turned an angry shade of red as he opened the 6th of the Eight Inner Gates. 

“Asa Kujaku!” Might Guy screamed. 

The aliens finally took note of his presence only when the sky was filled with dozens upon dozens of fireballs. 

The night sky was illuminated by extremely bright flashes of light as the fireballs generated by Might Guy’s inhumanly fast punches smashed into the numerous warships flying above the village, blowing them all to smithereens. 

Despite the fact that his warships were being annihilated at a crazy pace by the emergence of Might Guy, Darkseid did not order them to retreat. 

“Continue firing at that beast! Do not weaken your assault, or I’ll give you all a fate even worse than death!” he threatened. 

Turning to look at the two subordinates next to him, Darkseid ordered:

“Steppenwolf, Kalibak, go and kill that metahuman for me.”

The hundreds of double-barrelled cannons firing upon Kyuubi for several minutes had been too much for him in the end. The laser beams moved at the speed of light, and they were powerful enough to even melt rocks. Kyuubi may have been the strongest bijuu in the world, but he was not invincible. He was too large to dodge the hundreds of light-speed laser attacks, and his defense was not impenetrable either. By the time Might Guy dug his way out of the rubble and started destroying the alien warships, Kyuubi had already reached his limits. 

Despite the fact that Naruto had ripped open the seal and set him free, Kyuubi willingly went back inside his body, choosing to retreat rather than perish. 

He left it all in the hands of Might Guy because he knew just how powerful the users of Eight Inner Gates were.

After all, the seal was gone now. He could leave Naruto’s body any time he wished later on. 

Darkseid didn’t let it show on his face, but, inwardly, he was relieved to see that crimson-red behemoth disappear in a shower of lights, slowly seeping back into the body of the human boy. 

With the massive demonic being out of the way, Darkseid turned his attention to the powerful metahuman who had annihilated nearly a third of his warships in less than two minutes. 

The God of Evil lost count of how many times he was surprised that day. Not even half a minute passed since he had ordered Kalibak and Steppenwolf to kill the newly arrived metahuman, but the two of them were already lying unconscious at the feet of the human. 

Darkseid’s eyes paused for a moment on the unmoving body of Kalibak, his firstborn son. He was lying in a pool of blood, with a hole as big as his head in his torso. He was dead. The rising and lowering of Steppenwolf’s chest were a sign that he was still breathing, if barely. 

“Are you angry at the deaths of your subordinates?” Might Guy asked as he walked towards Darkseid, his body emitting a dense blue aura now, different from when he had cast the Morning Peacock technique. “That’s nothing compared to the rage burning in my soul now.”

He couldn’t tell how many people were still alive, buried underneath the rubble of the ruined village, but it didn’t take a genius to understand that roughly 90% of the village had been massacred by the air strike of the alien warships.

There was no joviality on his face anymore. No more boasting about being Konoha’s Noble Green Beast. No more talk about Youth.

There was only rage. Only Vengeance.

“The weak die, the strong live. Weaklings have no place at my side,” Darkseid said indifferently. “But you are strong. I could use someone like you. Join me, mortal. Become my knight, my champion, and you will get to keep your life and the lives of your fellow humans on this planet too.”

If Might Guy was surprised by the fact that the alien understood his words and even spoke to him in the common language of the Elemental Nations, he showed no sign of it. 

“Join you? After everything you’ve done?” Might Guy said. “You killed my comrades! You destroyed my village! And you murdered my pupil, the one I cared for like a son! Are you asking me to join you?”

By the end of it, his voice degenerated into an outright scream, a roar filled with rage and anguish. 

“You won’t leave this place alive, monster! I will stake my life on it!”

Might Guy got in a crouching position as he said:

“My life for yours!”

“Hachimon: The Gate of Death!”

Red vapour came off his body and snuffed out the blue aura from before. Darkseid didn’t even react before a powerful punch landed on his face, shattering his jawbone and hurling him back violently for several hundred metres, all the way to the outskirts of the now-ruined village. 

The hundreds of warships flying above the village all started firing their laser cannons at Might Guy but, in his Gate of Death, he was incomparably faster than Kyuubi. None of the laser beams met their marks. Space itself seemed to bend around him as he ran, seemingly breaking the laws of physics.

Might Guy appeared to have gained the ability to fly as he started kicking the air, sending himself upwards. 

“First Step!” he shouted. 

The wind pressure generated by his punch instantly obliterated twelve warships. 

“Second Step!” 

More than 20 blinding explosions lit up the night sky like miniature suns.

“Thirst Step!”

“Fourth Step!”

“Fifth Step!”

In the blink of an eye, the night seemed to turn into day from the hundreds of powerful explosions as Might Guy single-handedly annihilated Apokolips’ entire armada. 

Darkseid’s armada, the hundreds of warships that had struck fear and terror into dozens of galaxies were all annihilated by a single man in the span of a few breaths. 

By the time Might Guy finished destroying all the warships, he was gasping for air, seemingly not far from reaching his limits. 

It was while he was catching his breath that four crimson rays of light were fired at him. They were Darkseid’s Omega Beams. 

Confident in the godlike speed that he gained by opening the Gate of Death, Might Guy wasn’t worried and easily dodged the four crimson rays of light. Or so it had seemed at first. He was startled to realise that the Omega Beams did a 180-degree turn, coming back at him again. They were homing on him. 

He dodged the Omega Beams one more time, but the beams once again followed him closely, not letting him escape. Left with no other choice, Might Guy plunged down and used his great strength to bury himself into the ground like a mole, collapsing the dirt and soil after him, thus making the Omega Beams finally lose their target and explode. 

Might Guy quickly burst out of the ground, rushing back to the surface. Once he opened the Gate of Death, his life became like a dying candle. Even if he stood still, without moving a muscle, he only had a few minutes left to live. 

He didn’t want his sacrifice to be in vain. He didn’t want the destruction of his homeland, and the deaths of his comrades and that of his beloved pupil to go unavenged. He had to kill the alien invader no matter what. 

Alas, when Might Guy came back to the surface, it was just in time to see Darkseid’s silhouette disappearing into a circular gateway of light.

A deafening cry, a shout filled with rage erupted from his chest.

An aura of crimson light stronger than ever before burst out from him and the skin all over his body cracked as his chakra took on the shape of a large dragon head around him. 

Space seemed to bend around his body once more as he rushed towards the portal, delivering the most powerful technique of the Gate of Death:


But the fates often laughed at the expense of mortals. 

The fearsome attack that Might Guy had literally poured the last of his lifespan into arrived a split second too late. The gateway of light shrunk and vanished a mere instant before he got to it. 

His Night Guy ended up hitting nothing but empty air. The pressure coming from his attack left a deep and long gorge into the village and extended out of it, into the forest, levelling all the trees in its way. 

His entire body cracked and charred, Might Guy collapsed to the ground, devoid of energy, and filled with despair. 

He didn’t know that a sliver of his attack did slip into the portal and grievously injured Darkseid’s retreating form. He didn’t notice the fact that Uzumaki Naruto’s body was nowhere to be seen either. 

Moments before his death, the only thing on Might Guy’s mind was that he had failed to protect his home. That he had failed to avenge his fallen comrades. 

Soon, the red, burning cracks running across his charred skin dimmed and all the chakra vanished from his body. Might Guy, the most powerful Jonin of Konohagakure breathed his last. 



(1) I used the Black speech (the orcish language) from the Lord of the Rings. “Balorat” means “Green”.


BlackAce5ds .

I know that you already have the pairing set for Supergirl and Starfire, but have you ever considered Grail, Darkseid's daughter?


I don't wanna make the pairing bigger than this. It'll stay Starfire and Supergirl

BlackAce5ds .

I assume much like in Caterpillar is that Chakra is essentially Magic and thus effective against Kryptonians?

BlackAce5ds .

Curious question, if you used the Naruto from Renegade in this instead, how would you compare him against the DCAU characters?