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Chapter 48 - Ravenous

The loud sound of a vacuum cleaner coming from the hallway woke him up, but he didn’t want to open his eyes; he was exhausted. Due to the fact that he had not expected to spend the night at the hotel, Naruto hadn’t brought his sleeping earmuffs with him. 

But when something soft and furry suddenly touched his cheek, he quickly opened his eyes and tried to sit up, only to finally notice the dark-skinned girl sleeping on his chest, half of her body draped over his. As for the soft furry thing that touched his cheek, it was one of Rumi’s rabbit ears. Although she was sleeping with her head on his chest, her ears were long enough to reach his face. 

Seeing her bunny ears twitching because of the noise and the way she was trying to bury her face into his chest to continue sleeping made him chuckle, the rising and lowering of his chest shaking her awake.

‘My goodness, she’s adorable.’

The urge to hug her tight was too strong, and he did just that, waking her up completely. He grinned at how cute her sleepy face was and caressed the back of her head and at the base of her rabbit ears, making her let out groans of comfort. 

She crawled up until their faces were on the same level and pecked him on the lips.

“Morning,” she said, and she brought her hand to his face to caress his cheek. 

“Morning,” he said too, smiling at her all the while. 

His smile was infectious, and she found herself smiling back too. 

“You look happy.”

“I am. We’re finally together,” he said.

“We’ve been together for a long time already, dummy.”

“Yes, but it’s different now. I can touch you now,” he said, grabbing her by her thighs and pulling her on top of him. “I can make love to you now.”

Mirko moaned when he buried his face in her chest and kissed the valley between her breasts. Her breathing quickened when his hands ran up her thighs, feeling and squeezing her ass before giving it a soft smack. 

The weight of her heavy breasts on his face and the sensation of filling his hands with her ass cheeks had him raring to go in no time. Rumi was no different either; his kisses and groping quickly turned her on too. However, when she started grinding her hips against his, Naruto suddenly let out a yelp of pain. 

“What’s wrong?!” she asked, startled. 

As Naruto softly pushed her off him and the covers fell off them, he understood the cause of his pain. His thighs, hips, and even his waist were bruised badly. They were purple in colour; he looked as if he had gotten into a car accident.

In disbelief at what he was seeing, Naruto turned to look at Mirko, whose face suddenly flushed hard, the red colour of her skin greatly contrasting with her long white hair. 

“Goddamn, Rumi, were you trying to kill me last night? You almost fucked me to death.”

“I don’t want to hear that from you!” she shouted at him in embarrassment, pointing her finger at him self-righteously. 

But she wasn’t fooling anyone with the way that her flush extended from her face all the way down to her neck and the upper part of her naked chest. 

“Look at what you did to me too! You beast! You animal!” 

Taking a better look at her, Naruto noticed that Rumi’s thighs and hips were similarly bruised, and there were red finger marks on her breasts, neck, waist, and ribs. 

He chuckled awkwardly and looked away. 

“Hmpf! Whatever! I’m going to take a shower first!” Rumi said, steaming with embarrassment, and quickly got out of bed. 

However, when she made the first step, her legs bent like rubber under her weight, and she fell to the ground in a heap. 

Startled, Naruto was quick to stand up to make sure she was alright, but he was no different, falling right as he got out of bed too. 

They burst into laughter when the ridiculousness of the situation dawned on them. Even as they supported each other, they couldn’t stop laughing as they limped together to the bathroom. 

Despite getting into the shower together, seeing how sore they were and how they were hurting everywhere from the loving abuse they suffered at each other’s hands the previous night, the two of them didn’t partake in intercourse again. Nevertheless, it took them nearly an hour before they came out. They took their time washing, massaging, and caressing each other’s bodies gently and lovingly. It was a vastly different behaviour compared to the night before when they ravaged one another like a pair of beasts in heat. 

Fortunately for Naruto and Mirko, they were not the only ones unfit to work and fight after the birthday party. The majority of heroes were sporting a hangover after partying and drinking all night. 

A text message sent by Nezu to the group chat they were all part of informed them that their final meeting would be held in two days, giving everyone enough time to rest and recover.

It was the 20th of October. One week passed since the Pro-Heroes under Principal Nezu’s leadership started the operation “The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, Unaware of the Oriole Behind”.

Currently, Naruto and Mirko were in Musutafu City together. They were standing atop the ruins of the enormous UA Barrier, watching the desolate scenery spread below their feet. 

Most of the buildings on UA High’s campus had been demolished or vandalised and everything of value had been looted. The UA Barrier and the woods surrounding the school still bore the terrible marks left by the Liberation Army’s assault on the school and the following battle.

Noticing that Naruto was staring blankly at a particular spot on the ground outside the campus, Mirko took his hand in hers and squeezed it softly. 

The rain and the passing of time had washed away the blood and the gore from the battle, but Naruto could still vividly recall in all its grotesque detail the scene of All Might’s skinny body getting chomped in half by the High-End Nomu. 

Suddenly, Principal Nezu’s voice rang in his ears and shook him from his dark thoughts. 

“Uzumaki-san, do you copy?”

“Yes, principal.”

“A fight broke out between two neighbourhood gangs in the industrial district. They are regular people, not actual Villains, so act accordingly. I’ve sent the location on your GPS.”


Once he terminated the call, Mirko grinned at him. 

“Race you there?”

He returned her smile. 

“You’re on!”

Less than a minute later, Naruto and Mirko arrived in the industrial district, just as two groups consisting of nearly 30 people each were about to clash against each other. 

The speed of their sprint on their way there had brought along such a powerful gale of wind that their mere arrival had almost caused some of the lighter gang members to get blown off their feet.

The two gangs stopped dead in their tracks.

“What are you, people, doing?” Mirko said in a loud voice, walking boldly between the two groups and stopping in the middle.

There was nobody among the gangsters gathered there who did not know who Mirko was. She was one of the most famous people in the country, known for her strength and thirst for battle. 

However, although they knew who she was, once they got over their initial surprise, their hesitation vanished.

“Go away, hero!” the one who looked like the leader of the gang on the left said, putting as much vitriol in his voice as he could when he spoke the word ‘hero’. “We don’t need your help! We don’t need any heroes!”

Unexpectedly, the members of the other gang took his side, despite being enemies, and started shouting too. 

“Yeah, fuck off!”

“We’ll solve our problems by ourselves!”

“Leave us alone!”

Mirko suddenly stomped her foot down, and a massive rupture appeared in the street, instantly silencing all 60 of them. 

“Be reasonable and stop this nonsense. Go back to your homes. Unless you think you can take me on? In this case, I’ll send you all to the hospital instead,” she said, grinning at them menacingly. 

A tense silence was instilled, and, for a few seconds, nobody made a move. A moment later, a sudden shout came from one of the female gang members on the left:

“Screw you, bitch! Water Blade!”

A pressurised stream of water burst out from the woman’s gauntlet in the shape of a flying blade, but Mirko easily evaded it. In the next second, the female gangster flew back as if she had been hit by a freight train and smashed into the wall of a nearby factory.

Everyone swallowed their saliva, realizing for the first time just how huge the gulf of power was between them, untrained people with average quirks, and one of the top 10 ranked Pro Heroes of Japan. They had not even seen her moving! 

Naruto chose to step forth at that moment too, his Adamantine Sealing Chains coming out from his back threateningly. 

Watching Mirko’s overwhelming display of power and seeing Naruto’s infamous “quirk cancelling chains” come out had erased any thoughts of disobeying their words. Grumbling, swearing, and cursing under their breaths, the two gangs quickly turned around on their heels and left. 

On the first day that Naruto returned to Japan, he was disturbed and taken aback by people’s outright hostility and hatred towards him despite that he was there to help them. He finally understood why Mirko and many other heroes had lost their hearts and motivation to continue helping people. Who could continue sacrificing their time and endangering their lives for the sake of others when all they received in return was hatred and scorn?

However, one week later, Naruto stopped paying them any mind. 

‘We’re only here to put an end to All For One,’

For the sake of not tipping off All For One about their plans, Principal Nezu decided to make Izuku and Naruto become active in Japan and act like regular Pro Heroes (or better said, Vigilantes) for a longer period of time. It was so that the villains would think that they just returned to Japan for the sake of helping people out, with no other deeper, hidden goals behind their actions. 

Under Principal Nezu’s leadership, Izuku and Naruto were operating separately from each other, with different partners, but that was hardly an issue when Minato could teleport one to the other in the blink of an eye in case of an emergency. 

While Izuku partnered with various Pro Heroes every day, depending on where he was needed, Naruto was always together with Mirko. Their extremely high mobility, overwhelming strength, and great familiarity with each other made them a highly efficient duo, solving most of the cases they were assigned to within minutes. 

Once the members of the two neighbourhood gangs went out of sight, Mirko let out a sigh. 

“I’m tired of these ungrateful twats.”

Naruto snickered at her rough language. 

“Don’t mind them. Once we’re done with this operation and hunt down All For One, we’ll go back to America and never set foot here again,” he said indifferently. 

Mirko let out a long sigh before saying:

“I have to admit, you’re taking this way easier than I expected.”

If he were the same person as he had been in his past life, people’s scorn and hatred for him would have greatly wounded Naruto. After all, getting other people to acknowledge him had been one of the strongest motivating factors for his actions back then. 

“I simply don’t care about what they think,” Naruto said, shrugging his shoulders. “You, my parents, my little sister, and, to a lesser degree, Izuku, are the only people whose opinions I care about.”

In his current life, Naruto didn’t need other people’s acknowledgement. He didn’t need strangers’ love and attention. Sure, as a Pro Hero, it was part of his job to make himself likeable and popular with the masses, but he didn’t live in Japan anymore. Japanese people’s feelings and opinions about him were meaningless. 

“By the way, I won the race. I got here before you,” he said, changing the subject out of the blue. 

“No, you did not!” she shot back, narrowing her eyes. 

“Yes, I did,” he said, chuckling. “Imagine having a speed-based quirk and losing a battle of speed… I don’t know what I would do if I were you.”

“Careful, Icarus,” she said in a warning tone, narrowing her eyes at him. 

Naruto burst into laughter. 

“Uuu!” he exclaimed, pretending that he was scared. “My timbers have been shivered.”

A cloud of dust was suddenly kicked up as Mirko launched herself at him. 

Naruto was quick to react and rolled away, dodging her charge, before bursting into a mad dash too. 

“You said you’re faster, right? Let’s see how long you can run until I get my hands on you!” she shouted after him. 

Naruto laughed out loud on purpose to make sure she heard him, but he didn’t lower his speed in the least.

“Luna Arc!”

A heavy kick, partially cushioned by his fox tails, smashed into his back, and Naruto flew down from the rooftop of the factory he was on, crashing onto the street with a heavy thud. 

‘She’s just too fast in a straight line,’ he thought as he let out a groan of pain. 

He instantly sprang up to his feet, barely managing to avoid Mirko’s following “Luna Fall” supermove by backflipping and bursting into another sprint, choosing a narrow alley between two buildings this time around. 

His hopes were dashed, however, when a shoulder charge smashed into his back again and he found himself pressed flat against the wall. 

“I GOT YOU NOW!” Rumi shouted triumphantly, despite her heavy breathing. 

He could do nothing but laugh. Having Mirko chase him at full speed never stopped being exhilarating to him. 

She let go of him, and Naruto turned around before letting himself slide down against the wall and sit directly on the ground. 


"What were you saying? Something about beating me at my own thing? Something about being faster?”

“You win! You’re faster!” he said, raising his hands in defeat. “You seem even faster than before.”

Mirko came to him, and, grabbing Naruto by the hem of his jacket, she lifted him up to his feet. 

“Is that it? Don’t tell me you thought you could weasel your way out of this with words alone?”

Irrespective of his will, Naruto’s fox tails twitched when a peculiar scent wafted off of her, overwhelming his sense of smell. 

“What do you have in mind?” he asked as if he didn’t know what she was talking about and licked his lips. 

One of Mirko’s hands let go of his jacket and slowly ran down his chest.

“Oh, don’t play coy now. You know exactly what I have in mind,” Rumi said, her hot breath reaching his lips with how close her face was to his.

Her fingers seemed to leave a trail of fire on his chest and abs, and his skin broke into goosebumps when she grabbed him by the crotch. 

“Rumi, are you out of your mind?!” he said, his voice choked with arousal at her bold move. 

With her face red and her eyes clouded with lust, the rabbit girl didn’t seem to hear him. Instead, she pressed herself against him, squishing her large breasts against his chest as she started feeling up his dick, stroking him through his pants. 

“I need it, Naruto,” she said, and she stuck out her tongue, dragging it along his sweaty neck.

“Rumi!” Naruto moaned her name. 

He had been completely unprepared for how much her assertiveness was turning him on while they were in a public space, in danger of being caught by other people.

Mirko’s hands went to his waist to unbuckle his belt, but Naruto put his hands on top of hers, stopping her. 

“You horny rabbit, come back to your senses! Can you imagine the scandal if someone saw us fucking in the middle of the city?!” mustering the last few drops of will he had, Naruto tried to talk sense into her.

Alas, the rabbit girl was far too horny to be reasoned with. 

In a perverted display of flexibility and eroticism, Mirko’s long and muscular left leg slowly rose in the air, forming a perfect standing split as she put her heel on Naruto’s shoulder. His eyes widened when he saw her hand going down to her leotard and moving it away, revealing her bare pussy to him. Her lower lips were engorged and twitching, glistening with her leaking arousal.

At the sight of it, the last thread of rationality that he had been hanging on snapped.

A wanton moan burst from her chest when he shoved himself balls deep inside of her. Despite doing a standing split, she pushed herself even harder against him and pulled his head down forcefully to kiss him. It wasn’t a gentle, chaste kiss. It was rough and ravenous, with her tongue plundering his mouth. 

Suddenly turning around with her, Naruto wrenched his mouth away from hers, breaking the kiss and pushing her against the building. Rumi grabbed two fistfuls of his jacket, nearly ripping it to pieces, when he started fucking her roughly, slamming his hips against hers with wild abandon. 

He no longer cared that they were in public anymore. If anything, the fact that someone could stumble upon them while he was fucking the living daylights out of Mirko turned him on even harder. 

She let out a squawk of surprise when Naruto unexpectedly hooked his arm under her last supporting leg and put it on his shoulder too, lifting her completely off the ground. 

Trapped between the building and his hard body, with both her legs on his shoulders and her body bent in half from the waist, the rabbit girl could do nothing but moan and hang onto dear life as Naruto fucked her roughly against the wall, each one of his thrusts slamming painfully against her cervix. 

“It hurts!” she cried out loud. “It hurts so fucking good!”

If her first shout almost made him stop in his tracks, fearing that he was causing her pain, the masochistic scream of pleasure she let out the second time made him lose it right then and there. 

He groaned loudly in untold pleasure as he exploded inside of her, the intensity of his orgasm making him see white momentarily. He could barely stand on his feet anymore.

Hearing his cry of pleasure and feeling rope after rope of hot cum flooding her womb sent Mirko over the edge too. Her pussy clenched almost painfully around his dick, and she stained both their clothes with her girl cum as she started squirting like a broken faucet.

Slowly letting themselves down to the ground, Naruto and Mirko were breathless and speechless as they glanced at each other, seemingly out of it.

“My god,” he let out a shaky exclamation when the post-nut clarity kicked in and he quickly stood up to his feet and put his dick back in his pants, all the while looking around in a panic.

He let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding when he saw that nobody was around. 

Turning his attention back to Rumi and watching her stand up with difficulty, Naruto damn near lost it again when he saw his cum leaking out of her pussy and dribbling down her inner thigh. 

“Rumi, you’re going to drive me into an early grave,” he said, feeling his stomach twist with lust and desire. 

She let out a shaky laugh as he covered her pussy with her leotard again before coming closer and embracing him. 

Despite her euphoria and the after-effects of her orgasm still rocking her body with pleasure, deep down, Mirko couldn’t help wondering in disbelief:

‘How the hell did I go on for so many years without sex?’

Sure, she had toys, quite a few of them, but she couldn’t imagine ever going back to them after feeling the pleasure of real sex with the person she loved. 

Inwardly, in a corner of her mind, she was almost scared of her own actions. Terrified of how much she craved his touch, his love, and the pleasure he was giving her. 

A thought came to her mind:

‘Is this what my mother was talking about? Is this what pushed her into a promiscuous lifestyle?’

‘Is this lust, this hunger, the nature of a rabbit?’ 

‘Will I become insatiable like her one day too? No… Have I already become like her too?’

‘Oh, God…we’ve just had sex in public, on the street, in broad daylight... Oh my God... What does he think of me after what I just did?’

However, as Naruto returned her hug and embraced her tightly to his chest, Mirko’s worries and thoughts of self-loathing disappeared from her mind. At that moment, nothing else existed except for him and his warmth. 

The two of them stood in each other’s arms for a long time, just basking in the warmth and intimacy of their embrace. 

They only came back to their senses when the coms in their ears came online again and Principal Nezu’s voice rang in their ears:

“Mirko, Uzumaki-san. How fast can the two of you get to Mount Fuji? Can you get there quickly, or should I send your father to pick you up and teleport you there?”

“Why, what happened?” Mirko asked as she and Naruto broke their embrace. 

“A group of hikers was attacked by a villain who caused a rock slide. Two people were killed, and several others were injured. He let the survivors leave, all except for the son of a wealthy businessman. The villain kidnapped the boy and is holding him hostage now, demanding a ransom. He told the survivors to let the boy’s father know that if he doesn’t bring 100 million yen tomorrow at 8 a.m. at the start of the Yoshida trail, he’ll kill his son.”

“No need to call dad,” said Naruto. “We’re still in Musutafu City, less than 100 kilometres away from Mount Fuji. We’ll be there in 10-15 minutes tops.” 

Once Naruto set his GPS’s destination to Mount Fuji, he and Mirko started running. 

As they ran, Principal Nezu continued speaking in their earpiece. 

“The villain went into hiding, but I’m hoping that you will be able to find him with your superior hearing and sense of smell.”

“Don’t worry, principal. We got this.”

It was the 27th of October. A bit over two weeks passed from the start of the operation “The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, Unaware of the Oriole Behind.”.

“Finally home,” Naruto muttered when he and his father appeared in front of their home’s entrance door.

“I know you’re tired, but don’t worry. It’s almost over,” Minato said in encouragement, patting him on the shoulder. 

Naruto nodded wordlessly and went ahead to open the door. Before he could touch the door handle, the door suddenly opened, and someone jumped into his arms.

It was Rumi. His frowning face involuntarily turned into a smile as he buried his face into her long white hair and wrapped his arms around her back too. 

“Ah, young love!” his father chuckled and went inside ahead of them, tactfully giving his son and his future daughter-in-law some space. 

When Minato closed the door after him, Rumi pressed her lips to his, kissing him gently.

“How is your arm? Is it better?” he asked. 

The day before, Mirko injured her arm when she pushed Naruto away from a robot’s laser blast, taking the hit instead of him. They had been in the middle of raiding the warehouse of a criminal organisation, destroying and burning down tons of methamphetamine worth dozens of billions of yen. 

“It was just a flesh wound. Normally, I wouldn’t pay any mind to a scratch like this. You’re just being a worrywart,” she said, pecking him on the lips again. 

“Come, let’s go upstairs,” she said as she took his arms in hers and led him inside the house. 

Seeing as it was noon in Florida (it was 13 hours behind Japan), Eri was at school and his mother was at her dojo. Other than his father, who was just as exhausted as he was and went straight to his bedroom to sleep, there was nobody else at home. 

Instead of going upstairs, Naruto stopped in the living room and plopped himself on the biggest sofa. 

“Wouldn’t it be better to go sleep upstairs?” Rumi asked when she saw him lie with his head on the backrest of the sofa, his arms and legs spread loosely. 

“I don’t want to sleep just yet. I want to spend a little more time with you.”

“Aww,” she cooed teasingly and pulled him down to her. “Come here.”

He didn’t fight against her and let her do as she pleased, ending up lying on his side with his head in her lap. 

Despite her strong and calloused hands, Rumi’s caresses were gentle as she ran her fingers through his spiky blonde hair. He snuggled closer to her and pressed his head deeper into her lap, greatly enjoying her soft touch. 

Mirko smiled at the involuntary groan of pleasure that he let out when she started lightly scratching his scalp with her nails, especially between his fox ears. 

“So, tomorrow is the day, isn’t it?” she asked. 

“Mhm. Tomorrow, Izuku and I are going to attack Re-Destro and the Detnerat Company. They are All For One’s main source of income. There’s no way AFO would just stand back and watch as we cause havoc. And once he comes out, my dad will teleport you and the rest of the team there, and we’ll strike him down. We will finally put an end to this.”

Up until that moment, neither Naruto nor Izuku had targeted any of All For One’s direct subordinates to catch his attention. Nezu’s plan had been to make the word of their deeds reach AFO’s ears gradually and make it look as if the two of them returned to Japan for the sake of protecting the innocent, not with the specific goal in mind of luring him out and hunting him down.

For more than two weeks, Nezu had worked Naruto (+Mirko) and Izuku to the bone, sometimes even up to 14 or 16 hours a day, solving dozens of crimes every day across the entire territory of Japan. If the crimes that needed to be stopped were too far away for Naruto or Izuku to get there on their feet despite their superhuman speed, Minato would flash over with his Teleportation Quirk, dispatching them to wherever they were needed the most, regardless of the distance. 

But now that two weeks had passed, Principal Nezu judged that it was enough. It was time for them to make their move on AFO. 

“After we end AFO’s reign of terror, what will you do?” Mirko asked. 

“I’m not sure. I haven’t thought that far yet. But I don’t think I would want to go back to Japan… Over the past two weeks, I got to see with my own eyes what you meant: it’s not only All For One and the Liberation Army that are against us, but the ordinary people are against the Pro Heroes too.”

Mirko hmmed to express her agreement. 

“I’m afraid that even after taking down All For One, the people would still not want the Pro Hero System reinstated into their society…” she said. 

“I doubt that my parents will want to move back to an unstable country, fresh out of a civil war. Mom is happy here with the new dojo that she opened, Eri-chan finally got to have a normal life like any other girl her age, and she made many friends too. I’ve also started liking it here... What about you, Rumi?”

The rabbit girl momentarily stopped playing with his spiky hair, seemingly deep in thought. Eventually, she answered:

“If Japan’s new, democratically-elected government will reinstate the Pro Hero system, I will return and help bring stability back to the country. However, if the new government decides against doing that, well, there will be no place for me there. Fighting is all I’ve ever been good at. Being a Hero is the only thing I want to do. There would be no meaning in me going back and acting like a Vigilante, against the law, when I could live here with you and continue doing what I love: being a Hero.”

The two kept chatting a while longer, but, at some point, Naruto’s breathing evened out, and he stopped replying. The tiredness of working the entire day, the comfort of her lap, and her soothing caresses lulled him to sleep. 


AN: This is, most likely, the last chapter of this sort. As you can probably tell, the final battle is up next.

PS: I have attached a picture of Mirko doing a standing split. It is not mine, I just found it on google.



Jorge Rolando Vaca Bilbao

SABES que amenos que los narres las partes Lemos en YouTube la plataforma FanFiction m.fanfiction.net no te dará una advertencia por partes Lemos es mas hay muchos FanFiction en la plataforma FanFiction m.fanfiction.net que tiene partes Lemos


I know people who got their stories banned. I will not risk it. But I said it before, anyone can read the lemons for free on my discord server