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An almost invisible humanoid silhouette walked on the ceiling, upside down, as if it was on the ground and easily avoided all the moving laser beams trying to detect any would-be intruders. However, regardless of said person's efforts to remain undetected, loud alarms started blaring throughout the entire base.

"Damnit, Diana, you triggered the alarms way too early! I haven't gotten to the console yet! Now the blast doors were shut down and the vault is crawling with robots." Naruto yelled irritated into his earpiece.

"I'm sorry, Naruto, I tried to be sneaky but I'm dummy thick and the clap of my asscheeks alerted the security." Wonder Woman said from the other end of the line.

What met her reply was complete silence. She could not reign in herself and burst into full-blown laughter.

"Who taught you to talk like that?!" Naruto asked in disbelief.

"Ahahaha! I wish I could see your face!" Diana said while giggling uncontrollably. "I found your meme collection a few days ago. Ah, I'm so annoyed I can't see your face now! Hahaha!"

Naruto blew out a sigh and chuckled too in spite of himself. "You got me good, I admit. But the thing is that at this rate we're going to fail the mission..."

"On a serious note, it's not my fault," she said and he could practically hear the pout through her voice. "There are heat detectors somewhere close to the main panel. I had no way of knowing that. If anything, it's your device's fault. When is the last time you upgraded your tools? This stuff of yours is so outdated! We had an issue with it two months ago too when it didn't detect a hidden infrared camera."

Naruto wisely decided to not comment on that. The truth was, as she said, that he had not upgraded his gear in a few years. Technology advanced at a breakneck speed; in four or five years more, his gear would become completely obsolete.

The two of them were currently in the Antares system, the Milky Way Galaxy. Their mission was to steal the blueprint of a new type of robot created by Dhorians (a race native to the planet Dhor from the Antares system). The plan had been for Naruto to infiltrate the control room undetected and only then for Diana to trigger the alarms on purpose and cause a ruckus to attract the attention of the research facility's crew and robots. While everyone would be focused on dealing with her, he would secretly insert the hacking tool and steal the entire data.

However, now that the alarms were triggered before he could get into the control room, he would no longer be able to extract that data. Naruto himself was not a hacker, he was not smart enough for that. All the data extraction/theft missions he had ever completed had been done through the use of his hacking tool - a device that could copy all the files in a database as long as there were no protocols triggered to prevent that.

"Don't worry, I'll grab one of these guys and force him to give us the blueprint. Or else..."

"I swear I'm a bad influence on you. What happened to the self-righteous and heroic princess I met on Earth almost 3 years ago?" he said teasingly.

"Oh shut it."

A few minutes later, Wonder Woman arrived at the location of the control room carrying a being tied up with her golden lasso. It was a tall and very thin person, almost like a stick. It had a humanoid appearance - with two legs, two hands, and a head - but its appearance was otherwise very different from humans with its grey skin, very skinny build, and red eyes - sclera, iris, and pupils, all.

"Get us inside the control room," she ordered and her lasso glowed.

The tied-up Dhorian went to the panel obediently and after inserting a code, the alarms were stopped and the laser beams from before were turned off too. The blast door protecting the control room was raised up and the three of them entered it unhindered. There were four other Dhorians inside but with a flash of yellow and black light, Naruto easily knocked them unconscious with a well-aimed and strong punch to the liver. Naruto and Diana were always very careful to not use lethal force in missions that did not require them to do so - like assassination or escort/rescue missions where their targets were scumbags. In this case, the ones working in this facility were just regular people doing their jobs. From a moral standpoint, the two of them were the bad guys, performing industrial espionage.

The mind-controlled Dhorian proceeded to upload the files with the prototype robot's blueprint on Naruto's device and after that, at Wonder Woman's command, he also erased all traces of their presence there (video records and such). However, to prevent the personnel working there from suffering the consequence of their deeds - their inability to protect the blueprint - Naruto made a few hand seals and then slammed his palm on a wall. Numerous kanji spread over the wall from his palm and after a few seconds, the image of a fierce nine-tailed red fox was painted on the wall. Any corporation worth its salt would recognize the culprit right away. After a century of operating as an intergalactic mercenary, almost all major economic, political, or religious, or military organisations knew who Caterpillar was. The image of the nine-tailed fox was the calling card that he and Kurama had coined up many decades ago.

"I think we should change our calling card, shouldn't we?" Naruto mused.

"True, Kurama is golden and has 10 tails now." Diana agreed.

"Well, I was thinking more about making one for the two of us. Kurama is not going to wander the universe like a vagabond with me anymore and it's been two years already since you and I started doing bounties together."

"Speaking of Kurama, I kinda miss him," Diana said and Naruto more than mirrored her feelings. They shared a knowing smile at the memory of the prideful, arrogant, and gluttonous fox.

"Let's go visit him. After we turn in this blueprint to our employer, we'll make a stop to Oa to take our spear from the Guardians and then we'll go to the Vega system. Kurama told us to give him 1-2 years to make order in the system before visiting him. It's been two years since then."

Around three years ago, Naruto saved a depowered Superman from the Preserver's cage and rescued a comatose Supergirl from her coffin of ice on the dead planet Argo. Two years ago, Diana left the Earth with Naruto after killing Maxwell Lord. A year ago, Superman died in battle against Doomsday and Supergirl killed the Joker with her heat vision after the massacre he had committed.

'So many things happened ever since I met Naruto.' Diana thought.

She had never imagined that she was anything but a normal Amazon, made of clay. Not even in her wildest dreams had she thought that she would one day invade Tartarus and kill Hera and Typhon. Never had she thought that she would one day love a man as much as she loved Naruto, or that she would leave the Earth behind her and wander the Universe alongside him.

Back in their spaceship, still thinking about the past three years, Diana pressed a kiss on the top of Naruto's head while he sat on the pilot's seat.

"Don't think a simple kiss will absolve you of your screw-up," he said grumpily.

Her melancholy forgotten, she glared at him. "My screw-up? Excuse me, it's your ancient detector that got us in trouble!"

"Excuses, excuses. You must've lost your edge from all those 'escort' missions you've been doing as of late."

Diana's face flushed at his words. Those 'escort' missions that he was talking about were nothing more, nothing less than glorified parades. One could even go as far as to call them "dates". Princesses and queens of various races and planets often put up missions that sought to employ the services of the "Silver Goddess" as Diana had come to be known, just so they could spend time in her company not because there were any real dangers they needed protecting from. White and gold-armoured, long silvery-white hair, an athletic body, a beautiful face, possessing crazy physical strength, unmatched fighting skills while also having a pleasant and kind personality... a strong and beautiful woman versus a man wearing a black cloak and a creepy white fox mask: between the two of them, it was not hard to see who most people would prefer.

"You beautiful women have life on easy mode, how is that fair?" he grumbled and Diana started giggling but she did not contradict him. After only two years as Naruto's partner, her popularity was starting to catch up to his almost a century of work not in a small measure because of how beautiful she was.

"I can't help it that I'm so charismatic," she said without even trying to hide how smug she looked.

"Tsk. You're just a chick magnet. I guess a few thousand years spent as a lesbian would make that out of anyone. Even though I set you straight, you're still giving off those vibes."

It was both a dig at her very old age and a blatant insinuation that he had curbed her non-straight tendencies. The proud Amazon princess was definitely not going to take it lying down.

Sensing his impending doom, Naruto shunshined away from the pilot's seat, barely managing to escape from her hands. However, the ship was only so big, not much bigger than the inside of a one-room apartment. Eventually, Diana cornered him in the bedroom.

"Honey, we don't need to get physical," he said meekly when he saw the princess winding up her golden lasso.

She smiled at him and Naruto momentarily sighed in relief, thinking that he had just dodged a bullet. But it was all a ruse. Before he knew it, the Lasso of Truth wrapped around his mid-section. His chakra was sealed and he gulped when he saw the look in her eyes.

"Oh, but I think we definitely need to get physical," she purred at him.

She yanked her lasso sideways and he was thrown onto the bed, on his back. He quickly tried to sit up but a high-heeled golden boot stepped on his chest and pushed him down forcefully.

The scared look in his eyes sent a delicious tingle of pleasure down her spine. She wanted to tease him more, to push him down and bully him until he cried out her name.

"You set me straight, huh? Let's see who sets straight whom this time."

He watched in aroused trepidation how she took off her white and golden armour top, leaving her large breasts to hang off freely. His hands instinctively tried to raise and cup her beautiful twins, only to realize that without him noticing, she had somehow tied them to the bedpost, above his head. Her taking off her top had been just a distracting tactic to immobilize him completely because his legs had been tied up from the other end of the bed as well.

"You're at my mercy now," she said.

Naruto shivered when she unsheathed her god-slaying sword. She sliced up his combat suit as if it was paper and then she yanked off his torn top and bottoms, leaving him only in his boxers. He struggled to escape but he was little more than a regular human now with the Lasso of Truth's suppression. This divine tool had become much stronger in its sealing capabilities ever since Diana had become a goddess.

"My, oh my! What do we have here?" she exclaimed in mock surprise when she saw the tent in his boxers. "You're still trying to escape when you are like that down here?"

She giggled perversely at how he flushed and took the time to divest herself of her skorts and her other pieces of armour too, leaving herself naked too, only wearing her bracelets, her tiara, and her golden lasso.

"Quit your struggle. I see that little Naruto seems more than ready to go. This disobedient little thing!" she said and touched him with the tip of her toe.

Naruto suddenly became as still as a statue. She was not causing him any pain, only touching him with her toes but he recognized a precarious situation when he saw one.

He blushed again when she ripped off his underwear and his dick sprang up, pointing up at the ceiling as straight as a sword. However, in the next moment, he groaned in pleasure as she stepped on him with the flat of her foot, on the underside of his length, and flattened it against his belly.

"You actually get off on being stepped on?" she said in mock disbelief. "You like being dominated like that? By the gods, what a pervert!" she said and pressed her foot a bit harder on him before starting to stroke him with her toes.

He moaned at the touch of her toes but then his breathing stopped because her big toe pressed on the underside of his tool, on the length of the urethra. She knew everything about his body, she knew precisely how to make him go crazy. His white stuff spurted all over his stomach.

"Tell me, did you like it?" she asked, smugness evident in her voice.

"Yes," he said through his gasps for air.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, princess."

Diana herself was so turned on that her face was wearing a perpetual blush. Her entire body looked like it was glowing from all the pheromones she was emitting.

"Good boy!" she cooed at him and walked until she was right above his head.

When he looked up, a drop of something fell on his cheek, close to his mouth. She was leaking like a broken faucet from the bald slit between her legs, her muscular thighs glistening wet with her dripping arousal.

"It's your time to pleasure me. Come, slave, pleasure your princess!" she said and squatted to sit on his face.

She let out a deep and long moan of satisfaction when his tongue touched her lower lips. When his lips wrapped around her little nub and the tip of his tongue flicked it, she grabbed his hair with both of her hands and pressed him hard against her. With him obediently licking, kissing, and sucking on her pussy while being completely at her mercy it turned Diana on so much that she was beginning to lose all semblance of control. She started riding his face with wild abandon and moaning lustfully, suffocating him with her thighs and choking him with her love juices.

"More! More!" she cried out.

It was like an electric shock coursed through her body when she came. Her legs started shaking uncontrollably and she convulsed on top of him, humping his face. She could only see white, the pleasure so mind-blowing that she had temporarily lost her sight and her hearing became muffled as if she was underwater. By the time she finally came back to the world of the living, she realized (much to her horror) that Naruto was now free. Now, it was she who was on the bottom, with her hands tied on the bedpost above her head and with her powers sealed by her own Lasso.

"Naruto?" she whispered fearfully but also in arousal, anticipating what was about to come now that the roles were reversed. "W-What are you doing?" she asked timidly when she saw that he took one of her legs in his hands and started caressing it gently.

"Eek!" she cried out. "Stop! It's dirty!" she yelled in embarrassment when he pressed a gentle kiss on the top of her foot.

"There's nothing dirty about you," he said and to prove his words, he took her big toe in his mouth.

Diana struggled to escape but his hands had a gentle yet very firm hold on her left leg as he worshipped her dainty foot with a tenderness that left her mortified with embarrassment yet strangely turned on. As for her right leg, she could not move it at all. A seal had been placed on it, it was completely paralyzed.

"Why are you doing this?" she squawked out, her face beet red.

"Because I love you. I love everything about you," he said and moved his kisses up to her ankle and then to her shapely calf, making the smooth and delicate skin of her long leg break into goosebumps.

In their two years of intimate relationship, he had never done that kind of thing for her. It was a new feeling for her. Seeing that he was debasing himself like that to worship her foot and her leg, something she considered a dirty part of her body, left her inexplicably touched and aroused. By the time he started massaging her calf and peppering it with kisses, she began to moan and sing for him.

"Please! I can't anymore!" she cried out while he was sucking and licking, leaving red hickeys on the tender skin of her inner thighs.

Now, she was at his mercy. Her chest was heaving labourously, her abdominal muscles were clenched and her entire body was shivering. A fire was lit between her legs and a puddle of slightly viscous liquid pooled beneath her on the bed.

"Please what?" he said teasingly, fully enjoying the control he had over her despite his apparently demeaning position with his head between her legs.

"Lick me! Lick my pussy! Please!" she cried out shamelessly, too desperately horny to care about any decorum anymore.

When he finally gave in to her pleas and kissed her wetness, he had to grab her hips and hold them down forcefully to stop her thrashing.

"Ah! More!" she cried, her voice becoming hoarse.

When a flicker of yellow light appeared at the tip of his tongue and he licked her clit, she arched her back with such strength that she almost threw him off her because his yang chakra had amplified her sensory receptors several folds. She had already been on the brink of orgasm even before he did that; his yang chakra had been simply overkill. She almost lost consciousness as she squirted all over his face and the bed.

"Cheater!" she barely croaked a word of rebuttal, her eyes tightly shut and her face still scrunched up as her body continued to feel the pleasure of her orgasm.

He grinned smugly as he looked at her shaking and shivering form. He bent down again and pressed his lips to her navel, enjoying how she bucked against him and how she tried to free her hands from the lasso to push him away, the previous explosion of pleasure having been too much for her to handle any more of it. His lips moved upwards and he took great delight as he kissed her defined abdominal muscles and tracing between them with his tongue while caressing her obliques with his hands.

Moving further up her body, he let his face fall into the deep valley of her breasts, delighted by the mixture of the natural odour of her body and the floral smell of her shampoo. He spent a long time tenderly massaging her beautiful and large breasts with his hands and sucking and licking her pointed red nipples, almost making her experience another smaller orgasm.

When he finally came face to face with her and kissed her plush and red lips he was almost overwhelmed by the hunger and lust with which she returned it. But he broke it off and sat up, not falling to her whines and pleading eyes to continue. Instead, he grabbed her by the hips and abruptly turned her over, on her stomach. Then, he came behind her and yanked her ass up with his hands. She tried to push herself up on her elbows too but he pressed her head back into the mattress, leaving only her ass up in the air.

"Ahh!" she cried out when she felt his dick suddenly push through her pussy lips.

Her cries only got louder as he started to slam into her roughly from behind. With a hand pressed on the back of her head and the other wrapped around her waist, he fucked her roughly into the mattress. Having already experienced two mind-blowing orgasms, she was no longer as resistant as before. His rough thrusts from behind made her lose all strength in her legs and she fell flat on the bed.

As she fell on her stomach, he also laid himself on top of her, his chest pressing against her back and a hand wrapping around her neck and squeezing it a bit, not enough to choke her but just enough to give her the feel of it.

"You're clenching like crazy!" he gasped out in a voice strained by both pleasure and pain. His rough treatment of her body seemed to be doing wonders because her inner walls were squeezing him so tightly that an ordinary human would have had his thing torn off by the strength of her pelvic muscles.

A cloak of red and yellow chakra appeared around his body and he started pumping into her much faster than before. Even with the increased toughness provided by his six paths mode she still felt constricting around his thing.

"So good! Fuck me! Harder, Naruto!" Diana moaned in a filthy voice and he did just that.

In the end, her exquisite control over her pelvic muscles, the way she tightened and contracted around him rhythmically had been too much for him.

"Diana!" he also moaned as he spilt himself into her deepest parts, shivering and pushing himself into her as hard as he could.

His efforts until then and the feel of his hot seed inside her body had been her undoing as well. Laying on top of her unmoving, both of them were breathless. But after a while, he rolled off of her and untied her hands. She immediately turned around and took him in a tight hug.

"Make love to me, Naruto." she pleaded, her hunger for intimacy still not extinguished. She liked it roughly a lot but she would never put it above gentle lovemaking.

As a stamina monster, her plea was all the encouragement he needed. A few moments later, he was on top of her again. This time in a missionary position, he thrust into her slowly and deeply while exchanging tender kisses and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Eventually, he came inside of her again and if the lock of her long legs behind his ass and the scratch marks left by her nails on his back were anything to go by, she had gotten her release as well. Her sweet cries and gasps for air were another telltale of her experience too.

A few minutes later, the fire of their passion finally quenched for the night, Naruto and Diana lay in each other's arms, cuddling together in bed.

"What is wrong with us, baby? Why can't we make a child?" Diana asked.

With how active and passionate they were in their daily life, it was hard to understand why she would not get pregnant after all this time. As far as doctors were concerned - and Naruto and Diana had gone to multiple checkups on several different planets - both of them were perfectly healthy and fertile too.

"We've done it so many times... and we never use any sort of contraception," she continued and her face flushed a little against his chest when she said that.

"I don't know, Di," he said, using a short form of her name affectionately while caressing her silky white hair with his hand. "It could be because you're a goddess and I'm a mortal..."

She shook her head, not agreeing with him. "That's not it. There were many cases in the past where gods had intercourse with mortals and bore children out of it. I'm a living example of that too."

"Your mom isn't exactly mortal though, is she? She's like what, four thousand years old or more?"

"My point still stands. Many of the heroes in the past came from the union of a god with a regular mortal." she countered.

Naruto let out a sigh as his mind involuntarily went to one of the most frightful moments of his life. The encounter that had almost claimed his life, the encounter which had made him stop ageing upon escaping alive from it.

"The only other thing I can think of is my encounter with the Supermassive Black Hole about 60 years ago," he said. "What happened to me back then was not natural. I've looked into it and researched the matter for years...there are many who have gone beyond the event horizon of a black hole for the sake of researching them or accidentally, but there are no records of any of them becoming unaging as a side effect from it. You know how there is always a balance in the Universe? Maybe the price for my immortality was my ability to reproduce."

Diana became silent for some time.

"Then what about gods? Where is the balance in that?! There are no downsides to being a god!"

Naruto chuckled mirthlessly. "That's why gods are gods and mortals are mortals. Gods are above natural laws. Mortals like me, as the saying goes, can't have the cake and eat it. But of course, this is just my speculation since technology and medicine can't detect any problems with us... Who knows, it could very well be something else too... For example, it could be because I unsealed Kurama from my body when we had been on the brink of fusing into one being. You saw that Kurama's body was not perfect, he could not regenerate his chakra by himself, like before. It's only after he became a god that his body became complete again. Maybe, just like him, I have also lost something when he left my body."

Making a small pause, he said in a quiet voice:

"I'm sorry, Di. I can't give you the family you've always wanted...the family I've always wanted..."

She raised her head from his chest and scooted higher than him on the bed. Then, she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his head to her chest, burying his face into her breasts. There was nothing sexual about it, it was just to comfort him.

"Don't worry, baby," she said and planted a tender kiss on the top of his head. "We'll find a solution to this problem one day. Time is not something that we lack."

He nodded, not trusting his voice to speak then. He just sighed in comfort at the softness of her bosom and the gentle caress of her fingers.

"Even if we never have children, I'm more than happy to spend my life just with you," she said as she continued to stroke the back of his head and play with his reddish-blond locks of hair. "Besides, we could always adopt a child or two if we wanted, no?"

Despite her encouraging and comforting words, his heart was not settled. He had never forgotten about his adorable and mischievous daughter, his little Thea, from the 10-year-long dream of the Black Mercy. The thought of never having the chance to see his sweet little bundle of energy again pained him more than words could tell.

A few days later, Naruto and Diana landed with their ship on planet Myoboku (Naruto's secret planet). Over the course of the two years since Diana had left the Earth and started travelling the Universe with Naruto, they have come to Myoboku many times. It was their own safe haven, a place outside of the known Universe, a planet located in one of the countless clusters of stars and nebulas far away from the 28 galaxies policed by the Green Lantern Corps.

Naturally, with Wonder Woman being an actual princess that had always lived in very good conditions if not an outright luxury, Naruto could not afford to live in a hut made of straws like before. Instead of the hut, they lived in a rather elegant and beautiful chalet now, a cabin resembling those mountainside holiday houses of wealthy people from Earth. The two-storey chalet was not a large house but it was enough for a couple with no kids.

Having been built by Naruto and Diana and their shadow clones, the chalet was perfect for their needs. On the ground floor, there was an entrance hall, a bathroom, a well-furnished and spacious kitchen, and a large living room with a very wide window and a fireplace that always had a merry fire blazing in it during their stay there (they had chosen a location on the planet close to the polar circle where temperatures were rather low even during the summer). The two of them often spent their evenings cuddled together on the sofa, in front of the fireplace. As for the top floor, it had only their bedroom, one more bathroom (smaller than the one on the ground floor) and a large balcony. During the night, Naruto and Diana often sat on the balcony and watched the incredibly vivid starry sky and the gorgeous northern lights.

They were planning on building another cabin in a warmer area of the planet, closer to the equator, to enjoy the beauty of summer and the seaside as well but that was a project for the future because carrying construction materials with their small ship was rather time-consuming.

Now, the two of them were in the middle of a piece of grassland so wide that its edges could not be seen with the naked eye.

"So you're a master of all kinds of cold weapons, right?"

"Not ALL of them, there are many niche weapons that are hardly ever used outside of special regions on Earth but if you're talking about widespread weapons, yes, I was the best among my Amazon sisters at wielding swords, spears, bows and arrows, shields, daggers, and even whips."

"Well then, catch this!" he said and with a puff of smoke, a throwing spear appeared in his hand. It was nearly 8 feet long and bluish but mostly transparent. It was as if it had been crafted out of crystal or glass.

"What's this?"

"Duh. It's a spear," he said with a roll of his eyes.

"Naruto..." she said warningly and he chuckled.

"It's our secret weapon against Darkseid."

Diana took another look at the glass-like throwing spear.

"This banal thing-"

"-is made out of an alloy consisting of many metals, among which also radion. A substance that is deadly to gods," he completed her sentence.

She looked at the bluish, transparent spear with newfound respect in her eyes. She wanted to know more details though.

"How did you get a hold of something like this?!"

A substance that could even kill gods was not something that one could randomly find at the corner of a street.

"The Guardians of the Green Lanterns gave me half a pound of radion as a reward for the mission on Debstam," he said and winced a little at the memory of it. (1)

"They even made you a spear, huh? How generous of them!" she said and the sarcasm in her voice was not lost to him.

"I know, right?" he agreed. "Actually, they offered to craft me a spear from that radion after I coincidentally helped two Green Lanterns fight off a squad of Yellow Lanterns a few months ago." At her confused look, he explained: "You were away on a solo rescue mission."

While Naruto and Diana went on missions together most of the time, they took solo missions too once in a while. A little time on their own was nice too sometimes.

"But as you say, I can't help thinking that they gave me this radion and then crafted it into a spear on purpose... you gotta know that nobody has any information on how to harness this material. Trust me, I looked into it on all my information brokers. Yet the Guardians conveniently had so much of it and offered it to me as a reward for the bounty..." He said.

"So they're all but telling you to kill Darkseid for them," Diana said, not pleased with how the Guardians were trying to make use of them.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders uncaringly.

"Not like anyone can force me to do something I don't want to. Besides, having this spear doesn't mean much. From the Justice League's fights against Darkseid, we know that his reflexes and speed are fast enough to even dodge and react to the Flash and he's supposedly able to go at the speed of light. How are you going to hit Darkseid with this?"

"Close-quarter combat is always a choice." Diana offered but then she changed her mind. "But it's impossible for him to not recognize at a glance the one thing that can truly kill him in this universe. Once he sees it, he won't engage in a head-on fight and just fire his Omega beams from behind the protection of his Parademons."

"My thoughts exactly..." he agreed.

"I guess our only way is for one of us to trap him and hold him still while the other one uses the spear," she said.

"Easier said than done. You saw how much magic resistance Hades had. Darkseid is bound to be even stronger."

"But you'll have your enhanced Six Path Sage Mode on Earth. Even if it's poisonous, you shouldn't be in any fatal danger as long as you don't use it for too long, right?"

They discussed their options a while longer before Naruto took back the radion spear from her hands and sealed it in a scroll. Then, he gave her about 40 other javelins that had the exact same shape, weight, and elasticity as the glass-like radion spear.

"As we decided, I'll be the one to trap Darkseid, hopefully with the help of the other metahumans on Earth. Your one goal is to hit him with the spear. So now we gotta practice."

He put some distance between the two of them and a cloak of yellow-red chakra appeared around him.

"I'll use my Six Paths Sage Mode, my Body Flicker Movement and even my Hiraishin too. Try to hit me."

Wonder Woman did not feel like he was underestimating her skill with the spear by testing her like that. She understood the importance of getting familiar with a type of weapon in order to wield it to its fullest potential. Furthermore, they only had one try at hitting Darkseid with the radion spear. There were no second chances because the radion spear was designed to shatter after hitting its target.

For the next four hours, the Amazon princes used her entire skill and godly strength, and she even imbued wind or lightning nature chakra into the javelins, throwing them with such strength that each spear left shocking sonic booms in their wake. However, she had never come close to hitting him, he was too fast.


AN: this was the last lemony chapter of the story. Regarding the BDSM scenes in this chapter, well, Wonder Woman's character was started from such a thing. Y'all fellow pervs, don't tell me you've never thought about Wonder Woman using her lasso for less-than-honourable purposes, hehe. Anyway, no more frisky times from now on. As you can probably tell, the final arc of the fic is not far away.

(1) for those who have forgotten, from Chapter 19 to 23 Naruto completed a bounty issued by the Green Lantern Corps to eliminate the ones that had killed 4 Green Lanterns, in the Cygnus system (Debstam planet). Over there, Naruto killed Mongul and his son and destroyed the colony of Black Mercies (it's also where he was attacked by a Black Mercy and put into a 10-year-long illusion of a perfect life which ended up violently as he watched everyone he loved get murdered by Kaguya). That said, the reward from that bounty was never mentioned but I did say in the author's note at the end of chapter 23 that it will be brought up in a future arc: and this is that moment. I had paved the way for this arc ever since that time. ^^


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