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You end the story with 4 points. You have chosen a free option in the last poll, and you bought 0 points since last part.

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Frantically looking around to see if the perpetrator who stole your items is still here, you spot a security camera! You get a quick idea to ask the security staff for footage of the locker room in hopes you might catch the thief! You approach the janitor which then points you in the right direction. The security staff says they haven't spotted anything unusual, but is sympathetic to your troubles and let you check for yourself.

Upon closer examination, you see that the perpetrator was indeed sneaking around your locker after you have left with Jenny! The security footage is very grainy and low quality, however, you managed to pick up on the thiefs general appearance. You thank the staff for letting you see the videos, and ask them if they could send it to your e-mail so that you could then take it to the police station and continue from there. Just as you were about to leave, you get a strong urge to look over the footage again. I mean, let's face it, your locker was at the bottom of the hall, it was in a corner, and it was not the only opened locker that night! Why you?

You politely ask to see the footage just one more time and the security guard obliges.

That's when you saw it. 'No... That can't be... Did I see that right??' You spotted something you could have never predicted. Totally collected, in passing, Jenny made a hand gesture right before the perpertator sprung to action! 'Could it really be Jenny that is behind this???' You are at a loss for words. The beautiful, funny, kind girl you met randomly at a hostel (or so you thought) was the mastermind of this whole thing! You heard of things getting stolen at hostels and public lockers, but you never thought you would be a victim of this! Your carelessness and infatuation with a woman got the better of you. Your nice (company) truck, your money, and your crappy phone are gone, along with the girl you thought could be someone to you.

You slap yourself in the face and collect yourself. A decision is upon you...


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