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You currently have 4 points. You have chosen a -10 points option in the last poll, and you bought 0 points since last part.

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You see the saddness in Jenny's eyes as she tells you about herself. You can see she is really starting to like you but is hesitant due to her current living situation.

'I will make sure that the rest of the time we have together is the best you've ever had then.' You kiss her softly. 'So that you can remember me fondly and maybe...' You pause and look down. 'Nevermind.'

'Maybe..?' Jenny asks inquisitively.

'Well, maybe we can stay in touch...' You say.

Jenny lets out a sarcastic laugh. 'As if that's an option with my father! He doesn't even let me have a phone! He says "It's too dangerous" and that "he needs to protect me"! As if! Being locked up in a small hostel definitely feels more like a prison than a protective place!'

'I'll make sure to keep it fun and protective for you!' You wink at her and give her another kiss. She hugs you tightly and before you know it you are making out passionately again. Her hands caressing your back while she climbs on top of you again.

Before things have a chance to get heated, you hear someone knocking on the door of the sauna. 'You have exceeded the safety time limit for the sauna. Please exit the chamber as soon as you can!'

Both of you let out an annoyed sigh and get ready to exit the sauna. You walk together to your lockers.

'Well this was fun!' Jenny exclaims excitedly. 'I need to meet with my father to get my car back finally, but I'll see you around.'

'It really was fun, thank you Jenny.' You kiss her once again and she goes on her way. 'She is such an amazing girl.' You sigh. 'An amazing tease, too.' You say cupping your now blue balls. 'I know what I'm doing when I get back.' You joke to yourself and start reaching for your locker.  'Wait...' You notice the locker creaked open. 'Please don't tell me-' You open the locker all the way and see that ALL of your stuff is missing! Your truck keys, wallet, and your phone have been stolen because of your carelessnes! 'Fuck!' you mutter to yourself.


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