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The Late Nate Show had seen a considerable uptick in viewership, and most people attributed it to the presence of someone who had actually managed to endear herself to the community of people who had before only put the podcast in audio form.

"I have to say, the graph doesn't lie," Nate said, gesturing to the very first time he had brought a now permanent part of his weekly show, who sat opposite him.

And indeed, Janine had returned and became a mainstay of the weekend show, and more importantly, she had actually caused the show to become more popular as a video to watch than ever before, when it was primarily an audio experience for the grand majority of its fans... and both herself and Nate had quickly capitalized on this. 

Janine wasn't above exploiting her good looks for cash, as her primary source of income would suggest to anyone who watched her quite graphic lewd videos. She raised both hands in a dual peace sign and made a bright smiling face as she did, bobbing her head slightly, careful not to let the horns attached to her headband shake too much. She had her natural hair out, which admittedly was a few shades darker than the character she was playing, a headband with ram-like horns, an extremely brief and fetish-looking school uniform, and she also had with her a giant plush sheep.

"That's your newest cosplay, isn't it?" Nate asked, marveling at the sight. "You know just how to make a man jealous you know!"

Janine winked at him and then nodded. "That's right, I just got the skirt in the mail today, I had to get it imported for authenticity, but it's a bona fide true-blue school uniform skirt, straight from the land of the rising sun!" she said. "Or at least the ones they use in love hotels and such, I'm pretty sure real schoolgirls don't wear skirts this short!" she said, standing up and turning her back to the camera, shaking her bottom. Her hair being much shorter than the character she was playing was by no means a deal breaker for anyone, and were she to be doing the cosplay for a photoshoot, she'd wear a wig, but it was too cumbersome for the show.

"Hot damn," Nate agreed. "So is this one going to be featuring in your videos?"

"Well, not yet!" she said, raising a finger. "Since that big tournament's coming up, I've been preparing to cosplay as this character for it!" she said. "Wanna keep it nice, clean and tidy up until then. You know things can get messy!"

"Oh don't we all?" Nate agreed, nodding. "Speaking of which, last time you promised us some spicy and tasty details from your daily life," he said.

"I did?" she asked. 

"That you did," Nate insisted, grinning, "I can pull up the clip you know!"

Of course he would, this was the bit they had prepared after all, and he did so, putting in the clip of her, in a different costume, giving in after an user poll was completed where a good 64% of all the viewers and listeners agreed that they wanted her to divulge some of her own, personal and private fantasies, the sort that didn't make it to her videos for one reason or another. 

"Oh I guess I did!" she agreed with a giggle, nodding and smiling brightly, "alright you guys, since you all insisted," and both of them looked at how the chat was going crazy with insistence of her revealing the naughty and juicy details that would have a lot of less daring podcast personalities squeamish, becoming emboldened by the success of their idea. 

The two looked at each other, technically, she could back off still, Nate had said she didn't really have to, she could always make some shit up or just honestly come out and tell people she didn't feel comfortable sharing intimate details like that, but this was her own initiative, and besides, she had already cleared this matter with the subject of her fantasies in the first place. She was certain he was even now helping her achieve some of them, she was an endless generator for lewd dreams after all!

She moved the sheep plushie onto her lap and hugged it, and sighed dramatically, theatrically, squeezing it. "But you guys need to be nice to me alright?" she said. "No judging!"

"No kinkshaming, that's what losers do," Nate agreed, "chat's fine, chat understands," he said, "and if anyone doesn't, we've got mods that can time'em out. So everyone, be on your best behavior, we have Miss Janine with us today, so don't make us look bad!"

Chat was scrolling very fast even with slow mode on, but they could read at least some of the images, including the countless people who were spouting really dirty stuff already. Janine was of course already used to people talking about how they would splooge to her, or to any of the other women she worked with when making her videos, and she was even used to people shittalking her boyfriend.

As well as the many well intentioned people who asked if she was being abused or such given her specific brand of lewd work and the fetishes she indulged in pretty much all the time. It was always awkward to try to explain that no, she wasn't being abused by an evil man, she just really really loved watching him fuck other women.

Speaking of which...

"Alright! You guys promised," she said, nodding... "So this one is one I had when I still had a day job at a boring office... back then I was a slightly more boring woman, but you know, I was never really clean, so... back then, I'd lock myself in my room or take long showers..."


The day had been awful. Being yelled at by clients, being yelled at by the boss, being yelled at even by my fellow grunts, treated like a ragdoll, or even worse, like a straight up rag, used to clean up the mess, roughly wrung up and then left out to dry after she had nothing more to give. Her feet hurt, her legs hurt, her butt hurt, her back hurt, her head hurt, and even her heart hurt, metaphorically speaking, from what she'd had to endure.

She returned to her home after that hard day full of hard work and abuse from an incompetent who had her position because she was fucking the VP of sales. Stick her key into the hole, open the door. How odd, the door was not locked, as it usually was. 

Finally, something was looking up in her day, her beloved, her handsome boyfriend, had gotten home earlier than she had! That was great, because that meant he'd be already relaxed and ready to offer a hug and maybe even a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and then pat her head and hold her and maybe even tell her she had done good to endure all of that.

Warm and fuzzy feelings to counteract the heavy weight of a crappy day, ahoy!

She opened the door and pushed it. In much the same style as the Japanese, they had set up a little space where they would put their shoes and trade them for slippers, part of their own way to reduce how much dirt from outside they tracked in, and to also help relax, apparently relaxing your feet was integral.

As she pulled her shoes off and put them in her little box, however, she noticed something strange.

Had she forgotten a pair of shoes here? She scrunched up her nose. No, these weren't hers. "What the..." she muttered to herself, "no, no way... could it be... we have visits over?" she asked, rubbing her chin. Well, it wasn't that rare. She stuck her shoes into place and put on her slippers, and then hung her jacket on the coat rack near the entrance, stretching her back and shoulders. She carried her purse to the kitchen, past the living room, and set it on the kitchen table. Strange, though - she hadn't seen her boyfriend or whoever had come to visit at all. But their shoes were at the box, so they had to be in, right?

Not thinking too much about it, she poured herself a glass of water and prepared to drink it, while noticing the coffee machine had a pot already made and still warm. She poured out the water from the glass, hung it to dry and went to grab a cup to pour herself some coffee instead when she first heard it.

A very faint sound, but it sounded like a voice. Like a... feminine voice. While she was thinking, she heard, no, more like felt, a weird thudding noise that almost vibrated into her body. She stopped, hand caught in mid grab motion, her breath caught and her heart began beating a mile a minute. The sounds came again, very faintly perceptive. She turned to their source.

They were coming from the direction of... their room. Her room. His room. Their room, where they spent their time as a couple, basking and embracing one another... where they made love, where they slept and rested their tired and weary bodies and souls... their most intimate inner sanctum... her heart felt like it was in her throat, beating even harder than before, every step she took felt like she was wading throuhg water with feet of lead, but she had to move. She had to go to her room.

A hallway off the kitchen, opposite the way that led to the entrance and living room... the sounds were getting louder the closer she got to her room. To her right, the bathroom, door wide open, light on... to the left, a foreboding feeling and the door to her room, locked into place, shaking slightly, the sounds and noises becoming distant, opposite each other.

She turned first to look into the bathroom, and saw something most strange... 

She always put her laundry in the basket, and yet... there were clothes, belonging to a woman, strewn all over the bathroom floor. A sheer white top, a pair of denim booty shorts, a lacy black bra, and an accompanying, matching thong. She picked it up, holding it. It wasn't hers. She would know if it was hers, she didn't own one with these designs and patterns... this was someone else's underwear...

She contemplated and thought to let them drop, but instead turned around.

The door to her room was open, just a crack, just enough to let light through. Just enough that she could scarcely hear the sounds coming from within, almost like they were coming from within a tightly sealed bubble. Gulping and trembling, she approached the door, with shuffling, shambling movements, feeling like she was at a cross between drunk and shellshocked.

She was sweating now, her heart was beating fast and she almost didn't want to hook her fingers on the grip of the sliding door... but with determination and strength of will, she pressed up against the door, and then with care, slowly and carefully, making sure not to make any noise at all, she pulled at the door, sliding it into the wall a little, just enough, just cracking it open the slightest amount she could, so that she could peer through it.

Her eyes became as wide as saucers, she didn't believe, couldn't believe, what she was seeing, the image playing in front of her eyes, horror, disgust and despair coursed through her as she observed with enraptured attention...

There, on her own room, on her own bed, on her very own apartment was her very own boyfriend and her cousin, one of the few members of her family with whom she maintained an active relationship rather than meeting her rarely in family get togethers... One of the most similar to her, in looks, despite the distance of their relationship... They were both as naked as the day they were born, and locked in a passionate, sexual embrace.

Like the bubble had burst, the noises of their coupling, no, their lewd sex, were now unmistakable, loud and wet and nasty and so many other adjectives, it was like they were fucking right next to her ear, her astonishingly wet pussy made a naughty schlick sound as it slid along the pulsing, veiny shaft of his penis, her every groan and moan was as lewd as a thousand pornos, and every slap of skin on skin, every groan and creak and protest of the bed, and every thud of the frame against the wall... she felt each and everyone of those on her own flesh.

He was on his back, laying on the bed. One each of his hands was on each of her thighs, his large hands almost digging into the fleshy, fat thighs, longer, more slender than hers, she had her hands on his chest, her fingernails digging into his chest, as she bounced her hips on him hard, fast and furiously, mewling passionately in pleasure as she fucked herself on her cousin's boyfriend's cock.

For the woman who had arrived from work looking for comfort, there could be no bigger betrayal, there could be no more heartbreaking and world shattering sensation than what she was experiencing as she watched the love of her life, someone whom she could've seen herself marrying and starting a family with... furiously mating with her cousin, with her very own family.

She should burst in. She should stop them. She should kick up a fuzz, get angry, get violent even, she should do any of a number of things, a myriad of thoughts crossed through her head, an infinite spectrum of feelings, everything was swimming and spinning and- and-

And her core was overflowing with heat as she observed the hottest thing she had ever seen, a beautiful woman who looked so similar to her, and the man she loved, copulating, making love, fucking, mating, however you wanted to call it, making the bed scream out in pain as it was subject to their dirty, treasonous and yet undeniably sexy act.

The working woman felt her hands move almost by their own accord, betraying her, just as much as her boyfriend and her cousin, her body was just as much of a participant, a traitor to her mind, as it gave free rein and full freedom to her desires as they ran their course. Her left hand raised her tube skirt, hiking it up to reveal her blue panties, a pair far less sexy than the thong that she even now realized she still held in her hand. The thong, which stank of arousal and semen, clearly having been part of the illicit tryst moments before...

She brought the cumstained thong up to her face... the dirty feeling overwhelmed her as she took a deep sniff of his and her scent, so intense, so potent, so overpowering that it burned away her logic and sense. She stuck her hand in her panties and then immediately shoved two fingers in her gushing wet cunt, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out to begin tasting the thong she was sniffing, getting as much of their combined taste into her while she oversaw their frenzied mating.

It was reaching a fever pitch, he thrust up into her from below, causing her entire body to shake, her thighs and butt rippling from the force of the impact... her cousin threw her head back, and screeched out a great and mighty and powerful orgasm with such a loud cry it could no doubt wake the dead, and his own warning came not moments after.

Though her own pussy squeezed only around slim, feminine fingers, the working woman felt pleasure far more intense than she had ever expected to from it, and she dropped to her knees, losing control, spraying her juices all over her legs and the wooden floor of her apartment, the door sliding open fully, and revealing her little spy act.

Her eyes locked with her boyfriend, now sat on the edge of the bed, his cock still buried firmly within her cousin, who was insensate with her orgasm.

Gesturing at her to sit there and watch, he began moving once more, and she felt dominated, safe, secure, comforted and loved as his eyes bored into her, eyes that told her he loved her, while she masturbated to the sight of her future husband breeding another woman.



"D-Damn," Nate said. "Uh, that's, yeah," he said. "I don't even know if we can get away with that live!"

The staffer in charge of such things had cleared them with the streaming site's rules, everything was supposedly fine, but...

"W-Well, I, uhm, I need a break, a drink of water and a quick trip to the ladies' room," Janine said, face red. "S-Sorry, I'll be right back!"

She had wound up turning herself on with her own silly story! It was true it was one of her old fantasies, though way back it hadn't starred her current boyfriend, as this one did, and the other woman wasn't Elizabeth back then either, she hadn't been so far gone as to fantasize about people she knew back then...

She rushed into the bathroom, locked herself in, and pulled her cellphone from the purse built into her sheep plushy, which was vibrating and ringing, a video call she rapidly accepted, the image on the screen immediately shifting to the sight of her boyfriend, laid on his back in bed, fucking Elizabeth furiously as the blonde, thinner by a bit than Janine herself, rode him hard. She hadn't intended to do anything dirty in costume today, but she couldn't help herself, sticking a finger into her mouth, biting down on the glove she was wearing and pulling it off. Her microskirt was no problem, she just stuck her hands inside her panties as she had imagined before, and immedaitely began fingerfucking herself.

The video call with her boyfriend showed her an image far better than any fantasy, for it was true, and it was so much better to see it in reality, her break wouldn't need to be long at all, and she would come out relaxed and ready to keep going...

Though of course, she'd soon start sharing more dirty and lewd fantasies...


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