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Ogre Cock was fucking amazing.

There, she admitted it! She was amazing, and the Ogres were fucking her!

That was terrible and she felt terrible, a combination of nausea, the feeling of bloat as if she'd eaten enough to overstuff herself several times over, and of course, the fact that there were penises everywhere! 

There was an ogre below her, and her inflated, pregnant belly rested on the muscles and fat of that ogre like a pillow. His massive erection was gouging out her pussy even now, caring little about the fact that she was so heavily pregnant she looked like she'd gone way beyond nine months with nonuplets inside her. 

Behind her was another ogre, grabbing onto her hips and ass and brutally spreading her cheeks open, his fingers so big and so fat and so strong that she was sure they were leaving bruise marks on her tan skin, even darker than the usual fare thanks to the exposure to the fake sunlight in this floor of Kamadeva. His cock was speearing into her anus, sawing in and out, lubricated thoroughly by her own juices and the tons of cum that had already been poured into and onto her.

There was an ogre to each side of her, one of them had grabbed her hand and was using to jerk himself off, his grip on her wrist allowing him to move her as he wished, and his panting and intense hip thrusting into her hand was no less bothersome than those of his peers, he was also obviously waiting for a chance to use any one of her holes, sometimes his other hand would play with her breasts as well. The other side's ogre had grabbed a fistful of Mara's hair and was wiping his cock  and jerking off with her hair, after having satisfied himself with her body earlier, he would soon be replaced by another ogre.

The last of the ogres that surrounded her had grabbed her head by each side, his big, meaty palms covering her ears. She knew this one, it was the Breeder, the one who walked around with that gigantic pair of testicles hanging from his crotch. She'd already had the... mis... fortune of being on the receiving end of the Breeder's attentions, and her stomach was swollen to prove it.

Mara's eyes never lost that glimmer of determination, even after three days of nearly nonstop fucking. Her stamina was put to the test many times, but even the Ogres needed rest from time to time, and there were only so many of them, especially since they were prone to getting into fights when access to the humans in the little breeding encampment was limited.

An unfortunate reality of these matters was that the only source of sustenance that she'd had was whatever the ogres had given her, which meant she had been surviving for the past three days, while she was gestating the ogre inside her, on a diet of cum, weird fruit and poorly roasted monster meat.

The breeder grunted. His extremely girthy shaft was even bigger when he was aroused, and it more than completely overfilled Mara's mouth and throat, she imagined that the bulge in her throat was quite impressive, she had seen both Cupcake and Benny sporting theirs whenever they got "fed" by the Breeder, and she cursed herself for the fact that she'd found the sight of them getting fucked by ogres to be extremely sexy.

Was it wrong?

They were really attractive people whom she cared about very much and this accursed dungeon had turned her into a degenerate, deviant pervert, and she refused to acknowledge any sort of responsibility on her own part in continuing to go into Kamadeva and even undergo a ritual to modify herself to increase her power rapidly.

With a grunt, the breeder commanded the others to move faster, and Mara felt the renewed and reinforced stimulation that heralded an increase in intensity and speed for the breeding session. The Breeder was the leader of this group and they all listened to it, the ogres would let it have whatever hole it wanted whenever it wanted to, and failure to comply meant it would usually smack them around.

Mara felt her stomach gurgle and grumble and protest as the massive baby inside her stirred. 

She knew it then, in every fiber of her being, even as her mind was being gored three ways by phallus shaped spears of pleasure that insisted on turning her every thought into a pink slurry of semen and lust, she could not miss the fact that it was coming. The moment of birth was coming.

The Breeder growled out something incomprehensible and everything ceased. The ogres seemed to scramble. The one behind her pulled out and she herself was pulled off of both the Breeder's cock and the one who was serving as her mat. The Breeder sat on what appeared to be some sort of throne fabricated from the rock walls and rickety wood, and Mara was moved to him. Despite her immense size, they had no problem moving her around, and she didn't even feel that much discomfort as she was sat on the Breeder's lap, his ridiculously oversized prickhead encountering only the barest resistance from her freshly fucked anus before going right down into her bowels.

Not for the first time Mara thanked Rosie for the advice regarding the ritual that had turned her body into its current lewd form, because she was sure she was getting as much bang for her time and efforts as it was possible to get, she could only imagine how she'd have a torn asshole trying to take that thing inside her otherwise.

As the cock speared into her from behind, she couldn't help but burp at first, then feel a geyser of cum coming up from her stomach, only for its exit to be denied as she swallowed forcefully, her stomach never quite settling. If anything, the rumbling was quickening, she was feeling it, the pain coursing through her soon turning to pleasure.

Pleasure so intense it entirely eclipsed everything she had experienced, as her body trembled. Massive hands took each of her wrists and ankles, and the Breeder's own ginormous hands began to play with Mara's engorged tits, squeezing the enlarged globes roughly and with little technique, yet her oversexed body responded like he was the most skilled masseuse ever, more orgasms ripping through her as his squeezes caused her breasts to spurt out milk, the slightly off whitish liquid spraying in a perfect arc before splashing against the ground, disappearing quickly as if the dungeon itself was drinking it up,

Mara mewled and moaned, her sore throat barely capable of producing adequate sounds, her entire being shuddering all at once, spread as she was, she couldn't even curl up like her instincts demanded... and then it happened.

Something felt like it ripped, something shattered, and her brain melted and leaked out in a spray of juices, or at least that's what it felt like, because she was cumming again, and then cumming on top of that, a chain of explosive orgasms that was rapidly driving her insane as the sheeer insane pleasure of her pussy being stretched to the point of absurdity, to a level at which no humanoid species should ever feel, as she gave birth to an ogre.

Not an ogre baby, but as she was made to witness even as her mind swam in a sea of hormones, a fully grown ogre, a lump of green muscle that came out more than a bit above the upper edge of human baby sizes, but rapidly, almost instantly, began growing to being an absolute unit, bigger even than the very breeder that had sired it within Mara's own body.

It didn't even have an umbilical cord!

The ogre was birthed straight from her womb into the ground, first falling flat on its face, but as it began to grow it stood up to its full height, its dark gray skin almost had a film, a layer of fluid, it was overmuscled like its brethren, and as it finally reached its full height, half a head taller than the breeder and half again as wide at the shoulders, it threw its arms to the side and screamed out with a roar before turning around to face Mara.

If the Breeder was big, this monster was gigantic. It didn't have the mismatched gigantic testicles, no, it had a cock to match them as well, with the flattened tip so peculiar to the Breeder sub-species.

It eyed Mara, grabbing its shaft and looking down upon her with a lustful expression.

The first breeder let Mara drop to the ground, and the other ogres once again surrounded her.

They would undoubtedly start the next breeding session.

Mara looked around.

Cupcake had given birth already, hours before, though she had given birth to a regular sized ogre, no, a smaller one even... that guy had fucked Mara earlier and it was now on lookout duty. Unlike the breeder Mara had birthed, it didn't seem to have any intention of going after the womb that birthed it.

Benny, for his part, well, he lacked a womb to be impregnated with, but they had made plentiful use of him as well. Every orifice, even his nostrils, leaked semen, and many of the ogres had availed themselves of his larger than usual dick as well. Hell, at some point it seemed they were even fighting over which ogre got to suck it.

Even now, there was an ogre sucking him off while Benny himself was getting spitroasted. 

Well... with that, their job here was done.

Mara wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"This is the difference two levels can make, huh?" she muttered to herself. "I'm going to find that bitch, and I'm going to shove my fist right up her ass now," she said.

Her spirit was renewed.

The vigor coursing through her would shock people who knew what she had just gone through.

Some would question how she was even sane. How she even considered what she was about to do. 

After all, was that not the fruit of her womb?

But no, it really wasn't.

The thing before her was a monster. A big, strong, extremely well endowed monster, but a monster in the end.

For Mara had already made her mind up well before she and her friends allowed themselves to be captured, to give Kamadeva what it so clearly wanted from adventurers.

And so when the greater Breeder reached down to try to grab her to start the process of impregnating her again, Mara preempted it, shooting up to her feet and even leaping up, hitting the ogre on the chin with a flying uppercut, the very first thing she did with her newly attained Level 7 strength.

And its head and cranium fucking EXPLODED into a fine pink mist and a shower of bone fragments. The newborn, and newly dead, breeder fell on its back.

"Alright you guys," she called, slamming her fist into her palm, the shockwave of which caused everything loose in the area to shake, and the crude constructions of the barebones mini fortress the ogres had made over their stay there to shake, some even collapsed. "You got to have fun for three days, now it's time to get back to work."

Cupcake giggled, though it was muffled. She was being held between two ogres, and Mara wondered if their dicks met each other inside of her, one going through her mouth, the other, through her pussy. She put her hands on one of the ogres' stomach, and then did the same with her feet, and with a mighty push, sent both of them flying.

Benny didn't do anything particularly fancy, intead simply pushing the ogre using his mouth away, and then with a mighty shove, sending the ogre behind him flying. The ogre that was sucking him off tried to move away, but a kick also sent it flying.

"W-Wow, I hadn't even noticed," he said, looking at his hands, trying to not notice the amount of cum on them. "This was way more effective than I thought..! Why doesn't everyone do this?"

"Not everyone is crazy enough to do this willingly," Mara said, putting a hand on her shoulder and cracking her neck, proceeding by stretching her back and hearing it pop satisfyingly. "Most people generally try to avoid this outcome."

The ogres surrounded the trio, clearly not entirely aware of what was about to happen to them. The breeder even took up its weapon and eyed them warily.

Mara felt power coursing through her. Her newly gained levels were fresh on her. She'd gotten such a huge lump sum of power all at once, she couldn't help but be terribly excited to use it.

"Too bad these small fry aren't worthy opponents..."

Oh, but she knew how to find a worthy opponent. This floor's boss, the Ogre Monarch... The fourth floor's boss...

"Hm... two... six... twelve... we're gonna need about seven more ogres," Mara mused as Cupcake and Benny drew into formation alongside her. "You guys ready?"

"Let's do this quick, I really don't want to fight with my penis hanging out like this, and I need so many showers right now..!" Benny said.

Cupcake giggled. "Let's go to a bathhouse when we're done!" she said. "I know a good place!"

"It's a date," Mara agreed. "Let's clear things out first!"

And then the battle was engaged. A very short, very one sided, and very satisfying battle, as the three newly minted level seven adventurers laid a smackdown upon the monsters that had made them playthings over the last three days.


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