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"Everything is ready," Medea said, patting her prominent pregnant belly. She looked like she was about to burst, even. She hadn't changed her wardrobe much, her simple but comfortable dress had simply been modified to fit her perfectly even as she had reached her current size, as an expecting mother due on today's exact date. She put her hand on your cheek, and pressed her forehead against yours. "Did you do as I asked?"

"Yes... I'm not sure why you wanted me to call a woman I trusted here."

Not the exact words she had used, but... at the end of the day, close enough.

Medea closed her eyes and fell into quiet, and you couldn't break the silence either, simply basking in her presence. The mother of your child. This wasn't an accident, like it was with Ritsuka and Mashu. Nor was it, on some level, assisting a couple to have children. No, this was... this was somehow more real. Somehow... something that felt definitive. 

Especially now, that you could feel the weight of her belly resting on your own body.

Tilting your head to look at you eye to eye, she kissed your lips. "I love you," she said. "How it began no longer matters, only that we're here now," she said.

"I- I love you too," you said, honestly and earnestly. Indeed, how it had all begun didn't matter anymore. "The atmosphere feels a little heavy..." you said. "I'm still a bit lost."

Rambling. Nerves were coursing through your mind, it was hard to not just spit out whatever came to mind, to try to prod her, to try to get more from her, it really felt like you absolutely had to.

She covered her mouth with a hand demurely and let out a little chuckle, her eyes closing and her expression becoming much lighter, more jovial.

"I want you to understand," she said, "that I love you just the way you are, and I won't ask you to change for me," she said. "I don't want you to change the way you are. I've been a foolish woman before... I've been betrayed, I've thought that the only man I could be with was someone who was utterly and completely devoted to me, to the exclusion of everything else but..." she sighed. "I won't deny, dating a man who shares my taste in women was surprisingly a nice change of pace, even if your libido far exceeds mine," she said.

You chuckled, a bit embarrassed considering she was putting out your promiscuity on blast right then and there. "You know-"

"I know," she interrupted, confirming it outright, without you needing to put it into words."But I don't want you to," she added. "I've enjoyed myself greatly every time we've brought another to our bed, and I enjoy seeing you participate in-" she blinked, then shook her head. "I'm a strange woman - I've always been," she said, "perhaps I have a certain aunt of mine to blame for this, her education was rather... Well, best not to mention it."

You winced at the thought.

"What's it all come to, though?" you asked, stepping back from her hug and gesturing to the room. In the middle, a large, pristine looking bed, with white sheets and pillows. Around it, the immaculate walls of Chaldea replaced with a rather regal bedchamber, banners with intricate designs drawn on them hanging from the walls, a large chandelier with glowing crystals acting as light fixtures, and, oh, of course, patterns and strange characters drawn all over the place.

Directly beside the door, there was a nightstand with three bottles, one filled with golden liquid, another filled with green liquid, and the final one, filled with purple liquid. 

"This," she said, "is-"

The door chimed, and then the faux heavy wooden door disappeared for a moment, replaced by the high tech sterile looking door of Chaldea, and allowing the person behind it inside. 

Dressed in her customary white dress, the beautiful and pure white Lily of the Saber Class, Artoria Lily, made her appearance. "You calle- oh! Am I interrupting something?" she asked. "If necessary I can wait-"

You shook your head. "No, not at all," you said. "Right?" you asked.

Medea nodded. "It'll make it easier. Come in," she said, her smile drawing itself a little bigger on her face. Almost predatory even.

Lily stepped in and the door closed behind her, the seamless transformation coming back into place. "Alright. If I may ask," she said, "what did you need me for?" she asked, giving the two a smile.

"Right, now that you are here, we can begin," Medea said. "You're my husband's chosen... I suppose at the end of the day, we really do have a lot in common," she said, exhaling out of her nose in amusement, turning towards Lily fully now. "Do tell me - do you love my husband?" she asked.

Lily stopped, stumped and stupefied momentarily by the point blank and blunt question. "I- I," she clenched her fists. "I do," she said, finally, clearly feeling contrite, but not enough to lie about such an important matter.

"And of course, I already know your answer," she said, turning to you. "Very well then," she said. "Husband, remove your clothes and get on the bed, if you would?" 

"I- now?" you asked, blinking in surprise.

"Well, yes, now, not later," Medea replied, more than a little amused. "This is nothing she hasn't seen before after all," she said. "Am I incorrect?"

Lily blushed. There was very little of you she hadn't seen indeed. "No comment," she said, looking aside.

Medea seemed even more amused then.

She watched as you undressed, and then as you sat on the bed. She then went to the nightstand and grabbed the golden potion, before passing it to you. "Drink," she spoke, not an order or a suggestion, more of a statement, yep, you were going to drink. Sky is blue, gravity pulls things to the core of the earth, the golden drink tasted of freshly baked apple pie and after a few moments you were feeling like fire was spreading along your body, but only for a brief moment.

Your cock got hard so fast you swore you almost heard a cartoonish sound effect of it springing to life. Medea then, with one finger, pushed you back, and you laid down as she guided you, your prick standing stiffly at attention.

Medea then took the purple potion, and gestured at the last one, looking at Lily.

A brief, tense moment happened, and then Lily, without uttering a word, took the potion. The two looked at each other, and then, both of them downed their potions.

Lily blinked. "I expected... it leaves a nice and fresh mint aftertaste."

"I've long since mastered the art of making potions not taste horrible," Medea said. "Now you should be feeling it in three, two, one..."

Lily's eyes widened, her face became red, and her hands went to her crotch through her dress. "What is-"

"Right. That," Medea said, wincing herself, her legs wobbling on her.

The sight made your cock positively throb, though you had lost a lot of strength on your body, like it was all focusing on your cock.

"Ahhh, yess... there it is," Medea sighed in pleasure. "Alright, the final step for a painless, safe, healthy and completely risk free birth," she said, looking at your cock, licking her lips. Turning to Lily, she directed a few words at her. "Help me undress?" she asked.

Grunting, Lily stepped forward, grabbed the front of Medea's dress with her dainty, gloved hands, and ripped it off of her like it was very thin paper. You knew just how tough Medea's dress was, and for Lily to tear it apart with such ease...

Medea didn't even bother protesting any of that, instead, she just accepted it and climbed on the bed, straddling your crotch. At this point you weren't even really wondering what was going on anymore, even if there was curiosity in you, the fact that your wife was on top of you, wearing only a torn up dress, no underwear present, was the only thing that mattered.

Medea guided your cock with her hand, and with almost ludicrous ease, you slipped up her slick, thoroughly lubricated and very accepting backside. Anal sex was always a treat, but as your cock slid into her, Medea seemed to almost adapt to your cock, her ass squeezing a little tighter, just enough that it was a gentle but insistent caress, the pressure and heat all combining to make it an incredibly pleasant experience, which only further added to the pleasure, it was so strange, so comfortable, so... so very much like her, that she didn't even need to move to bring you crazy pleasure.

Lily was blushing.

"What are you waiting for?" Medea asked, gesturing with a hand to her. "Are you not going to be my fellow wife?" she spoke. "You said you loved my husband, did you not?" she asked. "Then this is your time, O Princess of Knights," she spoke. "Come and join me!"

"Ah, are, are you sure," Lily asked, her face red, her voice a little hoarse, one eye closed as she tried to maintain what remained of her composure.

Medea smirked at her, and then began to rock her hips, sighing in pleasure as she did so. "This is your pledge of marriage," she spoke. "You will not marry my husband... you will marry us," she spoke, "you will become my sister wife," she said, simply and clearly. "Now come here - and assist me with childbirth! I'm about to give birth, I don't have much strength!" she said, a little more hurriedly.

Lily winced. "W-What do I do," she asked, a little frantic. "D-Do you need, oh blast it, water, we need- clean, tools-"

"Nothing of the sort," Medea said, smiling widely. "I just need you to help me and my husband reach orgasm simultaneously," she said. "This will complete the tantric ritual, and therefore, ensure that everything goes smoothly," she said. "I'm afraid I'll be a little too distracted to focus on that myself."

You grit your teeth. "Lily," you called.

"Sit on his face," Medea urged. "My husband enjoys getting women off. Then, then play with my chest," she continued. "ahn, I'd love to see your cute face as you cum later too!" she said, "but for now, please, hurry!"

Lily nodded. She hiked her skirts up, and with a ripping sound she straight up tore them off, revealing the white panties she wore underneath, which she quickly slid off, throwing them aside as she straddled your face, covering your vision with the impossibly perfect peachy little cunt that was so lovely to see, to smell and more importantly, to taste. Its sweetness filled your mouth, in a way that was fresh and new yet intimately familiar, Lily was a pure girl, despite her lewd and lascivious perversion, and it showed at moments like these, as she trembled in pleasure the moment your tongue hit her lips, and even moaned out loud as you began to taste her folds.

Yet she wasn't still, doing as Medea had asked, pressing her own chest against Medea's back, leaning forward as Medea leaned back, supporting her weight, and reaching forward to grab her breasts. Medea was quite big compared to outsider women, but now she was big even among the servants of Chaldea, thanks to the expansion from pregnancy. 

And you knew for a fact just how smooth her skin was, just how full and heavy those large breasts were, and you knew the wonderful sight of them squirting out their bounty as soon as some encouragement was applied, and Lily was wasting no time, Medea's sweet, lovely moans coming through your ears, past Lily's thighs, directly into your brain, as Lily began to work her breasts.

"W-Woah- so much came out," Lily moaned, and you heard the sound and felt the impact of droplets hitting the bed, so sensitive was your everything at that point in time, "Ahh... I can't, I can't stop... playing with them..." she moaned, "they're so nice and full and juicy and lovely... this is wrong, this is so wrong, yet I can't stop..."

"That's it, keep going," Medea moaned, "nghn, don't stop, ohhh, yes, help me m-move, I'm nearly there," she said, "I just need, just need him, please..."

With herculean effort, you moved your arms and clamped them like a vise around Lily's thighs, your fingers grabbing onto her firm ass, the perfect peach that she shared with the Artoria lineage of servants... it felt so amazing to hold in your hands, and yet, you longed to also put your hands on Medea's own wonderful behind, slightly bigger, less rounded, different, but so great all the same, what kind of man could ever choose?

"L-Like this?" Lily asked.

"Nngh, yeees, just like that," Medea said, and then you felt it.

She began to move once more, this time more insistently, this time, putting none of her focus into the movement of her hips, and instead, all of it on the movement of her insides. Lily was handling everything else, Medea was just focusing on your connection to her, on how you and her shared this pleasure, and it was mind boggingly amazing, at every moment, far outclassing what you had been feeling previous.

It was coming faster than you had imagined, your orgasm was approaching with thunderous might, and you couldn't hold it in. Even as you tightened every muscle in your body to try to hold it back.

"Ohhh! Yes! Here it comes! Lily, now!! Ahh, it hurts so much, yet it feels so gooooood!!!"

"Ah, you're- you're crying!? Did I do it wrong?!" Lily shouted.

"No, not at all, these are tears of joy, I can't stand it anymoreeee!"

You sealed your lips around Lily's clit, focusing on her pleasure just so you wouldn't ruin things by coming too quickly, putting everything you had into giving her the most oral pleasure you could.

You didn't see it, you didn't hear it, you damn near felt it, as Lily reached down with one hand and while you tried your best not to cum, Lily began to rapidly flick Medea's clit.

All three of you came with screaming, simultaneous orgasms that seemed to almost cascade into each other, not even a moment's difference between each of you, exactly at the same time, and the ritual activated, the painted symbols all over the room glowing a bright pink that covered the entire room in pink light, and after a few moments exploded even brighter, like a flashbang and it-

Knocked you out in a single instant.

Something which you only realized as you were coming back to being awake, half laying, half sitting on bed. The room had transformed, and the symbols and markings were gone, and the bed you were on was a large canopy bed, extremely comfortable and regal. The kind a King would sleep on.

You wrinkle your nose.

On your left, you held a sleeping Lily, as naked as the day she was born, her hair unbound and falling behind her like a golden curtain. She looked positively adorable, clinging to your side.

On your right, you held a very much awake Medea, and as you blinked, you realized... she was holding a small, pale, blue haired baby, sleeping like an angel. Medea was already back to how she had been before her pregnancy, save for the still swollen breasts, full of milk to feed her child.

"What... what happened?" you asked.

Medea leaned into your hold. "I see you're awake, my love," she said. "How's our little one look?" she asked, raising your child in her arms. Medea had bundled her up in what was obviously an enchanted blanket, you could damn near feel the magic in it and you couldn't even do any magic yourself, spoke for how powerful it was. "Would you terribly mind giving me your thoughts on the name Hecate for our child? I know it's presumptuous of me but-"

"I think it's a wonderful name, and if it has meaning to you, then all the better," you said. "Although... is it not blasphemy?" you asked. "I'm... really not sure how that works..."

"Oh, her grandmother would be delighted if she knew," Medea said. "Even if she was quite cross with me- no, nevermind, not the time for that," she said, shaking her head.

"I take it the ritual was a success?" you asked. You trusted whatever it was supposed to do, the explanation was too long.

"Oh, extremely so. Far more than I ever intended," Medea said.

Lily stirred awake in your arm, and she directed a bleary look your way, snuggling into your arms. "Am tired..." she moaned. "Wuz... goin' on?" she moaned a little. Her tiredness was quite noticeable.

Medea smiled. "I didn't really calculate for the immense amount of power dwelling within our little Red Dragon here," she said, closing her eyes. "Nor did I think that she would happen to cum exactly at the right time..."

"Is... izzat bad?" Lily muttered into your chest.

Medea smiled. "Depends on how you look at it..." she said.

"I'm starting to get anxious, what's it all mean?" you finally asked. "Medea..."

The former Princess of Colchis looked aside.

There was a pregnant pause.

"We... might have to explain why there is now a legitimate heir to King Arthur," Medea said. "Congratulations, Lily, you're a parent now."

"I'm a what now," Lily said, suddenly jolting awake. 

Your child opened her eyes. They were the same lovely green color of Lily's eyes, but Hecate only glanced around with an unseeing stare, too young still to be able to properly see, before going back to sleep. "Wait... how?"

Medea blushed. "Sometimes magic is a little bit more art than science," she finally said. "I intended to solidify my relationship with the woman you chose," she spoke to you, "in a more metaphoric sense. But as Lily is a servant and, incarnated as I am, so am I, alongside the unexpectedly perfect timing of her orgasm as well, impacting the ritual-"

She paused.

"Well, to put it shortly, we merged as a singular being for the brief moment of Hecate's birth, so you are, in a sense, about as much Hecate's mother as I am," she spoke.

"But... but gestation and DNA and, I have so many questions," you said. 

"A proper and detailed explanation of how this all worked would both be exhaustingly long, and most likely fly over both your heads," Medea said gently.

"I motion we settle with that, and just go to sleep," Lily suggested. "I think I understand how Mordred feels all the time now."

All three of you fell silent then, settling to rest on bed.

"Can we deal with the consequences of this after a nap?" you asked.

Medea hummed. "I... suppose so."

"Then the motion passes," Lily said. "We'll go to sleep and deal with things as they come."

There was full agreement. All three of you, and the already sleeping baby, would then just relax and drift off to sleep once more. It was nice.


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