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Your big green fist went right through the trunk of the tree like it wasn't even there. Axes? Who needs axes?

"I need an axe," you grumbled, as you grabbed the tree that crashed on your shoulder, looking at your hand, stabbed with splinters all over. "I swear if I find whoever took my axe I'm going to shove it right up their ass!" you continued, adjusting the tree on your shoulder, ready to head back to the camping spot.

Then you rethought.

Maybe not if it was an elf. They'd almost certainly enjoy that. You had a bit of a harder time coming back to camp than leaving it, if only because maneuvering with a tree on your shoulder was a bit of an annoyance, but nevertheless, you made it back to where the camp of elves and orcs had set up.

The reason why?

Because the elves were goddamn perverts, why else. The sound of elven voices, loose, lewd and pathetic, was overpowering the sounds of all the life in the forest. Their screams, high pitched, was entirely too sweet and delightful to be annoying, but it still pissed you off, because you'd drawn the short straw and that had forced you to go looking for firewood.

Needless to say, you did quite enjoy tight, wet and hot elven pussies, and being prevented from participating in a good old orgy party was annoying. A shame that Jana had declined. She was basically the only elf that didn't become a cockhungry degenerate when you took your pants off, and she'd make for great conversation while you were recuperating and refilling fluids.

You passed the wall of foliage, carrying the tree that you'd soon break into bits and throw into the fire pit, the sound of grunting, panting, elven screams, and of course, nasty, perverted elven pussies being penetrated, greeting you even more strongly. The sight of your massive orcish companions with their wives, sometimes two to an elf, was still strange sometimes.

Who would have thought that one day, orcs and elves would not just cooperate, but intermarry, and even more importantly, organize swinger parties. Because as much as the elves said that this was just a hunting party, that this was an effort to promote cooperation, naturally they deliberately set this up to have one of their favorite setups.

The elven hunting band that got ambushed by the roving orcish rapeband, a classic based on fantasy that'd never been real.

But hey... you looked around, seeing some old and familiar faces both green and pink, caught in the throes of pleasure. Saw colossal green and gray shafts, stretching the entrance to each overstuffed elven pussy to the absolute limit, some even showing big bulges on their tummies, from the babies growing within them.

Elven moans, elven cries, elven sobbing, it was all sweet music to your ears. Strangely enough, it was interesting to note that the thought of raping an elf still caused disgust within you, but fucking them as brutally as they wanted to be fucked was causing your cock to stir in your loincloth.

You licked your tusks, put down the tree and grabbed an axe from the ground. It was stained and looked like it'd been used in a fight against a beast, a bit of blood still clinging to it, but the faster you got done with the fire, the faster you would get to join in on the festivities around you.

You set the tree down, and raised your axe- and then you were interrupted, as a trio of women in skimpy clothes came rushing out of the brush that separated the clearing from the rest of the forest. One was a blonde elf, wearing a brown leather pant, singular, because the left leg was missing to the point her stripped white and blue panties were visible, and bra combo, with knee length boots and shoulderpads and what appeared to be a leather bustier attached to the bra. She loosed an arrow, which you caught with the axe still in your hands, the sound of metal on metal alerting everyone.

The second of the trio, a redhead with long flowing hair wearing a metal breastplate attached to a white skirt, and shoulder pads with a similarly white cape trailing behind her, rushed towards you, blue metal greaves and sabatons clanging as she rushed towards you, raising your sword and swinging with threatening speed and strength.

You stepped back, then swung your hand and grabbed her by the face, pulling her towards you and then to the ground, stepping on her back.

The third of the trio, a dark skinned, white haired girl wearing only a black thong, a microbra, slippers and a belt with knives, appeared as if forming from black mist in front of you, swinging her knife at your neck, only to have it bounce off your skin, shattering instead of finding purchase. Her pink eyes widened, your arm wrapped around her torso, and you pressed her against your body in a sort of half bearhug, arms caught pressed against her sides.

Not a few moments later, they all seemed to realize the trouble they were in when their initial attack failed.

The blonde elf was quickly tackled to the ground - by an elf, who disarmed and subdued her. The redhead groaned, but was unable to dislodge your foot from her back. The overly sexy knife wielder struggled futilely only for a few moments, before finally realizing just how fucked they were.

"S-Stop, you idiot, we're here to save you!" the enemy elf cried. "Don't you understand!?"

"It's you who doesn't understand, ugh, this is why I hate city elves," the woman subduing her said, rolling her eyes as she tied the invader's hands with rope that she had just been choked with.

"Wha- thefujkk" the city elf was cut off, letting out a half strangled protest, when she was accidentally struck when the one tying her up had her hand slip.

"My bad," she said. "Alright, all tied up, Boardman! What do we do with these guys?"

You were actually a bit lost in thought. "Did they injure anybody? Boys?" you asked.

The orcs all raised their hands. "Everyone present, no injuries, seems they focused on you Boss!"

"I suppose no harm no foul, we can just let them go with a warning," you said, nodding to yourself as you let go of the warrior you were holding with your foot, who groaned.

You also loosened up your hold on the scantily clad knife wielder and gently put her down, she gasped a little. Before they could do much of anything, though, elves converged on them and tied them up.

"What're you doing?" you demanded, crossing your arms.

"We- we're sorry, but we can't really just let them go like this. They'll spread the word and, and- well I can't imagine what will happen if people learn about us!" the elven maiden said. "The high mother has always spoken about the need to keep our, uhm, cooperation with you a secret," she explained.

"Yeah... yeah I can imagine what someone would think, you'd have your trade and stuff with humans ruined," you mused. Plus, the elves always had their reputation of purity to think of. 

The two humans and the elf, meanwhile, seemed angry. "H-Hey!" they protested, tied up. "Let us go you monsters!"

"Yeah, imagine attacking people unprovoked and calling them monsters. For shame," the elven woman who'd spoken to you chastised them.

"We-" the red haired girl said, looking around, "we- we just thought, that you had just been ambushed and, and they were raping you, we were trying to save you!"

"Save us from what? Amazing sex with our lovers?" the elf countered.

"But- but you were screaming, and, and some of you were saying no and stuff," the white haired knife wielder said, looking confused. "Were we wrong? That felt... good?"

"Yes, it felt very good," the elf said. 

"We're- we're friends," you explained, gesturing with your hands. "This is roleplay. We're playing around, you know, pretending we're big bad orcs raping the elves... it's fun, makes the sex better."

"Yeah!" the elves replied. "It's amazing!"

"Orc... orc cocks feel good? But they're so big and fat and disgusting!" the redhead human said.

The elf of their party gulped. It seemed like city, forest or mountain, an elf was an elf was an elf. Her eyes were tracking the cocks of the orcs, and especially, were glued to some of the couples that either had never stopped, or which had resumed sex.

The knife wielder looked quite interested, instead, tilting her head cutely to the side. "It...  feels good?" she asked, looking at you.

"Well, we enjoy it, and they sure do," you said.

"Don't pay attention to that, Mimi! They've, they've probably hypnotized these women somehow!" the redhead said.

"Ohh that sounds nice... Don't think they need hypnosis though," one of the orcs not currently fucking said, bringing his cock to bear, which was currently being tended to by an elf. "One whiff of this, and you'll see..!" he said, thrusting his hips slightly.

Mimi sniffed the air. "It smells... strong. Stings my nose... I... like it?" she muttered, sniffing more and more. "Yours... yours smells strongest," she said, turning to you. "Will you make me feel good?"

Your cock stirred. She was... cute. A bit on the smaller side, than what you were used to, but... Long silver hair, inquisitive, bright eyes, a sweet voice, wide hips, a svelte chest... she actually reminded you a bit of Jana.

Part of you actually almost rejected her on the spot, thinking of Jana, but... She just looked up to you so innocently, so unquestioningly-

"Oh, give it up Ronnie, Mimi's a good judge of character, if she thinks they're on the up and up... I think so too," the tied up city elf said.

"You too, Moira? Am I the only one that hasn't gone insane or fallen to orc cock!?" the redhead protested.

"Funny that," one of the forest elves said, crouching down, pulling up the redhead's skirt, revealing a pair of cute white cotton panties that were soaked all the way through. "This don't look like someone who doesn't see the glory of big bad orc cocks... if anything... you seem even more turned on than even us!"

"I- I'm not! I'm not into being tied up and fucked against my will!" Ronnie shrieked.

There was a moment of silence.

"She likes it up the butt," Mimi said, helpfully, and you blinked - she was sitting on your shoulder!? 

"When did-"

Mimi hummed. "You are nice," she said, sliding down your arm like a slide until she landed on your hand, her nice butt feeling good and firm on your palm. She then kissed your cheek, her hand playing with your cock, already out in the air, your loincloth cut off. "This is nice," she said. "It feels hot... Please be gentle, it's my first time... I want to feel good!"

"Mimi what the hell!" Ronnie shouted. "Are you betraying me for orc cock?"

"Mimi loves Ronnie," Mimi said, "Mimi wants Ronnie to be happy. Orcs will make Ronnie happy. Everyone is happy," she said. "I'm sorry I attacked you mister orc, will you forgive me and make me feel good?"

"I... guess I will?" you said, finally. "This solves the issue right? You guys won't tell anyone about what happens in this forest, and you get to come visit us whenever you want to get some more time with us."

"We can always use adventurers in the know that can help us cover," the elven woman that had protested initially said. "We'll have someone go inform Captain Neema later."

You gave her a thumbs up. "What do you guys say? You guys want to have fun with us?"

Mimi kissed your cheek as a response. Looking at the elf, her name was Moira if you remembered - she was already taking half of an orc shaft down alongside another elf who was licking at the same orc's balls.

Unable to deny it anymore, the redhead swordswoman sighed. "Fine, untie me and-"

"Don't," Mimi said. "Gag her instead. Mimi knows. Ronnie likes being tied up and gagged and spanked," she said, helpfully.

"Mimi! How do you even know that!?" Ronnie protested.

Mimi blinked, looked down at herself, still seated on your hand, and tilted her head cutely at her companion.

"Right, party's stealth and recon expert, should've known you would've caught me visiting the brothels..." the redhead slumped. "Uhm..."

"The safe word for this camp is Snugglebug," you said, "if you can't speak for whatever reason, snap your fingers repeatedly, we'll never bind your hands for this purpose."

The redhead, face as red as her hair, nodded.

"Bogen, come here, we've got a girl who'd appreciate your touch," you called, as an orc wearing a leather strap turned to face you, striking at a reddened elven bum with a riding crop.

"Yeah!?" he shouted.

You nodded. Well...

All's well that ends well? Bogen came over, and went over some more details with Ronnie, while Mimi snuggled into your chest and adjusted her position until she rested her weight on your erection, beginning to rock back and forth.

"I'll be very gentle," you said, bending a little so you could kiss her. Her panties were the side tie kind, and you undid the knots holding them together, and then began playing with her pussy. Each one of your fingers was the size of a human's cock, and it was actually interesting how easily she took them, her extraordinarily wet pussy gushing over your finger.

She really seemed... open and ready. For someone who seemed so innocent, she had a devilishly enticing body. You grabbed at her hips and adjusted her position until your glans kissed her entrance, while her pink eyes looked firmly into yours, somehow both innocent and lacking in any sort of guile, yet frighteningly intelligent and sharp. Somehow, it felt like she saw right through you and her gaze was intimidating, yet... warm and loving.

"Mimi likes you," she said. "Make Mimi feel good," she said, using her own strength to pop the tip of your cock into her impossibly tight virgin pussy. It was different from elven pussy, and it was then that you realized you hadn't actually ever fucked a human before, not with this big bad orc body, you'd never sampled the difference between the supernaturally stretchy elven pussies and the tighter human pussy that seemed to simultaneously reject you and cling to you.

She winced, a tear rolled down her face from the pain. "It hurts," she whimpered. "It hurts so much," she added, clinging to you. 

You felt the warm dripping of blood running down your cock, of her maidenhood being taken... it felt oddly different, oddly special, like she had given you something precious, a strange feeling considering you'd just met. Her small hands, at least compared to the size of your face, ran down your cheeks... and she even played a little with your tusks.

"You are warm and gentle..." she said, "please make Mimi feel good, and feel good yourself," she said, as she began rocking her hips.

You slowly sat down on the ground, thankful for your tough and strong orc skin and muscles, and even as the world around you descended into a degenerate orgy of extreme play and facsimile rape, you shared a very gentle and strangely affectionate round of sex with Mimi, who slowly rocked her hips, slowly, little by little, taking more of your cock into her amazingly tight cunt, letting out tiny sighs that were somewhere between pain and pleasure, slowly falling more towards the pleasure side as her pussy became more flexible and wetter.

By contrast, her companions were now being paid attention to by your Big Bad B Boys... adventurers, catching onto it by pure chance, and yet... it seemed like they, too, had fallen to the Orcish warband...

Mimi let out a lewd little sigh and you winced, intense pleasure going through you as her folds and walls caressed your cock lovingly. A tiny orgasm, but an orgasm nonetheless. You couldn't neglect her, not anymore. You stuck your tongue in her mouth and took control, grabbing at her hips and beginning to move her on the tip of your cock, rocking her hips not just back and forth and up and down, but also side to side, stretching her within, pure instinct driving you.

Your body desired hers as much as hers desired yours, and you realized that you wanted to seed her, your cock throbbed, your balls pulsed, and the consistent, potent pleasure of her pussy working you over, was driving you to the limit.

She felt good, she felt amazing, and the more you got to taste of her, the more you felt of her incredibly tight pussy, the more you wanted, the less you could hold back...

Mimi's eyes intensely focused into yours, even as her gaze grew half lidded, it felt like she could see right into you. She smiled, a nice, warm smile. And then she slammed her hips down and took nearly all of your cock into her, and the unbelievably intense stimulation triggered your orgasm, for the first time her voice erupted loudly as she completely lost control, letting out a long and lewd moan as you filled her up from within so thoroughly that it seemed like she had a baby bump already.

And then she pulled herself up, and then down again, and again, and again, and again, and your brain began to melt from the insane pleasure, and you simply gave yourself to the sex. By the time you regained your senses, you had enough presence of mind to help get the adventurers all washed and tucked in for the night. With any luck, you'd be able to explain things further the next day so they wouldn't become a long term issue...


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