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"Do you ever feel like Prof. Oak is just not all there?" Blue asked, as she sat beside Red. They were camping just out of Viridian, on the basis that they'd walked most of the day there and back to Pallet and then back to Viridian and Red's short legs were quite tired.

Not that Blue was complaining, she still was a little sore from the afternoon spent over at Red's. He had also tried to introduce her to his friend Daisy, but apparently, she was out picking flowers.

A shame. She sounded like a classy lady, from Oak's description.

Red looked at her and shrugged.

"Yeah I guess he is pretty old," Blue agreed. "He asked me if I was a boy or a girl," she explained, grabbing at her breasts. They weren't humongous, but they left absolutely no doubt of their existence.

Red hummed thoughtfully, then gestured with his hand.

"Yeah I guess these days it's a fair question," Blue admitted. "I guess it's important for the ID purposes to make sure," she agreed. "Anyway, the tent's up. Sorry about, you know," she blushed a little.

Red dismissed her concerns. He'd had to help her in quite a few of the battles they'd engaged in, after healing their pokemon at Oak's, to take down Rattatas and Pidgies.

That said... Red looked at the tattered remains of her skirt.

Blue hummed. "I've got a change in my bag," she admitted. "I just wanted to check up on you. Do we want to stand guard at night or just go to sleep?"

Red shrugged. Everything in a very wide area was dead, and had either been burned to ashes, poisoned to death or outright eaten. Wild Pokemon tended to take a little bit of a while to repopulate an area after trainers went on concerned genocidal efforts.

Blue nodded, and went to their tent, where she would go on to change out of her damaged skirt, the victim of a pidgey's flyby clawing.

Red thought to himself and a few moments after she entered the tent, he went after her, catching her already skirtless, but not quite covering herself yet. She seemed to be waiting for him. 

She gave him a smile. "Yeah, I figured."

Red raised an eyebrow.

"To be honest... yeah, it felt pretty damn great... and you're not a bad guy," she said. "I figure if we're gonna travel together we might as well get... closer?"

Red smiled, and shook his head, laying down on the unrolled sleeping bag - no need to go inside it in the summer heat. Seeing Blue pout was very amusing, though he fell asleep quickly, and by the time he woke up, the would be thief was half laying on his chest, half wrapped around him. It took a while to disentangle, but after a good few stretches, breakfast in the form of bottled water and a ration bar for them, and some dried up berries for their pokemon, they set out once more, to Viridian, and its gym!

As well as a pass by stop where Red bought quite a few pokeballs, at a discount!


"Sorry kid, we've got no clue where the leader, Giovanni, is," the elderly guard at the front of the gym stated. "It happens sometimes, guy goes on long trips and comes back to take backlogged challengers. Do you want to put in an appointment?"

Red thought for a few moments, then looked at Blue.

"Yeah I'll take one too," she agreed.

Both of them signed their names on the appointment, and they also left the number with which they could be contacted. Once upon a time ten years old children were sent out with no form of communicator into the wilderness, these days that was considered the mistakes of the past, and nowadays, you had to be eighteen to get your trainer ID, and almost nobody was out there without a poketch, or a communications-capable Pokedex.

"So... I guess we just move on then?" Blue asked, munching on one of the candy bars Red had bought while resupplying. "Pewter?" she asked.

Red nodded.

"So we go via Viridian Forest, it's faster and there's tons of wild pokemon there so we can get some training or maybe even a new team member or two," she spoke, pulling out a book from her own travel bag, reading it. "Guide says we should probably consider getting a Nidoran, and teaching them double kick."

Blue mimed the motion of the double kick, and almost landed on her ass, barely catching herself, though she went down on her knees. She giggled at her own failure, and got back up.

Red hummed, then nodded. He pulled at his desk, read up on the Nidoran entries, and pointed at the one about the two monogender pokemon.

"Ooh, I see, yeah, that sounds pretty fun. We'll each train one, and catch the opposite of the other!" Blue said, rubbing her chin, as the northern grasses that were just outside Viridian came into view, as they began to descend the hill that would lead them to Viridian Forest.

Soon enough, they were there, and it didn't take very long for each of them to capture a Nidoran, with Red catching a blue Nidoran Female, and Blue catching a purple Nidoran Male.

Red was actually a bit amused, but didn't exactly care - she had been first to catch and so he caught the opposite of hers, as per their agreement. They also went back to get them healed up at the pokemon center, and got a few scraps in to get them up to speed, Red's Charmander and Blue's Bulbasaur getting a bit of a workout as the two trainers fought with mixed teams, changing them up, passing the afternoon training, rather than hurrying up. It's not like they had any sort of hurry.

They spent the night at the town center, and the Nurse had thought that Red was Blue's little brother. She would've probably gotten a shock had she gone into their room and found Blue, on her knees before him, practicing her blowjobs with surprising gusto and zeal.

He caressed her head fondly, petting her as she serviced him. Blue was still not particularly great, but her enthusiasm and the fact that she was enjoying herself quite a bit made it a lot better than before. She was also gaining at a rapid pace, and would soon even enter the realm of being somewhat skilled.

"I'm not exactly proud of being good at sucking dick!" Blue protested, glaring up at him. 

Red rolled his eyes, pushed her back down, and continued enjoying himself. The weirdest part about all of that was that Blue needed a change of underwear even before he started touching her, and she had left a pool of her arousal under her by the time she was done sucking him off.

After Blue got her snack before bed, they slept in the same bed, once more. Blue seemed to quite enjoy spooning, and hugging Red to her body, even if he found it a bit stiffling, if it made her happy, it was worth a little discomfort. 

The next day, a bit more spirited and ready, and with a better breakfast, a good shower, and a lot more energy, Red and Blue pushed through the thick, annoyingly green Viridian Forest, where the only thing you could see where leaves, trunks, and GIANT MURDER BEES.

Indeed, the BEES were the biggest problem, as Beedrill after Beedrill began coming after Red and Blue when they thought to get some exercise in by hunting a couple of bugs. 

Somewhere in the middle of the Beedrill frenzy, Blue found herself picking up a Pikachu. The yellow electric pokemon had proven a blessing in disguise - even if it was weak, it knew the move Thunder Wave, and it was instrumental in keeping the hordes of bees off of them.

Red and Blue ran, behind them were their pokemon, all three of Blue's, and both of Red's. All of them sporting wounds or looking a bit roughed up. They were more than halfway across the forest, and unfortunately, the Beedrills had apparently become frenzied enough that more and more were joining.

"Chucky, climb onto my shoulder and hit them with thunder waves while we run!" Blue called, tone tinged by the urgency of the situation, but managing to make herself heard over the buzzing of the insectile wings behind them.

The yellow rat did as told, demonstrating its great speed by easily catching up to Blue, and climbing up her body in record time, claws gripping onto her clothes and shoulder as it began to launch waves of visible electricity at the pursuing bees.

Shockingly effective, the waves began to force pursuers to slow down, or stop outright, some of them left vibrating in anger,

As the attacks continued and the numbers thinned, Red considered his options, even as Blue shouted praise for her newest friend.

Red decided that the time was right when only a half dozen Beedrills remained, and he stopped on a dime, his Charmander and his female Nidoran stopping alongside him, as he raised a finger. Embers flew, flames striking at three of the Beedrills. Three remained, and they rushed forward, though even as they reached melee range, they were simply caught up in hits from both Nidorans, two of them being knocked out, the third dodging and going directly for Red... only to find itself caught up in vines.

Blue had called for her partner Sauria to use Vine Whip just a moment before the almost steel-like spear at the end of Beedrill's arm went through Red's face.

Sauria threw the Beedrill up and then slammed it down, knocking it out if not killing it outright.

Red breathed out in relief. 

The pokemon finally relaxed. The straggler Beedrills began approaching, but paralyzed and weakened from the chase, they didn't pose much of a threat to Red and Blue, who had long since had the time to catch their breath and prepare an insect grinder of a plan.

Near the end of the day, with a team covered in bug guts, exhausted, but much, much stronger than they had been going in, Red and Blue emerged.

Blue, somehow, once more had a ripped up skirt. It hadn't even been the chase. It had been near the exit of the forest, she got it caught up in a branch and it ripped a little bit of her skirt. But it was cool. Apparently she'd purchased yet another extra one while Red was restocking their supplies.

He gave her a thumbs up of approval when she brought it up, and even the pokemon found themselves expressing amusement, in their own ways, as they all headed into Pewter City together.


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