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Wednesday was the hardest day of the week for some people. The tiredness of the week starts setting in, but you're only halfway through to the weekend, and it seemingly has no end, just goes on and on, except when you try to sit down and get some work done, then suddenly the day flies away and you've got nothing done, and it's already time to eat dinner, wash up and go to sleep.

It's even worse when it's the wednesday of the third week straight of no weekends.

While the whole side gig business was paying off a lot, it wasn't an infinite font of money, and perhaps because Janine was open about the fact that she had a boyfriend she loved very much, she had never gotten one of those super huge followings of people who thought that she was a pure and unspoiled maiden, so there just wasn't that much money to be made when she was competing with others who could manipulate the audience much better.

That meant a lot of work, and on top of that, having a 'real' job on the side. Though in Janine's case, ever since she quit her office job she'd had to deal with annoying accusations of not having a 'real job', from people who said her only job was to stand there and look pretty.

"It's like they don't even care about the fact that I'm there dancing, swinging around a foam katana, wearing surprisingly heavy dress adorned with a bunch of metal, under extremely hot lights and to make matters worse, I also have to act out my lines in a very exaggerated fashion because the voice actor for the character is the hammiest person I know!"

It wasn't just that.

She'd also had to actually dye her hair, the company wanted her to have a specific look, and she had the long and straight hair required, but her natural blonde had to be dyed a soft lavender.

"Would people think I'm weird for saying I was more comfortable wearing the bikini for the summer showcase?" she asked jokingly.

Your hand patted her head softly. She'd also been wearing a heavy headband with horns attached to it, which had to be worn in a specific way so it could be hidden under her hair, and the curved horns were of course rather heavy as well. That, she'd removed already, but her head was tired.

Now, after it was all said and done, after you and her returned to the hotel room, she was too tired to even bother with eating right away, and instead, she laid her head on your lap as you sat on the couch playing games on your phone. Who would've thought three dimensional snake would be so fun?

"Yeah they probably would, how could a woman possibly be comfortable in her own body right?" she said, sighing. "Sorry am I getting too annoying? It was just... a long day."

Quite literally. Summer was starting to roll in, and that meant two things. Longer days, and more importantly, worse smells at conventions.

Another important thing was that she was still wearing the lingerie-like bikini, adorned with a black butterfly motif, though the cowl and shawl had been discarded, and she'd taken off the prosthetic elfin ears that matched the character she was playing. Perhaps one of the reasons Janine didn't make as much from her professional work as she could was precisely the costume she was wearing, which the company running the event gave her as part of her payment, reducing the monetary compensation appropriately.


Her body was almost entirely exposed. Lately, she had really been indulging a lot, and you hadn't done anything with her in so long... you knew she preferred watching, and that she loved that you were okay with it. Some out there might call you one incredibly lucky bastard, having an incredibly hot cosplayer girlfriend that was also a happy cuckquean who loved to watch her man fuck other women.

But there is some degree of an emotional connection shared during sex, and it felt a little like that was being stretched thinner more and more as the times when you just had simple vanilla old school sex with Janine became more and more distant and infrequent. You played with her hair, painted a different color, but still recognizably Janine's, with the same scent and the same feel to it that you remembered.

"That feels funny," she said, sighing. "I like these moments, you know?" she randomly said.

You looked her in the eye, taking your attention away from the game of snake and immediately losing as the animated snake ran into a wall. Then, you brushed a strand of hair off her face, and she turned herself so she was looking up, her chest shaking slightly as she breathed in. It was hard to describe the movements of her melons as anything other than hypnotic, she was a very good looking woman in very sexy clothes, who could blame you?

She raised a hand and put it on your face, cupping your cheek. "I'm not saying anything that weird, am I?" she asked. "I mean... cuddling's nice. And, you know, with... with everything," she said, "I dunno I guess it feels intimate in a way that I didn't expect it to?" she more asked than said, "okay so maybe I am sounding a little weird now," she giggled. "But... hey... did you ever think we'd wind up like this, before?"

Had you?

The entire relationship had sort of been a... strange affair, altogether. In some ways, sheer dumb luck had brought you together, and a shared interest had kept you together. The comfortable relationship you two got into... It had grown so much from then. Just... two compatible people, who did their thing, with each other. Feeling comfortable with one another was more important than you ever thought before.

"I never thought love would be like this. When I was young - when I was a lot dumber," she clarified, "and don't you dare say I'm not young!" she warned, smiling as she failed to attempt to look intimidating, "I used to think that love would be like, this raging flame of passion inside me that ignites every time I look at you, I used to think that like, I'd get butterflies in my stomach, maybe I'd be a blushing mess that melted every time we were in contact or stupid stuff like that... I even had a crush or two, and it totally was, I'd get tongue tied and all blushy and shit..."

You used a finger to play with her hair, curling it into ringlets and pulling your finger out of the core, though it returned to being straight moments after, just from the natural movement caused by her breathing. You avoided looking at her for a moment, then your eyes were inevitably drawn to her lips as she once again started speaking.

"With you it's... weird, it's never been like that... I just... strangely feel like I can do anything, and say anything, and be anything, when I'm with you," she said, sighing. "I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not," she hummed, thoughtfully. "I still get messages sometimes, people telling me that our relationship is toxic, people reach out trying to get me to seek help, and it's just so sad," she said, eyes looking away for a moment, before she took in a deep breath. "People really honestly can't believe that our relationship is real... that we're genuine," she sighed

Her hand slipped from your face, her thumb running along your lips, pressing against them briefly before she let it fall down, looking at her face for a moment before bringing her thumb to her lips and resting it against her own lips for a moment.

You looked at her for a moment, and after you put down your phone, you rested your elbow on the armrest of the old couch and then placed one of your hands along her exposed stomach, running your fingers over her soft skin, circling around her belly button, feeling her deliciously smooth skin all over.

"I think it's about time we stopped running in circles. It's been a really long time coming," she hummed, closing her eyes. "What do you think?" she asked.

You closed your eyes for a moment, raising your hand as a quick signal for her to give you a moment before responding, then looking her directly in the eye, you nodded. She was right, undoubtedly so. Spinning one's wheels might be good to exercise with but it certainly doesn't move you anywhere.

"Yeah, I thought so... this just isn't working out the way it is right now," she said, sighing, scratching her cheek for a moment, "uhm, give me a moment?" she said. You nodded and she moved swiftly, swinging her legs off the couch and then pulling herself up, extending her hand to grab the other armrest to more easily pull herself up. The sexy high heels the outfit came with were discarded near the entrance to the home, so instead she stepped into her fuzzy pink bunny slippers, and then smiled, standing in front of you, showing off the full glory of her sexy cosplay.

She struck one of the poses the character had, but it didn't quite work out without the large foam katana that came with the costume...

"I know what you're thinking and it's not a katana," she corrected, "it's- no, nevermind," she sighed, "it doesn't matter," she said, stretching a little, before sitting back down, this time sitting on your lap, swinging her arms around your neck, and cuddling properly. "Nothing's gonna change. I'm still gonna be me, you're still gonna be you, and... we'll probably keep doing the same thing," she said. "Feels like I should be bored but... this routine, it's comfortable, I like it."

You pulled her closer, putting a hand on her thigh near her knee, the other, around her back, giving her a sort of backrest with your arm. You maneuvered her so her butt rubbed on your cock over your comfortable sweatpants, the lack of underwear on your part making it easier for her to feel your stirring cock.

"Let's go old school today," she said, putting her hands on your shoulders and slipping off to the side, giving you space to scoot over and then swinging her leg over your lap, so that she was straddling you. "I guess it's not totally vanilla since I'm cosplaying," she said with a giggle, as you moved swiftly, pulling your pants off just enough that your half-chub was visible.

She reached down, and her smaller, softer hand felt much better on your cock than yours, especially covered with the satin gloves. The outfit was definitely not cheap.

Janine, while stroking your cock with both hands, leaned forward, pressing her chest, clad in a soft black bra with green details, against your own chest, and then kissed you, her lips mashing to yours and her tongue slipping in for a moment, only to retreat almost skittishly back into her mouth, as if inviting you in, which you of course responded to by invading her mouth and reaching for her ass, playing with it liberally as she pressed her body against yours.

She was warm, she was soft, she smelled a little bit of sweat, a little bit of food and mostly of perfume, she was lovely in every way, but most important of all, handling her ass, feeling it reshape itself around your fingers, feeling the thick meat yield to your pressure... it was a blissful sensation that few if any could ever imagine, let alone experience.

With one hand, she guided your now stiff cock, as hard as it ever was for Janine, who could make you hard no matter how tired or exhausted you were, no matter how deep into Wednesday mood you were, and you felt the tip of your cock first rub against her pussy, the black satin of her panties feeling positively wonderful on the sensitive head of your prick, though you didn't get to feel it for very long as she used her other hand to slip her panties to the side, stretching them a little to do so.

Not a moment after you were feeling the hot wetness of her pussy lips parting as the tip of your cock spread them open, resting them against the entrance to her vagina, her love hole, one you knew very well, you'd been in there plenty of times.

"Hey..." she said, letting go of your cock and her panties, now that both were firmly in place, putting both gloved hands against your cheeks, coming closer to you, your noses almost touching, you could feel her hot breath. "Let's get married," she said, simply and honestly. "We can just... do a quick thing, get married officially, and work on a party later," she moaned, her hips rocking slightly, "so... will you marry me?"

The two of you kissed and she plunged down, allowing you to go all the way inside her in a single, powerful thrust. Her tongue and yours danced with each other, equal partners in the sensual tango, you grabbed her ass more firmly and rather than making her rock her hips for you on her own, you assisted her movements, boosting her with your hands even as you continued to play with her exposed ass, fucking her hard and in earnest.

This was... this was something you both needed.

Deep, intimate, no other thoughts, mating sex, an intimate and private closeness, shared with no one but each other. It was not the hottest, greatest sex you ever had, hell, it wasn't even the best sex you'd had with Janine, but it was perhaps the most meaningful you'd had in quite some time.

She was pressing her body on you, she was mashing her body to yours, she was becoming one with you, not just physically, but emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, whatever you could say, it felt like that, the sex, itself, seemed to become a bit of an afterthought, though neither of you stopped moving, because even with no conscious thought, your bodies desired each other.

The sex was confirmatory and celebratory, it was an unspoken agreement, every raise of her hips, every thrust of yours, every slap of skin on skin, every little cry and moan she made, all of that told a story and a half.

But best of all...

It felt really good.

It wasn't the best. It wasn't mindblowing.

But it was comfortable and pleasurable. Your cock fit all the way into her. An odd memory coursed through your mind, of not being able to fit all of your cock inside her. You kissed her harder. She had changed. She had changed a lot. She had blossomed, rather, and maybe in some way you were falling for her all over again.

The kiss broke, and you two parted from each other, breathing heavily as you looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you," she said, resting her forehead against yours, rocking her hips softly, slowly.

There was no need to hurry. Wednesday was a slow day, after all, and a good, long, slow lovemaking session felt just right.

She did start speeding up after what felt like an eternity that passed in a minute, pulling up her bra with one hand and offering one of her sizable breasts for you to suck on. She was getting a little more spicy, but it was hard to reject such a lovely boob when it was just offered to you. You bent over slightly, so you could latch on, and then you sped up below as well, meeting her body with yours.

Your hands helped hit her harder, and the two of you were starting to hit a pace more akin to the sex you had in general, the feelings of pleasure and tension intensified. Janine just had a way to excite you that others just couldn't match, the slap of skin on skin became louder, and soon she couldn't keep quiet anymore, her voice coming out in soft pants and sexy moans.

There was no point in racing, she didn't hold back, she knew that her cumming face was a thing of beauty, a true sight for sore eyes, a wonder to behold, and that meant she showed it to you liberally, with no regard for restraint, she simply came, and came and came some more, she let you know how deeply the fucking you were giving her satisfied her, and her entire body returned the favor, her cunt wrapping around you in a way that couldn't be explained by physics, but by love alone.

In turn, you would not hold back either, and the very moment that your body demanded it, you slammed her down, brought your dick as far inside as you could, as if trying to go into her very womb itself, and then you exploded within, filling her with thick, heavy and extremely plentiful cum, pouring her full of semen.

She giggled a little drunkenly in her orgasmic haze. "Ahhn... I can almost feel it... can you imagine it, hundreds, thousands, millions of little swimmers, all going for my eggs..." she sighed, resting her body on yours, resting her head on your shoulder, yet never going fully still, rocking her hips, keeping you warm, keeping you hot, keeping you ready to keep going, your cock throbbing inside her, even as the last spurts of cum were wrung out of you by her pulsating pussy.

She whispered into your ear.

"I could quit using birth control..."

The two of you rested.

Neither responded.

But neither of you stopped moving. You settled into the lazy feeling of a slow, loving wednesday fuck. Maybe it was time... for life to change once more. But that was a thought for later. For now, the entirety of your thoughts were consumed by the wonder that was Janine's pussy.


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