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The month of bonus comics and content for the OJST fundraiser continues apace with this autobio comic from Erika Moen!

Thank you again so much for supporting OJST, you really are what is keeping our site up and hiring artists. Please tell your friends and peers about the 10 Year Anniversary Fundraiser that's happening this month! Here are some posts you can reshare on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook



Mandy Wright

I agree with everything here


I have an ex from years ago with whom it just couldn’t work, as much as we wanted it to and as hard as we tried. About a year ago I tried to reach out with exactly this message. I never heard from her, so the last page seems especially relevant 😏. Still, you have inspired me to try again. On the other hand, my longest paramour relationship (7 years, yes, I’m poly) and I have reconnected after 6 years apart and it’s pretty damn fabulous (as is she). You never disappoint, thank you.