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Oh-ho-ho! Welcome to the First Annual Oh Joy Sex Toy Pledge Drive!

For the month of April, we are cramming in three extra comics and four extra video interviews with current and former OJST artists and creators!

Links to the Exclusive content can be found here and we'll update as we post them! Remember you'll have to be signed up and a Patreon supporter to see them all!



updated 4/6/23

FOUR different Cartoonist Interviews!  - Released April 1st (no foolin')

Erika Moen comics about missing her exes - Released April 6th

Jey Pawlik comics about TTRPG's - Coming April 13

Hien Pham comics about the Joy of Twerking - Coming April 20th


Want to learn more! Read on!

Returning guest cartoonist and all-around Sweetheart of Comics, Lucy Bellwood, graciously interviewed members of the OJST Team and comics creators with her signature wit and humor.

Erika Moen, Matthew Nolan and Lucy Bellwood Interview (42:55)
Erika and Matt are the co-creators of OJST! All those pink-hued comics on the site? Those're from these two! Plus Matt literally keeps the site and business up and running; no big deal.

Danielle Corsetto, Erika Moen and Lucy Bellwood Interview (49:41)
These three longtime friends and veterans of the early webcomics days shoot the shit together just like they always do, whether they're in person or over Zoom. In addition to creating the A Little Poly Story for OJST, Danielle is best known for creating the celebrated Girls With Slingshots and the currently updating Elephant Town.

Jey Pawlik and Lucy Bellwood Interview (1:05:20)
Regular Contributing Artist Jey Pawlik gets their time in the hotseat with Ms. Bellwood! See more of their work here.

Hien Pham and Lucy Bellwood Interview (57:06)
Regular Contributing Artist Hien Pham shares his deepest secrets with relentless reporter L.Bell (Lucy Bellwood)! See more of his comics here.


The team has been busy making you BONUS and exclusive comics! Get ready to check 'em out!

Erika Moen comics about missing her exes - Released April 6th
Is it ok to still feel and have love for ex-friends and ex-lovers?

Jey Pawlik comics about TTRPG's - Coming April 13
What do TTRPG's mean to this comic artist? ONLY A WHOLE LOT! Jey opens up and shares with us all.

Hien Pham comics about the Joy of Twerking - Coming April 20th
Reaching down deep, Hien channels the spirit of Lizzo as he explores booty dancing.


Share this post with your friends-

-who love comics and perverts and pervert comics, because all of the OJST social media accounts have been shadowbanned by the sex-phobic algorithms so we can't reach the people who signed up to follow us or the non-followers who search for the keywords we use! Patreon won't even show people our account if they search for our name because they don't share "Adult Content" in search results even though they host it.


You can totally share this very post, and any of the images we've made and attached to it (including the comic on the pledge drive - seriously we've attached SO much material to this post, go wild (there's even a ZIP of them all!)) to show people what we're about and what they'll get if they sign up! Heck even telling a friend to visit OJST would mean the world to us!


Thank you so, so much to everyone who has supported us over the last decade and thank you to everyone signing up now to keep this unique little sex-positive operation going. We couldn't have gotten this far without everyone's support over all these years and it's because of you now that we'll be able to keep going. Thank you.



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