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Today is my book's release party.

Yesterday I was in denial, feeling the cognitive dissonance of seeing the results and knowing in my gut it couldn't be true. Today I will feel devastated when the numbness wears off.

When Limerence Press & I planned the Oh Joy Sex Toy book release party for the day after the election, I just assumed we'd be celebrating. Living in my ridiculous liberal bubble of a city and having filled my online spaces with an echo chamber of passionate lefties, any other outcome was just preposterous to me.

I am always terrified at comics events and actively try to avoid touching people (handshakes, hugs) because I am scared and feel unsafe.

I need to feel my arms around people today. I need to feel people's arms around me.

Please hug me and let me hug you tonight at my book release party.

It's from 6-9pm today at Books With Pictures at 1100 SE Division St in Portland.

I am so proud that one third of each OJST book is an anthology of queer, sex
 positive, diverse comics by queer, sex positive, diverse creators.

I'm going to keep making comics that include as wide a variety of people
 as I can, and I'm going to keep hiring diverse creators.

I feel so small and so helpless right now, and that is the one thing I know how to do.

Photo by Chris Lowrance




I just got mine today, thank you :)


I would hug you if it weren't for thousands of kilometres and an international border between us… I got my book last night; it us beautiful and shiny and deliciously queer, feminist and inclusive.