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In a previous post, I explained Oh Joy Sex Toy's pretty unique business relationship with Limerence Press. Short version: Matt and I are still the book publisher (we produce the book) and Limerence is physically sending our books to mainstream distribution channels (Diamond Comic Distributors and probably some others, I dunno!) who will get our books into comic shops and book stores; venues we did not have access to on a large scale when it was just Matt and me.

ISBN numbers and barcodes are used to track sales and provide shops with more information on any book they scan. Diamond had declined to work with us (again, read older entry for the back story!) but now that our title is under the umbrella of Limerence they HAVE to distribute our book-- BUT, that means our books need to have Limerence branding on them.

Which means about 800ish (I think? Maybe more? [EDIT: ~1,800. HEY I'M NOT GOOD WITH NUMBERS OK]) copies of Volume 1 and 2 needed to be re-branded and re-ISBN'd and re-barcoded. Individually. By hand.

Hence, a barcode sticker party in the basement of Oni Press! (Limerence is the adult imprint of Oni. Limerence is like Oni's slutty younger sister. ["SLUTTY" USED IN THE ENDEARING, EMPOWERED WAY])

Limerence is concurrently getting copies of the book printed with their own branding and specialized covers already in place, but those won't be done for a couple months still and they've already got a bunch of book store pre-orders they need to start shipping out pronto, so they've bought up (at cost) the majority of the stock of our Kickstarter-produced Volume 1s and 2s to send out now.

Haha, sorry, does this make sense? I'm trying to keep my explanations of this stuff really simple because it gets complicated quickly. I've tried to talk to some of my publishing-experienced friends about it and their eyes crossed when I included too much information /:)

Anyway, the point is this: If you see a copy of Volume 1 or 2 in the wild with a stickered-on barcode on the back, know that it was placed there be a real human and there's a 1 in 5 chance that human was me!




As a fellow independent publisher, yes, yes this all makes a sad amount of sense to me.


I have heard an absurd amount of horror stories about Diamond...


Oops turns out "enter" posts the comment. Anyways, thanks for the behind the scenes updates. It's really interesting and cool to see backstage of comics publishing and distribution!