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DOuching? More like DON'Tching!


Personal Update:

I am taking an actual week off right now. Oh my gosh. It feels so good. I love this. I've been keeping my Instagram account updated with progress shots of my latest art projects, if you wanna see what I've been up to in my own time :3 (SPOILERS: I made a reliquary for the IUD that lived inside my uterus for ten years)


Book Update:

This upcoming Monday, September 12th, is the final day for comic shops to order Volume 1 (JUN161673) and Volume 2 (JUN161674) of the Oh Joy Sex Toy books through the Previews catalogue using those Diamond codes listed above!

This is good news for you folks who live outside the US, because you can just ask your local comic shop to order 'em for you and you won't have to pay those offensively expensive international shipping charges that my online store has to charge :D




That's so cool how all the spacing for this post is completely fucked up :)

Danielle Corsetto

I'm glad (sad?) it's not just me, at least! I LOVE THE WAY YOU'RE SMACKIN THAT DOUCHE OUT OF THAT GIRL'S HAND


Heh. Once overheard two guys talking about a girl one of them had dated. He was not going to "go with her" again... "She tasted like perfume, man! Nasty. It wasn't right. It shouldn't taste like that!" They got quite graphic.... I had a hard time keeping a straight face while I pretended to read a book at the next table over. Girls, if you want your lover to return to that region, don't coat it in perfumes.