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Last year a giiiiant seven-legged spider made a perfect web in our window frame (on the outside of the house). Matt named her Madame Spider.

(Neither of us has any idea how you tell the sex of a spider)

We'd check on her every morning, keeping up-to-date on her web status-- damage, repairs, trapped bugs. We'd hypothesize how she lost her leg. She lived in our window frame for a good long time! And then one day she was gone and, honestly, we missed her. Seven-legged Madame Spider.

I forgot about her for a while until I was looking out that window yesterday and remembered her web used to live there! HOW COULD I FORGET.

So I'm tellin' you all about her. Good ol' Madame Spider.

Also here is the evolution that Matt's and my biography illustration went through for Limerence's reprint of OJST Volume 1. Sorry I can't show you the cover yet :(

We start off with the print-size mock-up Matt has made for me. Featured on it are both 1) older illustrations and 2) super sketchy drawings that Matt has arranged in just the right order. The purpose of this is so that I can just straight up draw right on top of them and everything will be the right size and stuff so he can just plop my new art into his already-designed book cover file.

In this case, he was using a drawing I'd already done for our How to Selfie Like a Boss comic as a reference point. Note his helpful instruction reminding me to draw him in too.

Matt wasn't keen on my first pass at the bio illustration and, well, I think the attached image is fairly self-explanatory. He also suggested that instead of us BOTH snapping pictures of our respective junks, that instead he be receiving a picture from me. It adds a little interaction, a little storytelling, to the illustration.

This was drawn during my two month working-double-time hell stretch and now that I'm looking at it with fresh eyes... goddamnit. I wish I had time to re-draw it a third time >:| But that's how it goes. Your art is done when it's time to turn it in.



The Producer

All I can see is Miss Spider from James and the Giant Peach.


I have no way of knowing the species of the spider, but it's likely Madame Spider was indeed female, as often the males are more interested in travelling to find a girlfriend than they are in staying in the one place for months on end, tending a web. She probably lost her leg in a territorial fight: spiders will rip off each others legs until one or the other backs down and goes away. So she had to fight for that perfect location! If you see any huge eight-legged spiders around, don't despair: It could be, that she grew her leg back in the last moulting, and she's looking for a place to put a new web. (Yep, some of your readers are entomologists. Or at least one is).