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(A somewhat different version of this post was originally written on Instagram)

My little screenprinted booklet (the green and gold artichoke one) that used to keep track of the books I finished reading finally filled up, so I bought this ridiculously luxurious (but still quite reasonably priced! $12.50!) blank journal to replace it.

I copied the list I've read so far this year into it, so it'll be a complete record of 2016. It has waaaaay more pages than my little Book List Booklets typically have, so it'll probably take me a few years to fill. I'm already looking forward to when I can look back and see which titles I starred.

In 2016 so far I've starred:
Coming Out Like a Porn Star edited by Jiz Lee (Which I reviewed!)

Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl by Carrie Brownstein

New World Coming by Nathan Miller

Drawing Blood by Molly Crabapple

Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson

Junior Scientist Power Hour by Abby Howard,

Copper by Kazu Kibuishi

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by Caitlin Dougherty,

[A title that came out this year and is controversial and I don't want to deal with people screaming at me for reading it, but it was really interesting]

The Wicked and the Divine, Volume 1 by Keiron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie

The Nameless City by Faith Erin Hicks

Baba Yaga's Assistant by Marika McCeola and Emily Carroll

Fast Girl by Suzy Favor Hamilton


The Art of Zootopia

I've read more books than that, but those are the ones that got the most feelings or reaction or consideration out of me.  


There are only 43 hours left to reserve your copy of Oh Joy Sex Toy, Volume Three.

I keep trying to make that sentence a link, but Patreon is just. not. havin' it. So here  is the URL in its full glory:


(This is extra weird because Patreon totally let me make hyperlinks in the rest of this post. Why, Patreon. Why do you play these games with me?)

Volume Three is the best book Matt and I have made. Like, I'm so proud of each book when it comes out, and then we start work on the next one and it's like wait THIS one is the best one because we keep getting better at this book-making-thing. The art, the writing, the book's layout-- all of it, it's our best work so far.

And then there's over a dozen additional comics by our supremely talented guest artists, including Lucy Bellwood, InCase, Melanie Gillman, ghostgreen, Tait Howard, and a ton of other people who created everything from smutty stories to educational topics to reviews of services you can use for yourself.

Even if you don't really care about the book itself (YOU MONSTER), this Kickstarter is the only way to get some original art from me because I don't have time to take on commissions. There are only six slots left on the bonus Unique Drawing tier for $130, if you want to own a super dirty drawing of boning that I'll be sitting down and making in the coming weeks.

Yup, so that's it. Books I'm Readin' and Books I'm Makin'. Hope one or both strike your fancy, but it's ok if neither does. What's your favorite book(s) that you've read this year?






After reading the list I really am curious about Smoke Gets in your eyes. I get that when you are in a career for so long you get a skin for the subject matter, what is that hate on this? I love that book and for the death positive movement


Oh, I didn't mean for that to be read as a description of Smoke-- I wrote that bracketed bit INSTEAD of writing the title of the actual book I read because people are losing their shit about it and I don't want to have any part in the discussion/screamfest surrounding it ;)


I'm also very pro-Death Positive Movement, I'm so happy Caitlin gave me the vocabulary to describe what I'd always felt on a gut level.


Great post -- I love reading lists, think it's great. As far as books go, I would highly recommend "Lovely, Dark, Deep" by Joyce Carol Oates and "This Changes Everything" by Naomi Klein (non-fiction). Another absolutely marvelous story (no pun intended?:)) was a Captain America short story for the recent anniversary issue by Joss Whedon and John Cassady. Might be the best story ever about Captain America's idealistic symbolism, really thought it was incredible, such a powerful short story.