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Psst. Hey. Hey buddy.

Tomorrow (Wednesday the 25th) Matt's gunna sneakily release more Super Special rewards to our Kickstarter and we wanted our backers and patrons to have first crack at 'em before we tell the general public. The original round of these all got claimed on the first day, so we expect these'll go just as quickly.

-5 more "Be a Masturbateer for a Day" slots
You will be drawn as one of our enthusiastic sexy times volunteers in a comic, possibly fully clothed, possibly naked as the day you were born and getting one of your orifices plowed. You'll sign a consent form to let me draw your likeness and send me a number of clothed photos. I've only heard positive feedback from former Masturbateers so far! In fact, the only complaint I've been told was that one Masturbateer wished I'd drawn them doing dirtier things /:)

-10 more Unique Drawing Bookplate slots

I draw a veeeeery limited number of original illustrations on the bookplates-- this is a unique drawing that will not be repeated for any other backer, unlike the "Doodled" bookplates, which feature the same stock drawing over and over. 

These rewards will be made available May 25th at 12pm PST on the front page of the Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Three Kickstarter. So hit refresh at that time and I wish you the best of luck!



Chris Hewson

Just 9 hours, and it seems that the new Masturbateer slots are taken! Many congrats on the great Kickstarter, Erica! I'm glad it's doing so well. :)


Oh don't worry, we haven't released the new slots yet! That's happening today in... about half an hour :) What's up are still the original slots that go sold out on the first day.