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Back during my DAR! days I'd give out a free flyer at conventions. The recipient would get a sampler of comics that'd give them an idea of what they could expect in one of the full books and, more often than not, it'd help tip them over into making that purchase. And even if it didn't result in a sale, it was still super effective in getting people to go check out the site. Years later people would tell me they still had the flyer I'd given them at a past convention!

I've tried to employ this same technique with OJST, but my new comics just don't.... translate to flyers very well? DAR! was great because each page was its own self-contained gag comic, I could fit four to a folded-in-half flyer paper. An OJST comic typically runs five pages, and all the four-pager ones just don't really work so well as an introductory comic. "Why not use one of the introduction comics you wrote for the books?" They work fine at the front of a hefty book you can flip through, but on their own they just aren't very enticing.

I entertain fantasies about making a brand new, standalone four page OJST comic that'll be funny and entertaining and work great on a flyer, but that's at the bottom of my To Do Mountain.

Then last week Matt proposed re-using some of my old DAR! comics, since they are still representative of my humor and subject matter. The art, however, is NOT representative of how I draw now, though. I may not have time to come up with brand new content, but drawing on top of stuff I've already done would only take me a few hours!

Dang, what a difference nearly a decade makes, huh?

(Matt is still in the process of toning these two comics, he hasn't even started on the updated Love Notes one yet, so pay that part no mind ;)

These two comics are going to bookend a two page excerpt from the Sex Positive comic; the front page will be one of the re-drawn DAR!s, the middle spread will be the two pages from Sex Positive, and then the back page will be another DAR! comic. 

If you come to the Emerald City Comicon in Seattle next week, I'll give you one!

It's April 7 - 10 and Matt and I'll be at booth 1322

Also, three days left for Oregonians to vote in the Oregon Book Awards: Readers’ Choice Award! “Oh Joy Sex Toy, Volume 2” is a finalist under the “7. Graphic Literature” category. Voting ends April 5th.




hahaha I love these so much <3


Still adore these comics and the update is great! <3