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Ok, so, guess what?

More cauliflower (and Tig) heads sprung up in the garden!!!!

Now, I’m gunna do that thing where I just post a shit-ton of photos. They’re ALL RIGHT-SIDE UP on my end, but Patreon has a habit of displaying them sideways after I hit “post”, so if that is the case just go to this entry’s URL (assuming you are reading this through the email update) and see if I haven’t already corrected them there.

You certainly wouldn’t want to miss out on seeing this MAJESTIC-AS-FUCK cauliflower head right-side up, I am pretty sure.

Ok, so I thought this was a broccoli when I planted it, but a buncha you folks said it’s cauliflower the last time I posted about it. I was surprised how I had made such a mistake and I just double-checked on Wikipedia to hopefully avoid embarrassing myself again when I read this,

Romanesco broccoli (also known as Roman cauliflower, Broccolo Romanesco, Romanesque cauliflower, or simply Romanesco) is an edible flower bud of the species Brassica oleracea.

Broccoli! Right there! And also cauliflower! I GUESS WE WERE ALL CORRECT AFTER ALL.

It’s interesting how my quality standards change depending on whether I’m shopping in my grocery store or harvesting from my garden. I would never pick this guy up in the veg department but from my own yard I’m like “Oh, this is fine, you won’t even notice the funky parts after it’s cooked!”

God. Look at this majestic-ass leaf. Just fuckin’ gorgeous.

I want to live here.

Where do I put in my request to be reincarnated as an ambiguous broccoli/cauliflower baby flower head, gently-yet-protectively ensconced in curling leaf tendrils?



(I mean, I used my two hands to put the seed in soil and then watered it while it actually did all of the work.)

Auhg, I just love the color combo of Brassica oleracea green paired with brick orangey-brown.

And also there are a few remainders left on my Brussels sprouts. Lookit those sweet tiny cabbage blooms.

This guy is no looker but I felt compelled to take his picture because... that energy. He’s just this one lone sprout at the top of his little stalk. Proud. Resilient. Blooming on his own terms. Ahk, I love it. I love him.

I’d write some concluding thoughts but I really need to pee so bye!



Karine Charlebois

Gaaaahhhhh you make me miss my garden hidden under this weekend's big snow dump! Your cauliflowers are majestic and I want to pet them, and also I'm looking at all those leaves and wonder if you use them in your cooking at all, because I love them.


Those Romanesco are looking FINE! It's such a beautiful little veg, I love them every time I see em. I've also never managed to grow one that looked anywhere as nice as that. So congratulations farmer Erika! 😊