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Last night I finished the 12th  block in my 2020 Quilt Thing! 

Obviously, I need to do a proper post where I show each month's square on its own so you can actually tell what's going on in each illustration-- not to mention I still need to catch up on each piece's individual post that explains how and why I made each one. 

But, for the moment? Here's a sweeping overview of each diary quilt block I made for every month of 2020.

Next up: I gotta... like.... sew them into a quilt-shape? 


2020 Quilt Blocks



Brittany B.

I'm just saying what everyone else is saying, but I really had to comment on how striking and poignant these images are... I'm also so curious to hear/read about your thoughts and stories that underlie the image of each month. What a beautiful way to capture time and preserve those stories. I feel so inspired ❤️

Zena Darling

WOW! Gorgeous... can't wait to hear the details about the rest of the pieces. This will be (already is, but even especially the finished product) such a special and powerful art-record-rememberance-keepsake-masterpiece!