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Yesssss I worked so hard today! Focused! Gettin' shit done! 

Got the OTHER bonus comic for the OJST book colored-- it's kind of a wrap-up conclusion comic-- plus the rest of the spot illustrations done. Well, done so far as I've planned out. It's completely possible that we'll be looking over the layout and be like "This section here, it hella needs a spot illustration" and then I'll have to get back to work. 

BUT as of this moment I've turned in all the remaining book stuff to the designer! 

Oh, except the cover. Guess I still gotta make that happen. 

I coulda stayed at work longer and started working on the Kickstarter graphics, but at 4:30 I started to hit that wall and was like "Hey, I've got these library books to return, why don't I do that?" (yes, the same books I was checking out during the Hello Touch review) and then on my way I passed by my favorite male underwear store and one of their window displays totally caught my eye. I went inside, balked at the price tag of the briefs that had captured my attention, went on to the library, thought about it, went back to the store and OH YEAH I HELLA BOUGHT 'EM. 

So normally I work till 6 and my bike commute takes me till 7 to get home, but at 5 I was like I miss my goddamn husband and I've got these panties that look like candy that I wanna give him so without telling him I was heading out early I just took off back to the house. 

What I'm trying to say is that I surprised Matt getting home hella early and also now he has some brand new man panties that are *quite* fetching if I do say so myself. 

And that's why I didn't get more work done on the Kickstarter. 




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