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With great penis pleasure comes great responsibility. 

Also! We are at the halfway point with Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Two's Kickstarter! We've reached all our goals, but there's still a good reason to back: Last year pre-ordering Volume One saved backers on average $10.50 (23%), and since Volume Two is EVEN BIGGER backers this time around will save even more. 

Get your copy here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/erikamoen/oh-joy-sex-toy-volume-2 

And you can check out the math for Volume One here: http://www.ohjoysextoy.com/kickstarter-numberwang/


Tenga Deep Throat Cup

Oh boy, there's a lot to say about the Tenga Deep Cup brand. I personally LOVED my little one-shot toy I received a while back. But it's really hard to actually say somethings good if you're only able to try it once.



I'm going to Vancaf!!! I'll def come say hi :)

Rob Abrazado

Captain Average was so happy! :)